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Daily Staff Journal 25-Mar-69 |
Daily Staff Journal, maintained by S-3, 2/14th, for March 25, 1969.
Thanks to Howard Mitchell for obtaining and sharing this report.
Organization: S-2, S-3, 2/14th
Location: Duc Hoa District, RVN
From: 0001 25 March 69
To: 2400 25 March 69
1 |
0001 |
LOG OPENED by Sgt. Bradley D. Keele, Duty NCO |
2 |
0002 |
Supporting information for todays journal of events. Bn. CO (Ltc C. J. Blastos), Bn. XO (MAJ Thomas Ashley), Bn. S-3 (Maj. Richard Gaffney), Bn. S-1 (Cpt. John Mader), Bn. S-2 (1Lt. Donald Johnson), Bn. S-3 Air (Cpt. Wilbur Corbitt), Bn. S-4 (Cpt. James Rackstraw), Points of origin for area of operations PO55 XT 5010 PO54 XT 5000 PO48 XT 6000 PO49 XT 6010, FSB Keene is located at XT 604017, FSB Ayers is located at XT 533035, Objective check points for convoy from Cu Chi to Duc Lap CPY XT 628126, CPD XT 605110, CPT XT 555035, CPN XT 526044, CPH XT 598066, CPC XT 569042, CPB XT 605033, Operations planned for today, A Co. 1) continue current bridge security mission, 2) A Co. 2/34 continue current mission defense of FSB Crockett, B Co. 1) sweep and secure MSR from FSB Ayers to Bao Trai, 2) Co., 9 ships, conduct AMD in AO Joy C/A into LZ 488018, establish contact w/ D Co. and conduct RIF to S.W. to 488014, turn and sweep to W. along stream. Be prepared to Eagle Flights on order 3) 1AP, 4)Conduct ground RIF into following grids 5402-5403-5502-5503 from Ayers: Mission: Establish security in area and deny VC movement in Bao Trai, 5) Provide 1 squad to secure MEDCAP at 1100 in Go Cao (542042). C Co. OPCON to 2/34 Armor. D Co. 1) Sweep and secure MSR from FSB Keene to Duc Lap, 2) Co. 9 ships, conduct AMD in AO Joy C/A into LZ1 at 488018 O/A 0800 - conduct RIF to West to OD1 vic 485019, be prepared to Eagle Flight on order, 3) 1AP, 4) 1 platoon be prepared to move by air to FSB Meade 0830 to under 60 training w/ swamp buggies until 1200 hrs at 1300 conduct RIF from FSB Meade to 596115 to 586103 to 575090 to 580086 to 590098 to 596109 and Rtn. Provide security for FSB Meade night of 25th. CRIP 1) Provide 2 gun jeeps for convoy security, 2) Conduct joint VCI operation w/ Duc Hoa District forces subsequent LZ's LZ3-485053, LZ4-492015, LZ5-512033, LZ6-503066, LZ7-478068 |
3 |
0100 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units [*Situation Report to Brigade, for all units, No Change] |
4 |
0200 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
5 |
0245 |
ARVN bal game passed to Bde, also S/R N/C all units |
6 |
0400 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
7 |
0500 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
8 |
0532 |
B Co. APD closed FSB |
9 |
0600 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
10 |
0610 |
Informed CRIP (Lt. Pheonix) of AO Jane and VCI operation |
11 |
0645 |
Crockett Blvd complete at this time - sweeping TL15 |
12 |
0700 |
From Bde: Air assets for tomorrow 0900-1500 hrs. |
13 |
0705 |
2/34 sweep of TL15 complete |
14 |
0710 |
2/34 sweep of 8A from Bravo to Cu Chi |
15 |
0718 |
From Bde: Air strike 260600-261900 XT 440100 |
16 |
0727 |
B Co. (-) Departed FSB |
17 |
0727 |
Requested from Lt. Stone; AO Donna 260600-261800 Grids; 6005, 5705, 5402, 5699, 6000. AO Phyllis 260600-261800 Grids; 5808, 603106, 628091, 6007 |
18 |
0740 |
CRIP departing Duc Hoa for Ballgame |
19 |
0750 |
2/34 sweep of 8A at CP 306 |
20 |
0800 |
D Co. airborne 9 ships PZ Keene |
21 |
0810 |
Joint AP (APGJ) has closed ARVN compound |
22 |
0815 |
