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Daily Staff Journal 31-Mar-70 |
Daily Staff Journal, maintained by S-2/S-3, 2/14th, for March 31, 1970.
Thanks to Paul Fielding, brother of 1Lt. Craig Fielding (KIA), Alpha Company,
for obtaining and sharing this report.
Organization: S-2, S-3, 2/14th
Location: Phu Duc District, RVN Fire Base Jackson XT426171
From: 0001 31 March 70
To: 2400 31 March 70
1 |
0001 |
Kenneth R. Parsons, Duty NCO |
2 |
0058 |
D Co AP A grid 355161 |
3 |
0100 |
All elements neg sit rep (negative situation report) |
4 |
0200 |
All elements neg sit rep |
5 |
0300 |
All elements neg sit rep |
6 |
0400 |
All elements neg sit rep |
7 |
0458 |
All elements neg sit rep |
8 |
0535 |
Do not let any aircraft sit on the ground for any extended period of time where they are susceptible to enemy fire. Have the aircraft orbit until needed. |
9 |
0600 |
S/R Negative (negative situation report) |
10 |
0620 |
AO Thornton disapproved |
11 |
0632 |
Little Bear 36 Resupply on station |
12 |
0640 |
Little Bear 36 Resupply complete |
13 |
0645 |
C Co batteries received on resupply are bad. |
14 |
0650 |
D Co D element 334169 has Chieu Hoi, will take to Phouc Luu (enemy soldier surrendered) |
15 |
0655 |
A Co AP moving back to Fire Base Jackson |
16 |
0730 |
A Co APs closed FSB Jackson |
17 |
0735 |
Hornet 9 C&C on station (Hornet 9 helicopter providing command and control has arrived) |
18 |
0750 |
D Co found 2 blood trails, one heading west, one heading south, 3 AK magazines fully loaded, 1 bush hat at 345154. The Chieu Hoi was reportedly at battalion XO. His wife and mother came in also. Company CO believed him to be local type 334169. |
19 |
0818 |
Recon 1st lift airborne, Jackson 0810, down green 345133 at 0818 hrs. Short (?) |
20 |
0825 |
Brigade - Adams (?) requests clearance for 270090 from 31100 hrs to 311200 hrs to register artillery. Approved. |
21 |
0835 |
Battalion CO - Enroute to C Co |
22 |
0837 |
Snoopy 69 on station |
23 |
0840 |
Recon - 344136 - 1 bunker, 2ft. OHC (overhead cover). Will destroy |
24 |
0845 |
B Co HA 384093 |
25 |
0900 |
Recon 1st lift airborne 344136 at 0905, down 408103 0910 hrs. |
26 |
0910 |
C Co HA 357132 |
27 |
0920 |
C&C consumed 9 blade (hues?) |
28 |
0925 |
Brigade - Picked up Chieu Hoi at Phouc Luu |
29 |
0930 |
Sniff Box DTG - will be working |
30 |
0935 |
C&C - Recon airborne 408103 at 0950, down 413174 0955 hrs |
31 |
0940 |
D Co OP's (outposts) departed RZ-328177 DZ-328170 |
32 |
0940 |
Centaur 46 - Alpha reading 325635. Spot report bunker at 354037 - 7 eligible males at 373031 |
33 |
1010 |
Snoopy 20 on station with distribution |
34 |
1020 |
Recon airborne 413174 1014 hrs, down 385101 at 1017 hrs |
35 |
1020 |
D Co 331177 found dud 8-inch, will blow |
36 |
1030 |
Centaur 46 - approved clearance on 354031 - bunker |
37 |
1038 |
Recon - airborne from 388099 at 1034, down at 408095 at 1058 hrs. |
38 |
1040 |
Recon - BBT (booby trap) - blew off foot of Kit Carson (ex-Viet Cong, now a scout for us), 2 U.S. ambulatory. 12th Evac Hospital |
39 |
1105 |
Recon - BBT (booby trap) was larger than hand grenade. Trip wire. Area is heavily booby-trapped. Trip wires and sticks. |
40 |
1120 |
Snoopy on station |
41 |
1130 |
18 hours (?) consumed |
42 |
1117 |
(Late entry) D Co APs AZ-343163 RZ-360164 DZ-349192 |
43 |
1120 |
