A Hard Lesson To Learn


Why is it that we have to lose something in order to learn just how much we really appreciate it?  That was the case for me in Vietnam.  Vietnam taught me two very valuable lessons - ones I shall never forget.

First, I learned that life is a fragile thing.  It is a gift which all too many of us take for granted as we go along day by day, wasting so many of the precious hours we are allotted.  Life can be taken from us at any moment.  Of course, this was even more true in a war zone, where our lives were forfeit from the moment we stepped ashore.  But even in the safety of America there is the ever-present risk of auto accident, sudden or serious illness, or death by crime.  We do not ever know what time we have, or when the messenger of death may call to strike our names from the rolls of the living.  Life should be savored, and lived.  Friends should be enjoyed and cultivated.  Our lives should be dedicated to creating and building so that, however short they may be, we can make a contribution that will benefit future generations, just as our lives have been enriched by the labors of so many before us.

Second, I learned that I, and perhaps many of us, take America for granted.  Never having experienced other cultures, perhaps we assume their lives are as rich as ours.   The rural villagers we so often met had almost no material possessions.  Dirt houses, dirt floors, a handful of threadbare clothes, a life of sunup to sundown, seven days a week toil.  The everyday things we take for granted are only for the privileged elsewhere.  Things like hot and cold running water, toilets, closets full of clothes, automobiles, forty hour work weeks (leaving two whole days of leisure each week), electricity, schools - the list is endless!  In our country we can make the laws, we can choose what we work at, and we can enjoy the fruits of our labor.  And most of all we take for granted the system of laws and personal freedom which makes all of this possible.

Yes, I learned to be proud of what our country has achieved, and to be grateful for the endless bounty most of us enjoy.  America is a wonderful place.  Our nation embodies an ideal, one that many other peoples would gladly risk their lives to attain.   We should always strive to be worthy of it.  Regardless of whether Vietnam was right or wrong, in the mud and the rain and the dirt of Vietnam I found that there are certain things worth dying for.  Keeping the dream and the reality of a freedom like ours alive is one of those things.

America's liberty and wealth spring from the labors of millions who have gone before us.  People have come from around the world to help share in its creation.  We have all profited from the knowledge and wisdom of many great civilizations.  It is our duty and obligation to not only pass them on, but to nurture and spread them, so they may take root and flower in other lands as well.  We, the American people, by fate or destiny, have been handed a torch.  It must be passed on, hand to hand, until its flame brightens even the farthest shore, bringing enlightenment and hope and prosperity to all peoples.  In just two centuries America has leaped far beyond the achievements of most of the worlds billions.  It is our obligation to see that they too share what we have so graciously been given.


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A Hard Lesson To Learn:  Tales Of A War Far Away
Copyright © 1995 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 02, 1995