Daily Staff Journal 27-May-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this 1st Brigade S-1 report.
Thanks to Kirk Ramsey for obtaining and sharing this 2/14th S-3 report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Bau Tram, Vietnam XT 729152
0001-2400 27-May-67
1 0001 Log Opened 2 0115 Dragon C6 sited 5 VC moving toward his position along East-West stream line. A notified, C engaged same 3 0120 Bravo 6 completed crossing Bridge - one man injured - not seriously - subject fell into river, lost one M-16 - Castle element will attempt to retrieve same 4 0225 Romeo 6 reported Bravo move completed - closed in night position at this time 5 0226 Dragon Charlie 6 reported neg results on contact w/VC 6 0245 Bde sitrep neg 7 0500 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 8 0600 Dragon 3 informed us he will be out after 0900 9 0601 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 10 0657 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 11 0730 First Little Bear 635 has arrived 12 0740 First Shorty of resupply has started for Castle at XT 785134, Recon controlled LZ 13 0847 Resupply completed 14 0927 S4 will be on log net today until 2100 hrs, all requests will be transmitted on 60.95 15 0958 Resupply of Medic and supplies for C Co complete 16 1001 Little Bear 635 released 17 1006 1st lift of B Co on LZ at 1000 hrs 18 1012 2nd lift of B Co on LZ/one load remains 19 1014 Issue 15 on stand by for B Co 20 1020 3rd lift of B Co on LZ extraction completed 21 1026 A & C Co began movement 22 1031 TOC requested 2 cases of trip flares, 2 cases of claymores, 1 case of smoke, and 1 2-man latrine 23 1050 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 24 1103 Resupply of 2nd Plat, A Co 2/34 completed 25 1109 A & C Co location XT 802115; B Co location XT 794111 26 1143 A Co reports finding bunkers and firing positions at XT 802116. Will destroy 27 1200 A Co reports finding 2 Chicom hand grenades in a bunker at XT 802116 28 1212 B Co found 1 bunker 3x4 made of mud and log XT 794111 destroyed 29 1250 Notified S4 that D-35 requested permission to stay where they are until the Bridge is finished. Waiting for an answer 30 1250 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 31 1350 Location of 2/14th Inf elements as of 1350H are as follows: A Co XT 800116; B Co XT 800114 & C Co XT 803113, neg contact 32 1350 ARVN location is XT 802126 33 1420 A Co reports that they found 11 2-man bunkers made of log and mud also found lots of blood on ground at one bunker (2 VC CIA poss). Location XT 802117. Bunkers had overhead cover two layers log and 8 inches mud: DESTROYED 34 1450 C Co requests for resupply 10 each: 20 gauge and 23 gauge needles 35 1515 Recon reports they are now at Cu Chi 36 1700 Location of elements for tonight: A Co XT 803113, B Co XT 805114 & C Co XT 805113 37 1715 C Co reports finding a grave which had fresh blood on it. Will dig up to see how many bodies are in it. 38 1750 First load of resupply to Charlie on its way 39 1751 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 40 1800 A Co requests 1 case insect repellent and 3 flashlights on tonight's resupply 41 1845 C Co reports reference grave found at 1715 hrs: They have dug up and found one VC body may be one more under it but smell is so bad that they will not search any more. Believed to have been buried yesterday XT 804112 42 1910 A Co reports OLS A-108, B-4, C-3. Also requests 2 - .45 Cal pistols to be sent out on mornings extractions 43 1915 Resupply finished at this time 44 1940 ARVN locations as follows, XT 794117, XT 794118, XT 800127 45 1945 C Co has 2 LPs one with Rag boats to East and one 50 meters South of his perimeter. B Co has 4 LPs 100 meters out from their perimeter 46 1950 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 47 2010 C Co reports OLS as A-98, B-4, C-3 also requests on morning extraction 1 case PRC-25 batteries. 48 2020 C Co requests for resupply 400 linked M60 ammo, 2 boxes 5.56, 2 cases M79, 1 box foot powder, 2 ponchos. B Co requests on resupply 10 cans of extra water, 1 case smoke grenades, 1 case C4. 49 2045 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 50 2055 Co A requests for resupply 12 rucksacks, 10 PRC-25 batteries 51 2125 We requested night lights to mark LZ 52 2150 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 53 2245 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 54 2335 LP reports hearing 2 voices coord XT 729155 55 2355 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 56 2359 Log Closed Journal Summary
a. 2/14 Infantry Golden Dragons, 25th Infantry Division with B Btry 7/11th Arty will continue Operation BARKING SANDS. A & C Cos swept to the West from their night locations towards the block that B Co (-) formed, they were flown in by chopper vic XT 793112 to make the block. Elements searched area over to block, then the elements turned South to sweep in that direction. Negative contact was encountered during the day, however one (1) grave was found with one (1) VC body, dead approximately one (1) day. In some of the bunkers that were found there was a lot of blood spots, estimated two (2) VC KIA (poss). The following was captured, destroyed or evacuated:
1 grenade
1 Mud & log bunker
11 spider holes
Units were located at the following grids: A - XT 803113, B - XT 805114, C - XT 806113. Night activities, no patrols were out from the elements just normal LPs etc. Recon continued Route Blue security and convoy escort. Engineers continued to build bridge.
b. Journal Forecast. 2/14 Infantry will continue Operation BARKING SANDS. A Co will move by rag-boats to vic XT 807109. B & C Cos will continue S & D East. Recon will continue Route Blue security and security of FSB.
David A. Cope
1Lt, Infantry
Pages signed by:
Alfred M. Coke CPT, Infantry
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 27-May-67
Rec Cas Repts from 2/14 - 13 KIA, 17 WIA
JERMANY, Emmett Jr. PFC C 2/14 KIA
NIEMAN, David C. PFC C 2/14 KIA
TALLEY, Teddy G. SP4 C 2/14 KIA
GARCIA-SOTO, Jeronimo PSG C 2/14 KIA
MORGAN, Shelton PFC A 2/14 KIA
JOHNSON, Xavier SP4 A 2/14 KIA
COLEMAN, James E. PFC A 2/14 KIA
SMITH, Gary M. PVT A 2/14 KIA
MARKUS, Larry PFC A 2/14 KIA
SALES, Roy S. PFC A 2/14 WIA
CLAY, Thomas S. PFC A 2/14 WIA
LANGNESS, Darryl E. SP4 A 2/14 WIA
CRAVEN, Eddie C. SP4 A 2/14 WIA
MACK, Peter Jr. SP4 A 2/14 WIA
MILLER, Donald M. SGT A 2/14 WIA
ODEKIRK, Warren G. SP4 C 2/14 WIA
EAST, Daniel R. PFC C 2/14 WIA
RUSSELL, Luther C. Jr. PFC C 2/14 WIA
PORT, Harold E. SP4 C 2/14 WIA
HILL, Ralph C. PFC C 2/14 WIA
ALGER, Stephen R. PFC C 2/14 WIA
JIM, Kenneth E. PFC C 2/14 WIA
TRIPPEL, Dennis L. 1LT C 2/14 WIA
STEPTOE, Wilbur PFC C 2/14 WIA
HHC - 1 KIA - 1 WIA
A Co - 8 KIA - 7 WIA
C Co - 4 KIA - 9 WIA
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals 27-May-67
Copyright © 2012 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: November 07, 2016