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Quarterly Evaluation Report 15-Mar-69 |
On a quarterly basis summary reports were prepared for the Brigade S3 describing the Battalion's activities. This QuartEval Feeder Report has been reproduced to appear like the original.
APO San Francisco 9622515 Mar 69
Commanding Officer
2d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
APO 96225
1. GENERAL: The Battalion continues operations in its assigned areas of operations (AO) and special areas assigned by higher headquarters. There have been no significant changes in combat power during the reporting period. One rifle company is on a bridge security mission which does reduce the overall effectiveness of the Battalion. Operations are directed toward the location and elimination of main force VC/NVA units, local force units, and the Viet Cong Infrastructure.
2. SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONS: The Battalion has been extremely effective in locating and eliminating the Viet Cong Infrastructure. Responding to Intelligence from higher and adjacent US/ARVN agencies; raids, ambushes, and small unit operations have achieved excellent results. The Battalion is presently operating with the 49th ARVN Regiment in a joint AO, (AO Twin Dragon). Liaison has been established and operation planning is conducted on a day to day basis. Request for specific areas (AO's) are passed thru the 49th Regt for final approval by CG, 25th ARVN Division. Larger unit joint operations have been conducted and future operations are in the planning stage. A new technique being utilized at this time is to have one rifle company on continuous operations. The company spends three days and nights in the field and is then rotated to a more secure Fire Support Base, and another company replaces it.
a. The units within the FSB continue to operate from the bases on normal operations, either ground RIF (Recon in Force) or airmobile operations.
b. During the period, PB Helgeson, XT629978, was turned over to the ARVN and the responsibility for FSB Ayers, XT533036, was assumed. With FSB Keene and Ayers each held by a rifle company, the remaining rifle company is on continuous operations as mentioned above. The Battalion CRIP, stationed at Duc Hoa, works closely with District Forces. They routinely conduct joint operations w/ARVN as well as providing security for MEDCAPS and convoy routes.
During the period, 1 Jan 69 through 11 March 69, the Battalion had thirty-four significant contacts. The results of these contacts were: Eighty-three confirmed body count, thirty-five body count by air, 32 POW, 132 detainees, 32 various small arms captured, 2 crew-served weapons, 164 bunkers and tunnels found and destroyed, 173 boobytraps and 76 pounds of assorted documents recovered. Total US casualties were: 9 KIA, 70 WIA. The most significant contact took place on 8 February when Alpha and Bravo companies engaged elements of the 8th and 9th Battalions of the 88th NVA Regt at XT636236. The engagement lasted some 6 hours and the results were; 12 VC/NVA bodycount, 7 AK's, one rifle, 1 60mm mortar, assorted small arms ammo, grenades, RPG rounds were captured. US losses were 2 KIA, 6 WIA, 1 Kit Carson KIA and 1 Vietnamese interpreter WIA. An airmobile operation SW of Duc Hoa on 8 March netted 13 bodycount, 15 possible, all by Hornet Gunships.3. SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES OR OCCURRENCES: The Battalion continues to remain active in the "Colors Up" and pacification programs. MEDCAPS are conducted three times a week and medical personnel have initiated the first active program for the treatment of tuberculosis in Duc Hoa District. X-ray equipment has been made available for the detection of TB and active treatment has begun. The Battalion surgeon has taken special interest in one young Vietnamese who had a heart condition and through his efforts the individual was flown to CONUS for heart surgery. The entire medical effort could be enhanced considerably if more Vietnamese support and interest were made available.
Efforts continue to open roads and lines of communication within the AO. A large portion of Hwy 249 from Duc Lap to Tram Lac has been opened for the first time in 5 years. A three kilometer portion remains closed and engineer support will be required to complete the job.
The Civil Affairs-Psychological Warfare programs are active and the Battalion S5 has good rapport with local governmental officials. Again, more VN participation is needed.4. SUMMARY: Operations carried out by units of the Battalion continue to apply heavy pressure against local force units and small VC/NVA recon, rocket arty, and rear service units. Every effort is made to establish contact with larger units moving through the Ba Thu-My Hanh corridor to the Saigon area. The Battalion continues to operate in many areas outside of assigned AO with good results.
5. ASSESSMENT: The Battalion remains at a high state of combat readiness and is prepared to accomplish the mission.
MAJ, Infantry
This copy of the QuartEval Feeder Report was obtained by and has been generously contributed by Paul North, Echo Co., 2/14th Inf.
15 Mar 69 Quarterly Evaluation Report
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: January 20, 2020