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Daily Staff Journal 12-Nov-68 |
Daily Staff Journal, maintained by S-3, 2/14th, for November 12, 1968.
Thanks to Ron Leonard, 25th Aviation Battalion for obtaining and sharing this report.
2/14th, S-2, S-3
Location: XT 604017
From: 0001 12 Nov 68
To: 2400 12 Nov 68
1 |
0001 |
Opened log |
2 |
0003 |
Bn primary net jammed at this time - commo officer (Lt. Thacker) requested change to alternate freq. from Bde/ granted. Net changed from P060 mills 68.60 to Shaggy Pollen 54.40 |
3 |
0100 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
4 |
0115 |
B Co. bunker line spotted 3 or more individuals moving SW to NE 1000 meters from the perimeter on AZ of 165 when last illumination was up. Neg. arty. clearance due to AP sites illumination being continued. |
5 |
0130 |
B Co. bunker line advises neg. sightings at this time, arty. has been granted clearance of DT at XT608009, standing by for further sightings |
6 |
0200 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
7 |
0201 |
B Co. weapons platoon reported the last illumination fell on a hootch 400 meters outside the wire due south. Hootch on fire at this time. |
8 |
0300 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
9 |
0400 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
10 |
0500 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
11 |
0530 |
A Co. LPs 1 & 3 closed w/NDP |
12 |
0600 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
13 |
0620 |
A Co. 2d Plt. sub-element 1 AP closed w/NDP |
14 |
0628 |
A Co. 2d Plt. sub-element 2 closed w/NDP |
15 |
0630 |
Bn. primary net clear at this time. Maj Bridwell advised switch back to primary net. |
16 |
0632 |
C Co. 3d Plt. AP moving toward NDP, 1st & 2d Plt. AP's beginning sweep of area from which perimeter received fire last evening. |
17 |
0634 |
A Co. 2d Plt. sub-element & AP reported receiving approximately 4 rounds of sniper AK fire from the sough as they were entering the northwest corner of the perimeter - neg. casualties - neg. return fire |
18 |
0700 |
C Co. 3d Plt. AP closed w/NDP |
19 |
0704 |
B Co. 1st & 3d Plt. APs closed NDP |
20 |
0708 |
Menehune requested for 0830-0930 approved |
21 |
0710 |
Shaggy Hinge G4A (ARVN unit of 25th ARVNs) advised their element was the one who fired (item 17) they are checking out now their AO |
22 |
0715 |
Requested light scout team 1745-1845 hours also UR for 30 to 45 minutes anytime prior to 1700 hours. Also requested Red Haze tonight in grids 4590, 4510, 5590, 5510 |
23 |
0720 |
A Co. departing wire to line up on PZ |
24 |
0730 |
C Co. 1st Plt. AP at FSB Meade closed w/NDP |
25 |
0732 |
C Co. 2d Plt. AP at XT638992 found imprints where 2 mortar tubes had been fired, also 25 safety caps. |
26 |
0750 |
Extraction 0800 - resupply 1530 |
27 |
0752 |
C Co. 1st & 2d Plt. APs found some propaganda leaflets - they are gathering them up and returning to the NDP |
28 |
0755 |
Air assets will be delayed 20 from this time |
29 |
0800 |
Requested Menehune time be adjusted 60 minutes due to late arrival of air assets - request memehune from 0930-1030 hours |
30 |
0812 |
At 606062 Charley Horse engaged 5 to 6 VC spotted weapons use, will send A Co. into that area. |
31 |
0820 |
AP's from C Co. close NDP |
32 |
0820 |
Charley Horse reports picking up 1 M-16 and 1 SKS, will still send A Co. to that grid (606062) |
33 |
0842 |
C Co. and D Co. reports AP's after sweeping the area of contact found 2 beaten down positions where 10-15 VC might have been set up. Also one bloody trail south of the NDP |
34 |
0845 |
Hornet Six on station |
35 |
0847 |
Bn. CO and S-3 airborne from 604017 |
36 |
0849 |
Passed to A Co. and B Co. to one A Co. landed in LZ1 and sweep to the East, B Co. land in LZ2 and also sweep to East |
37 |
0850 |
A Co. airborne ten ships from PZ 604017 |
38 |
0900 |
A Co. down on LZ1 (cold) 605064 |
39 |
0905 |
B Co. ten ships airborne from 604017 |
40 |
0908 |
B Co. down on LZ2 (603057) cold |
41 |
0920 |
D Co. airborne ten ships |
42 |
0925 |
D Co. down in LZA 5 ships, LZB 5 ships |
43 |
0930 |
A Co. reports finding one body count KBA, also 1 carbine near a bunker, killed by Charley Horse. |
44 |