B Co. had per. hit booby trap - 1 priority dustoff, ambulatory U.S. per. at grid 553034 - neg. knowledge type of injury. |
23 |
0817 |
D Co. down green LZ 488018 |
24 |
0830 |
B Co. stated that booby trap was handmade type - casualty received nails in arm and leg. |
25 |
0832 |
Dustoff on station(155) |
26 |
0833 |
AP GJ down green at Keene |
27 |
0835 |
Requested AO Marsh FR counterparts through Lt. Stone. AO Marsh - 251200-251800, grids 5013 - 5413 - 5009 - 5409. Possible rocket sites. |
28 |
0840 |
Dustoff complete |
29 |
0842 |
D Co. at location 485015, receiving small arms fire from southwest. |
30 |
0844 |
From Lt. Stone AO Jane disapproved. |
31 |
0846 |
D Co. 2nd Plt down green at FSB Meade |
32 |
0850 |
2/34 Highway 1 complete. |
33 |
0853 |
Passed to S-3 that Ruff Puff elements will be in these grids 500035 and 500064. |
34 |
0855 |
D Co. was receiving small arms from A 340° AZ, 300 meters. Their present location is 485016. Receiving negative fire at this time. |
35 |
0903 |
2/34 Highway 1 complete |
36 |
0905 |
D Co. again receiving fire small arms and machine gun fire 240° 75m. |
37 |
0917 |
D Co. - 1 per. received minor injury from shrapnel of friendly rocket fired by gunship. |
38 |
0920 |
D Co. road sweep at grid 595035 |
39 |
0925 |
D Co. road sweep located at 595036, 1 AP mine. |
40 |
0927 |
Fire in hole complete. |
41 |
0930 |
D Co. still receiving sporadic fire on a 240° AZ 75 meters also from 20-30° AZ on right flank, neg. on distance. |
42 |
0936 |
D Co. reports est. size of enemy force is 1 squad broken up into two different positions - firing arty. from Ayers on the positions at this time. |
43 |
0940 |
Issue 21 on station |
44 |
0945 |
Bde request that B Co. remain on security mission until 1630 hrs. due to change in time of change of command by ARVN. |
45 |
0947 |
D Co. road sweep found 1 - 107mm rocket w/warhead at 596036 laying near road. Will blow. |
46 |
0953 |
D Co. receiving negative fire at this time. Still firing Arty |
47 |
0955 |
Informed S-3 (Maj. Gaf.) of item #44, also of mission of possible rocket sightings in AO Marsh. |
48 |
0958 |
Fire in hole complete. |
49 |
1000 |
B Co. security mission location 553034 - Neg findings |
50 |
1001 |
B Co. has been released of security mission at this time. |
51 |
1020 |
Ballgame passed to Bde by Secure and also R.T.T. |
52 |
1022 |
D Co. receiving sporadic fire (sniper) and machine gun fire |
53 |
1026 |
CRIP at obj. A, found and destroyed a booby trap (610031) consisting of 3 lbs. of TNT |
1030 |
D Co. point man received injury, cannot get at him due to sniper fire. [Delta Co pinned down rest of day, Bravo comes in to assist - see D Co and B Co entries below to follow the action] |
55 |
1140 |
D Co. receiving more fire - neg. distance and AZ at this time |
56 |
1141 |
Bde informed us that we have a standby mission for 9 ships to go to vic. of grid 456256 due to a convoy in contact. It is the Dau Tieng convoy. Convoy rec. small arms fire. B Co. will be the element on standby. |
57 |
1045 |
D Co. road sweep at 568042 |
58 |
1046 |
D Co. has road swept and secured |
59 |
1047 |
If B Co. goes on convoy mission, item #56, they will be OPCON to 2/34 Armor. |
60 |
1050 |
B Co. location is 547034 |
61 |
1139 |
AO Slice has been approved |
62 |
1141 |
D Co. has another WIA. Wounded by S/A. He was with the point element |
63 |
1145 |
D Co. still receiving fire - small arms, sporadic |
64 |
1155 |
CRIP element departing Duc Hoa for pickup of their convoy |
65 |
1205 |
