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Correspondents / Photographers


Doug Elliott, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor, 1968-69

     Douglas Elliott had been in-country for two months as a tank crewman with the 2nd Bn., 34th Armor when he volunteered to fill a vacancy as the Battalion’s combat photographer/war correspondent.  For the next 10 months, October 1968 to the end of July 1969, he covered combined infantry/armor operations in III Corp with the 25th Infantry Division, and also I Corp, where Company C, 2/34th Armor was attached to the 101st Airborne Division.

     While serving in the Battalion’s Public Information Office (PIO) position, he turned down his first Purple Heart because the hand wound was minor, but accepted the next two, and two Bronze Stars.  For two months in a row, February and March 1969, he led the 25th Division for the most photos and articles released through the Armed Forces News Service by any 25th Division PIO, despite being wounded twice.
Jerry Calhoun, 2/34th Armor, stands at right as one member of the 65th Engineers sweeps the road for mines while a second digs up the first of three mines they have already located.  Doug Elliott is at upper right.


Flame track and APC on line in the Ho Bo Woods
2/34th Armor tanks open fire from a dirt road near the Filhol Rubber Plantation
Members of 1/8th Artillery firing self-propelled 8 in. gun at NVA embedded in caves midway up the slopes of Nui Ba Den
2/34th Armor CRIP platoon member offers treat to Vietnamese children in their village


Thanks to
Douglas Elliott, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor, for the photos and information on this page
Kirk Ramsey, 2nd Bn., 14th Inf. for creating this page.

This page last modified 1-14-2009

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