Diamondhead 44 picked up Donut Dollies (Red Cross girls) |
44 |
1120 |
Request clearance from Weeder & Sprayer to engage XT 408095 with minigun |
45 |
1130 |
Recon airborne from 408095 at 1125 hrs, down green Jackson 1130. |
46 |
1130 |
AMC released |
47 |
1240 |
Little Bear 29 pickup Radar at D Co |
48 |
1250 |
A Co APs (ambush patrols) A-361153 D-362145 DZ361148 R-361159 RZ-361156 |
49 |
1345 |
B Co AP's: R-373116 RZ-373110 D-374106 DZ-379105 A-382090 AZ-382098 |
50 |
1400 |
Sugar Mill - Information only - AO Mary 490190 515170-515190-490170 DTG 311900 to 010700 |
52 |
1402 |
[Line 51 was skipped in original Journal] Snoopy 20 on S/A V/T |
53 |
1435 |
D Co - man dropped block of ice on foot. Will be dusted off by resupply ship |
54 |
1440 |
Bde - Request AO Alpha 010800 to 041200 for 3/46 3810-3804-463040 along river to 418100 |
55 |
1500 |
C Co AP's A-351116 D-350127 R-350135 |
56 |
1500 |
Bde - clearance for Sea Wolf strike at 414022 between 311800 to 132000. Approved Capt Fuller (Bn S-3 Air) |
57 |
1520 |
2/22 APs - 53-512156 - 518142 C Co NL 418136 APs 413148-409141 405134-410133 |
58 |
1620 |
A Co Reached Phouc Luu |
59 |
1736 |
ARVN APs - roving - 450170 to 447161 to 430156 to 467177 and 1 stationary at 444178 |
60 |
1718 |
(Late Entry) At 347165 found 1 dud 105mm, negative Eot/lot (?) negative booby trap, 1 chicom hand frag, negative Eot/lot (?) negative booby trap, will blow |
61 |
1820 |
C Co departed holding area heading for AP site |
62 |
1830 |
Requesting clearance on 405108 to blow bunker away. Approved NEW |
63 |
1855 |
D Co DZ element heading for holding area |
64 |
1855 |
All elements departing holding area - B Co |
65 |
1906 |
Navy APs 504165, 397170, 392175, 396140, 405142, 410148, 410155 |
66 |
1911 |
Go Dau Ha, SOI change 2400 hrs Milton Oven 91 (?) Primary 35.25 Alternate/Secure 39.85 |
1927 |
A Co at 361153 requests 2 urgent litter, 1 ambulatory dustoff 361153 [1Lt. Craig Pyper Fielding, who was among the wounded, died the following day.] | |
68 |
1928 |
2/27 AP's 381142, 381136, 381130, 381125, 381120, 392191, 388187, 371179, 371173, 371166, 377160, 276291 |
69 |
1939 |
Dustoff 157 ETA 05-10 min |
70 |
1945 |
Dustoff 151 on station |
71 |
1953 |
Little Bear 79 on station with PPS-5s |
72 |
1953 |
Radar pickup PPS-25 Phuoc Luu in Grid 359165 |
73 |
1956 |
B Co AP's in pre-planned except AZ384101 |
74 |
1958 |
Dustoff complete 12th Evac |
75 |
2006 |
D Co received 2 PPS-5 radar sets |
76 |
2006 |
C Co - all AP's in pre-planned |
77 |
2010 |
Sniff Box DTG 010800-01800 3001, 3006, 3107, 3407, 3410, 3810, 3801 |
78 |
2030 |
Report of 65 individuals in grid 359165 is a negative report, information came down through ARVN channels |
79 |
2045 |
A Co R element in 361159 spotted 4 individuals 100 meters away running west, engaged, negative results, will stay in position and wait further action. |
80 |
2050 |
B Co RZ 373110 popped ambush on 10-15 individuals moving west to east. R & RZ elements combined and are sweeping area of contact. |
81 |
2035 |
Arty picked up 5-10 individuals at 352154 moving west |
2129 |
B Co requested 2 urgent litter dustoff and a light fire team, are receiving fire 150 meters west. [Sgt. Robert Emery Wills died of wounds received in the firefight.] | |
83 |
2130 |
D Co popped its ambush on 6 VC at 343163 |
84 |
2138 |
Little Bear 4 Night Hawk on station |