D Co. request dustoff at contact area. 1 urgent litter - head wound, small arms |
66 |
1214 |
Dustoff 155 on station |
67 |
1216 |
Convoy departing Cu Chi |
68 |
1218 |
B Co. airborne 9 ships PZ 547034 |
69 |
1220 |
Convoy at CP4 |
70 |
1221 |
B Co. down green LZ 587016 |
71 |
1222 |
B Co. received fire immediately after they touched down. Automatic weapons from 200° AZ 150 meters |
72 |
1225 |
Convoy at CP O |
73 |
1231 |
The dustoff casualty is now KIA. Dustoff not coming in for pickup at this time |
74 |
1240 |
Convoy at CP T |
75 |
1242 |
Ayres convoy closed FSB Ayres |
76 |
1245 |
Convoy at CP C |
77 |
1255 |
Convoy at location 596036, hit an A.P. mine. Negative casualties - vehicle and convoy continuing on way |
78 |
1258 |
Convoy at location hit another mine (plastic) 599035. Negative dustoff required at this time. Vehicle disabled. |
79 |
1303 |
Maj. Gaffney reports the C&C ship has received fire. The pilot has been wounded. Maj. Downing enroute to CAP for our C&C shiop. |
80 |
1310 |
Requested dustoff for truck driver (item 78) routine AMB. |
81 |
1315 |
Our C&C ship id down at Duc Hoa. Maj. Downing capping for our elements in contact. |
82 |
1316 |
Requested from S-4 rear a wrecker for disabled vehicle. |
83 |
1318 |
Findings of the Bandits, location 603019. 1 AK-47, 10 B-40 rds, 10-15 Chicom Claymores, some U.S. Claymores |
84 |
1333 |
Our C&C ship replacement airborne again. |
85 |
1335 |
Dustoff 155 is on station |
86 |
1342 |
Dustoff 155 is complete |
87 |
1343 |
B Co. and D Co. still receiving fire |
88 |
1343 |
CRIP escorted convoy back to CPG and CRIP returning to Duc Hoa |
89 |
1405 |
LFT requested from Bde |
90 |
1407 |
CRIP convoy escort closed Duc Hoa |
91 |
1408 |
B Co. has one wounded VN Kit Carson scout. Small arms. Dustoff requested, however Bde commander advised to hold off on dustoff until we get to our other wounded |
92 |
1415 |
Ayres convoy closed Cu Chi |
93 |
1420 |
D Co. receiving fire from West, 150 meters |
94 |
1421 |
Reference to LFT request - negative - have Rat Pack rearm and return |
95 |
1432 |
D Co. receiving neg. fire at this time |
96 |
1437 |
Issue 24 on station |
97 |
1445 |
Air assets for tomorrow changed to 1000 hrs - 1500 hrs |
98 |
1450 |
C&C ship going to refuel |
99 |
1503 |
The wrecker dispatched to assist our disabled vehicle has hit a small mine. They have neg. casualties and one flat tire. They will change tire and continue on way. Location of accident 587038 |
100 |
1525 |
(Late entry) CRIP closed Duc Hoa, ending their ballgame |
101 |
1555 |
Requested 90 min. extension on air |
102 |
1600 |
Request Smoke ship for D Co. and B Co. contact |
103 |
1625 |
Advised that air assets good until 1830 hrs - smoke ship ETA approx. 30 min. |
104 |
1630 |
D Co. A/T Meade, have closed from operation |
105 |
1650 |
B Co. 1st plt. is within 15 meters of wounded men from D Co. The casualties appear to be dead. B Co. will wait for the smoke ship and try once again to reach the casualties. At present B Co. 1st plt. is receiving fire from 3 sides. |
106 |
1700 |
From B Co. the 3 casualties are confirmed KIA |
107 |
1703 |
Stinger smoke ship on station |
108 |
1704 |
Stinger also has 3 gunships on station |
108 |
1705 |
Convoy enroute back to Cu Chi (108 number error is on journal) |
109 |
1710 |
Convoy has linked up with the disabled vehicle and is now enroute to Cu Chi |
110 |
1720 |
Wrecker going back to Cu Chi with the convoy has hit a mine and is disabled. It was a plastic mine. |
1725 |
B Co. now has 2 WIA's and 1 KIA [1Lt. Jimmy Dale Bean - see line 105] |