0932 |
The VC/KIA was wearing black shorts and black shirt. Also A Co. found 1 .45 cal. pistol with holster. |
45 |
0935 |
Assets released this time to 2d Bde. |
46 |
0940 |
Request dustoff at 607064 for one urgent WIA |
47 |
0944 |
Dustoff complete |
48 |
0945 |
A Co. also has one AK47 (607064) |
49 |
0950 |
A/2/2-14 will be moving to 591018 to check out possible mortar site. |
50 |
0950 |
B Co. at 607058 located one U.S. grenade B/T with trip wire, will blow. Also one more. |
51 |
1027 |
Ballgame and AP's passed to Bde. |
52 |
1115 |
A/2/2-14 received some fire, determined to be friendly fire, neg. casualties |
53 |
1130 |
AP's for tonight are: A Co. S1-588018 S2-592007, B Co. 607024 S-609007, C Co. T-633985 H0623973 S-636972, FSB (Meade) T-613116 |
54 |
1145 |
53H entering NDP |
55 |
1302 |
Request LOH for 1500 hrs for one hour to take Col. to B/T for meeting |
56 |
1333 |
78S closed D/3/2-14 |
57 |
1355 |
B Co. has picked up one male detainee, will hold for questions. 620003 |
58 |
1435 |
C Co. has detainee, two male detainees, one 55 and the other 16 yrs. old |
59 |
1500 |
Request dustoff for one heat casualty from B Co. |
60 |
1537 |
Dustoff complete |
61 |
1550 |
A Co. closed NDP |
62 |
1625 |
Requested from 25th ARVN Div. thru Captain Collins, AOP ext. for 130800-141000 Nov 68, 5700, 5704, 5900, 5904 |
63 |
1720 |
71 APH depart NL |
64 |
1725 |
A Co. S-1 & S-2 depart NL |
65 |
1726 |
B Co. closed NDP |
66 |
1727 |
C Co. APT depart NL |
67 |
1728 |
B Co. APS depart NL |
68 |
1745 |
C Co. APS depart NL |
69 |
1758 |
C Co. APT & APH in alt. position |
70 |
1820 |
Titan Looker 33 (25th Div. ARVN) requested clearance for grids 640005, 629978, 640978 for operations tomorrow. Grid 640005 grander, grids 629978 & 640978 denied. We will have troops in those areas tomorrow. |
71 |
1830 |
Kamikaze 16 had to leave station on priority mission |
72 |
1852 |
C Co. 3d Plt. AP enroute to primary AP site. |
73 |
1900 |
B Co. 2d Plt. AP departed NDP |
74 |
1920 |
C Co. 1st Plt. AP in position |
75 |
1926 |
C Co. 2d Plt. AP in position |
76 |
1936 |
A Co. 3d Plt. AP sub-element 2 in position |
77 |
1938 |
A Co. 3d Plt. sub-element AP's adjusted position will be XT591018, moving toward position at this time. |
78 |
1940 |
D Co. operations for 13 Nov 68 passed to D Co. |
79 |
1945 |
A Co. LPs departed NDP - locations LP1 200 AZ for 50 meters, LP2 175 AZ for 75 meters |
80 |
1950 |
B Co. 2d Plt. AP in position |
81 |
1951 |
A Co. LPs 1 & 2 in position |
82 |
1952 |
A Co. 3d Plt. sub-element 2 AP reported hearing small arms fire 500 meters south of their AP site. Advised A Co. our AO ends 700-800 meters south of their location, possibly an ARVN AP operating there. |
83 |
1953 |
Contacted Mills 48 (Capt. Collins) to check on possibility of ARVN APs south of XT591018, also to check on disposition of AO extension requested for 13 Nov 68, also to check to see if Tight Looker plans to use grid 640005 tomorrow. Will advise. |
84 |
1955 |
C Co. 1st Plt. at FSB Meade S/R N/C |
85 |
1958 |
B Co. LPT & LPH in position. Locations LPT 35 AZ for 75 meters, LPH 90 AZ for 70 meters |
86 |
2005 |
B Co. 3d Plt. sub-element 1 AP in position |
87 |
2045 |
A co. 3d Plt. sub-element 1 AP in position |
88 |
2100 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
89 |
2112 |
Mills 48 (Capt. Collins) requested clearance for grids 602002, 603003, 603004, 607003 as he has unit in contact in that area. Receiving RPG-5 A/W fire, Neg. clearance as we have B Co. 3d Plt. AP at XT609007. Contacted B Co. 3d lt. AP, they are not aware of any firing near their position. Arty will fire illumination mission |
90 |
2140 |
Mills 48 advised thanks for illumination, neg. contact at this time, end of illumination mission |
91 |
2200 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
92 |
2300 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
93 |
2400 |
S/R to Bde N/C all units |
94 |
(Late entry) LOH requested 0800-0900 for Col. Cummings UR & coordination |
95 |
Summary |
Pages signed by:
Phillip L. Dalton
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journal 12-Nov-68
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: February 23, 2008