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Daily Staff Journal 26-Mar-69 |
Daily Staff Journal, maintained by S-3, 2/14th, for March 26, 1969.
Thanks to Ron Leonard, 25th Aviation Battalion for obtaining and sharing this report.
Organization: S-2, S-3, 2/14th
Location: Duc Hoa District, RVN
From: 0001 26 March 69
To: 2400 26 March 69
1 |
0001 |
LOG OPENED by Sgt. Bradley D. Keele, Duty NCO |
2 |
0002 |
Supporting information for todays journal of events. Bn. CO (LTC Blastos), Bn. XO (MAJ Thomas Ashley), Bn. S-3 (Maj. Richard Gaffney), Bn. S-1 (Cpt. John Mader), Bn. S-2 (1Lt. Donald Johnson), Bn. S-3 Air (Cpt. Wilbur Corbitt), Bn. S-4 (Cpt. James Rackstraw), Points of origin for area of operations PO55 XT 5010 PO54 XT 5000 PO48 XT 6000 PO49 XT 6010, FSB Keene is located at XT 604017, FSB Ayers is located at XT 533035, Objective check points for convoy from Cu Chi to Duc Lap CPY XT 629126, CPO XT 605110, CPT XT 555035, CPN XT 526044, CPH XT 598066, CPC XT 569042, CPB XT 605033, Operations planned for today, A Co. 1) continue bridge security mission, 2) RIF depart 0800 hrs S to 800125, W to 795128, NE to Phu Cuong Bridge, A Co. (-) 2/34 1) continue sweep and security mission on roads, 2) RIF LD 596145 1000 hrs to obj. 11-612156 12-608169 13-620160 14-608154 15-615140, CRIP 2/34 depart 0730 RIF through grids 687146 690150 700150 700140 690140 687146 B Co. 1) Sweep and secure MSR from FSB Ayers to Bao Trai, 2) Co. (-) close out NDP and extract nite kit, conduct ground RIF from NDP to 494015, sweep and clear stream west to 481014, link up with D Co. vic. 484016, 3) IAP C Co. OPCON to 2/34, D Co. 1) Sweep and secure MSR from Keene to Tram Lac, 2) Co (-) conduct ground RIF from NDP to 485020 and sweep and clear to west to 480019, link up with B Co. (-) and clear Obj. center of mass 485018, 3) 2 AP's, CRIP 1) conduct joint VCI operations, 2) provide 2 gun jeeps for convoy security |
3 |
0100 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units [*Situation Report to Brigade, for all units, No Change] |
4 |
0110 |
Req. air strikes for foloowing grids: 480019, 483017, 485015. Also req. gun ships for 1100 hrs. |
5 |
0200 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
6 |
0300 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
7 |
0400 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
8 |
0500 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
9 |
0642 |
D Co. AP closed |
10 |
0712 |
2/34 road sweeps have completed TL15, 8A sweep is at Muleskinner gate. |
11 |
0720 |
Col. Blastos reports D Co. did get one body count last night on the claymore they blew. The body count was NVA from D2642. Also 1 AK47 weapon |
12 |
0752 |
Muleskinner 025 on station |
13 |
0800 |
From Bde: air assets tomorrow 0900 hrs to 1500 hrs. |
14 |
0805 |
From 2/34, Hgwy 1 complete to CP11. 8A at CP305 |
15 |
0806 |
Issue 26 will be on station this morning. He cannot work for us unless we have contact. |
16 |
0820 |
From Bde: There will be a meeting at 1600 hrs. for Maj. Gaffney, transportation will be provided by Bde. |
17 |
0830 |
2/34 A Co. has departed for RIF |
18 |
0832 |
2/34 8A clear to CP307 |
19 |
0859 |
2/34 sweep of 8A at CP308 |
20 |
0905 |
D Co. reports one of the 3 men left behind has wandered into the NDP location. He is alive and has requested an urgent ambulatory dustoff. |
21 |
0915 |
Nite kits are extracted |
22 |
0920 |
Dustoff 163 is on station |
23 |
0928 |
Dustoff complete |
24 |
0930 |
B Co. and D Co. moving out at this time |
25 |
0940 |
Requested from Bde any type of aircraft to fly a VR over yesterdays contact area |
26 |
0945 |
D Co. road sweep departed 20 min. ago. Now at CP N |
27 |
1000 |
D Co. road sweep located an RPG-2 launcher w/round burried halfway into the ground at XT 615017. Will destroy. |
28 |
1010 |
Location of B Co. and D Co. 495030 |
29 |
1012 |
2/34 reports he has a road sweep coming down 249 to Keene, contacting Bde. |
30 |
1020 |
2/34 A Co. closed |
31 |
1025 |
B Co. AP A XT518030 (tonight) |
32 |
1035 |
Received word from Bde (Lt. Thomas) that Sebre(?) does not clear 249. |
33 |
1036 |
B Co. location 488025; D Co. loc. 483023 |
34 |
1037 |
Ballgame for tomorrow passed to Bde |
35 |
1050 |
Road security D Co. at CPO |
36 |
1115 |
Issue 21 on station |
37 |
1125 |
D Co. MSR secured |
38 |
1130 |
B Co. MSR departed Ayres |
39 |
1136 |
D Co. now has their 2 KIA's. No weapons, just some web gear |
40 |
1200 |
B Co. MSR secure |
41 |
1201 |
CRIP departing for convoy pickup |
42 |
1215 |
Requested from Lt. Stone; AO Swamp 5014, 5010, 5306, 5607, 6012, 5913, 5514, 5014 also AO Jane 5903, 6203, 635010, 617990, 5999. Both for 270600 to 271800 |
43 |
1220 |
Convoy departing Cu Chi |