112 |
1735 |
B Co. requested dustoff for 1 litter, 1 ambulatory, 1 KIA. Priority dustoff, loc. 488018 |
113 |
1747 |
Convoy will send in the remaining 2 1/2 ton to Cu Chi. They will leave behind one gun jeep for security, also road security personnel will tighten up around the disabled vehicles. |
114 |
1750 |
Dustoff on station |
115 |
1755 |
Dustoff complete (dusted off 2 WIA and 1 KIA from B Co. and 1 WIA and 1 KIA from D Co. |
116 |
1800 |
Issue 15 on station |
117 |
1802 |
From Maj. Gaffney. We will establish a NDP (night defensive perimeter) in area of contact, using both ground elements (B & D)` |
118 |
1805 |
Elements still receiving fire; a Kit Carson with D Co. states he observed NVA in the area and he estimates size of force at 50 NVA |
119 |
1807 |
2/12 A Co. will come OPCON to us. 9 ships to Keene, 8 ships to FSB Ayres. Transportation will be provided by us. |
120 |
1820 |
Issue 04 on station |
121 |
1840 |
Location of NDP for tonight is 508031 |
122 |
1920 |
B Co. in area of contact received incoming mortar or RPG rds., also small arms. They are moving to this NDP site (508031) |
123 |
1922 |
9 ships (2/12) down green |
124 |
1944 |
9 ships 2/12 airborne |
125 |
1945 |
AP's for tonight, B Co. AP H 556035, D Co. AP A 598013 |
126 |
1958 |
9 ships down Ayres |
127 |
2000 |
AMC released |
128 |
2040 |
Req slick to pick up ammo at Pad 3, bring to Keene, return to Pad 3 pick up some stuff for NDP |
129 |
2043 |
Nite kits insertion has been completed |
130 |
2049 |
D Co. MSR closed |
131 |
2206 |
D Co. at NDP have 2 litter, urgent req. dustoff |
132 |
2209 |
Dustoff O/S 155 ETA 10-15 |
133 |
2219 |
Dustoff 155 on station |
134 |
2221 |
D Co. AP A departed |
135 |
2227 |
Menehune 3 on station will pick up FO at Ayers, bring to Keene, pick up 292 & secure set, take to B & D Co. NDP |
136 |
2250 |
Dustoff complete this time |
137 |
2305 |
B Co. AP H in pos. |
138 |
2308 |
Little Bear 777 on station will make 3 sorties |
139 |
2316 |
Little Bear 777 completed first sortie |
140 |
2322 |
Extraction time for night kits 0900 26 Mar |
141 |
2333 |
Req. LOH for 0800 hrs. |
142 |
2345 |
D Co. last two WIA's resulted when 1 VC was observed approaching wire, blew 2 claymores, back blast injured U.S. personnel, neg. body count |
143 |
2400 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
2400 |
Summary as follows: A Co. continued bridge security, neg. results. A Co (-) 2/34 continues regular road sweep mission, neg. results. B Co. on security mission for ARVN change of command ceremonies. Hit 1 homemade type booby trap, 1 U.S. ambul. priority. C/A into AO Joy received fire immediately after touchdown. Received 1 KIA, 2 WIA, moved out of contact area and set up NDP w/D Co. C Co. OPCON to 2/34. D Co. conduct AMD in AO Joy made contact shortly after LZ. Had 3 KIA's not recovered. 1 WIA, 1 KIA extracted after breaking contact. Set up NDP with B Co. Blew claymore on VC approaching wire - neg. body count. 2 U.S. personnel wounded by back blast. Road security element found 1 anti-personnel mine, 1 - 107 rocket, destroyed. CRIP on operation with district forces found 1 - 3lb. booby trap, destroyed. Bandits found 1 AK-47, 10 B-40 rds., 10-15 ChiCom claymores, some U.S. claymores. 1 - 2½ was disabled by mines in MSR - moved into ARVN compound for night. |
Pages signed by:
Sgt. Bradley D. Keele
SP4 John D. Haas
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journal 25-Mar-69
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: July 19, 2012