85 |
2140 |
Dustoff 151 ETA 10-15 mins |
86 |
2145 |
Diamond Head 33 on station |
87 |
2149 |
C Co AP (ambush patrol) R 350135 popped ambush |
88 |
2152 |
C Co R 350135 engaged 11 VC 25 meters north, receiving some small arms fire at this time. |
89 |
2153 |
A Co AP R swept contact area, negative findings |
90 |
2154 |
Dustoff 151 on station |
91 |
2156 |
Sleep Time 05 (?) off station |
92 |
2203 |
C Co 3-4 individuals were engaged, not 11, 25 meters apart, from NE. Engaged lead element, results 1 BC (Body Count, found 1 enemy body), 1 AK-47, 1 K-54 pistol. |
93 |
2206 |
D Co AP A has 2 VC body count, 1 AK-47, 3 bags containing flashlights and other misc. items, will sweep again in the morning. |
94 |
2208 |
B Co dustoff complete to 12th Evac |
95 |
2218 |
Request resupply ship for B Co. Resupply will be at NW resupply pad in 30 minutes. |
96 |
2220 |
D Co AP A 342163 at new site |
97 |
2222 |
C Co Little Bear 21 flare ship expended and released |
98 |
2230 |
Request tracker dog team at first light, have team come up big push |
99 |
2235 |
Diamond Head 33 light fire team expended and released |
100 |
2300 |
Little Bear 19 resupply on station |
101 |
2300 |
Radar at Phuoc Luu down due to bad batteries |
102 |
2316 |
Tracker dog team ETA 01/0615 hrs. |
103 |
2316 |
C Co wrap-up of contact - 1 BC (body count), 1 K-54 pistol, negative documents, body dressed in black shorts and shirt. 200 meters NE found AK-47 rifle and vest with 2 magazines. New location 352137 |
105 |
2330 |
[Someone forgot to make a line 104 entry] Radar batteries for Phouc Luu are ready, what pad do we take them to? |
106 |
2345 |
B Co AP R engaged 10 VC moving west to east at 40 meters, have 6 BC, 3 AK-47, 3 or 4 RPG-2 rounds, 2 metal pipes. VC wearing long pants, negative documents. |
107 |
2347 |
AO Alpha approved, CMR. |
Summary: At 0620 AO Thornton was disapproved. 0650 D Co picked up one Chieu Hoi and will take him to Phouc Luu. At 0750, D Co found two blood trails, one heading west and one heading south. They also found three AK magazines fully loaded and one bush hat at grid 345154. At 0925 Brigade picked up the Chieu Hoi at Phouc Luu. Recon platoon hit a booby trap at 1040 hrs which blew foot off Kit Carson scout and two US ambulatory wounded brought to 12th Evac. Brigade was cleared for Sea Wolf strike at 414022 by Capt. Fuller at 1500 hrs. At 1927 hrs A Co requested dustoff for three persons hit by hand frag booby trap at grid 361153. Two urgent and one priority. Dustoff complete at 12th Evac at 1958 hrs. At 2045 hrs A Co R element at grid 361159 engaged 4 personnel 100 meters away but got negative results. At 2050 hrs B Co RZ element popped a bush on 10 personnel at grid 373110. They have 6 BC, 3 AK-47, 3 RPG rounds and 2 metal pipes. At 2129 hrs B Co requested 2 urgent dustoffs. At 2130 D Co popped their bush on 6 individuals at grid 343163. They got a 2 BC, 1 AK-47, and a vest with 2 magazines at grid 350135. AO Alpha was approved at 2347 hrs. |
Pages signed by:
Sgt. Kenneth R. Parsons (until 0100)
SP4 John W. Matthews (0100 - 0700)
Sgt. Charles Gorman (0700-1800)
Sgt. Kenneth R. Parsons (1800 - 2400)
Summary entered by 2Lt. Ronald R. Roalstad
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journal 31-Mar-70
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 04, 2011