44 |
1222 |
D Co. 2nd Plt. departing Meade for Ballgame |
45 |
1225 |
Convoy at CPW |
46 |
1230 |
B Co. reports they have found approx. 20 bunkers, some sleeping psns. 4'x2' with 2ft. overhead, recent use. |
47 |
1232 |
Convoy at CP1 |
48 |
1235 |
From Bde: warning order - we will receive C 2/14 back on the 27th. They will move by trucks. A Co. will stay on the Phu Coung and Ba Bep Bridges, but will be under our direct control. We will release A Co. 2/34 (-) back to their parent unit. Be prepared to close FSB Ayers on the 29th of March. |
49 |
1250 |
Ayres convoy closed FSB Ayres |
50 |
1255 |
Convoy at CPR |
51 |
1257 |
D Co. 2nd Plt. at CP1 |
52 |
1300 |
Convoy at CPA |
53 |
1303 |
CRIP has their convoy and enroute to Duc Hoa |
54 |
1305 |
Convoy at CPG |
55 |
1310 |
Convoy at CPO |
56 |
1313 |
B Co. 3rd Plt. has departed Ayres to search for the portion of the Nite Kit that was lost last night. |
57 |
1316 |
B Co. reports blowing 32 bunkers and D Co. has blown 20 bunkers. All approx. same info as item 46. |
58 |
1320 |
Convoy at CPN |
59 |
1325 |
Hornet 5 on station |
60 |
1328 |
Convoy closed Keene |
61 |
1350 |
CRIP has departed for Ballgame |
62 |
1407 |
Ayres convoy departing for Cu Chi |
63 |
1420 |
B Co. MSR closed Ayres |
64 |
1423 |
D Co. 9 ships airborne PZ 483023 |
65 |
1426 |
Convoy departed Keene |
66 |
1430 |
D Co. 9 ships down green at Keene |
67 |
1432 |
B Co. 9 ships airborne PZ 483023 |
68 |
1437 |
B Co. 9 ships down green at FSB Ayres |
69 |
1440 |
CRIP closed Duc Hoa |
70 |
1445 |
Convoy at CPA |
71 |
1456 |
AMC released |
72 |
1457 |
Convoy at CPR |
73 |
1505 |
Convoy at CPK |
74 |
1508 |
D Co. 2nd Plt. closed Meade |
75 |
1510 |
Convoy at CPH |
76 |
1525 |
Changes in Ballgame sent to Bde. Also AO Jane disregarded and AO Swamp approved, but changed to the following: 5014, 5012, 5112, 510087, 6012, 5913, 5514, 5014, 5306, 5607 |
77 |
1540 |
AP's for tonight: B Co. APA 518030, D Co. APA 599009 |
78 |
1541 |
Convoy at FSB Meade |
79 |
1545 |
Convoy closed Cu Chi |
80 |
1555 |
D Co. MSR closed Keene |
81 |
1558 |
CRIP location on Ballgame 652007 |
82 |
1600 |
Ballgame for tomorrow passed to B Co. |
83 |
Late |
Change in air assets time for tomorrow: 1030-1500 |
84 |
1630 |
Ballgame and tonights AP's passed to CRIP |
85 |
1700 |
Ballgame for tomorrow passed to Lt. Miller along with AP's |
86 |
1702 |
CRIP closed - Ballgame terminated, results 12 male detainees |
87 |
1720 |
ARVN AP's from CRIP: 647027, 632032, 634030, 602947, 585985, 588981, 593953, 639009, 626000, 601981, 610950 |
88 |
1925 |
D Co. AP A Departed |
89 |
2000 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
90 |
2140 |
B Co. AP A AZ 3300 mills Neg distance spotted 8-10 VC open upon them. AP was just setting up. |
91 |
2150 |
AP A (B Co.) received fire from ARVN outpost Req. 1 urgent litter dustoff, neg. return fire from VC |
92 |
2159 |
Distance from AP to VC 100-150m's employing arty. at this time |
93 |
2200 |
Dustoff C/S 163 ETA 10-15 |
94 |
2211 |
AP A had received fire from 330°, not receiving fire at this time. |
95 |
2213 |
Dustoff 165 on station |
96 |
2219 |
Dustoff complete |
97 |
2307 |
From ARVN LNO: AO Jane and AO Swamp are approved |
98 |
2320 |
B Co. AP A closed FSB Ayers |
2335 |
AP A (B Co.) was moving along right hand side of 8A approx. 1 k. from Ayers grid 515031, VC appeared to think AP was part of VC element - yelled at AP several times. VC were moving in groups of 2-3, all around AP. Could not determine direction of movement. When AP fired, VC moved out in all directions. AP was fired on by VC, result 1 KIA. [Sgt. Robert Venard Shrack Jr.] |
100 |
2350 |
(Late entry)
From Bde CO to all units: Too many weapons have been lost.
This must cease immediately. |
101 |
Summary as follows: A Co. continues bridge security. B Co. moved back in to contact area after closing NDP - blew 32 bunkers, also found some sleeping positions. Sent element from Ayers to look for equip. lost from Nite Kit, neg. findings except for broken cases and some broken claymores. B Co. AP made contact with approx. 20 VC, result 1 KIA, neg. body count at this time. C Co. OPCON to 2/34 armor. D Co. got 1 body count from claymores that injured 2 US personnel, also 1 AK. One of men believed killed and left in contact area made his way n to NDP, was dusted off. In contact area recovered 2 KIAs, neg. weapons. Destroyed 20 bunkers. MSR found RPG-2 launcher with round, destroyed round, brought in launcher. CRIP got 12 male detainees on operations. |
Pages signed by:
Sgt. Bradley D. Keele
SP4 John D. Haas
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journal 26-Mar-69
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: July 19, 2012