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Daily Staff Journal 25-May-67 |
Daily Staff Journal, maintained by S-3, 2/14th, for May 25, 1967
Thanks to Kirk Ramsey for obtaining and sharing this report.
Abbreviations: A guide to military abbreviations used in the Daily Journals - click on this link.
2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Bau Tram, Vietnam XT 729152
0001-2400 25-May-67
1 0001 Log Opened 2 0050 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 3 0150 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 4 0250 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 5 0350 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 6 0450 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 7 0550 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 8 0643 B Co is ready to receive resupply 9 0720 Resupply to B Co is now finished 10 0810 Recon has road cleared route 84 XT 694143 to X-76 line 11 Lancer rear informed us that Viking 6 is inbound this location 12 0900 Romeo sitrep neg 13 0905 Romeo 6 reports MEDCAP on route to Location, also route is secured by Romeo element 14 1010 Hornet 43 notified us that they are beginning the leaflet drop now 15 1030 Recon reports being at their first proposed site. MEDCAP going along OK 16 1045 4/9 request permission to fire on bunker line from location 668146. Impact area will be 685157. Range fan 40-90 17 1126 Recon reports MEDCAP completed, also 1 Valentine leaving Base Camp for Cu Chi 18 1150 Recon reported they are inbound this location for chow. Also their time ending their security they have set up will be 1200 hrs 19 1200 Recon informed us that their Valentine is at our location now 20 1220 Recon reports finding 1 60 millimeter mortar round. They are now checking into it as what to do. It is at coord 730142. Also if we have to get in touch with Recon on radio use their push. They are having radio difficulties. Will be back on our push in 35 mins 21 1255 Recon reports mortar has been destroyed in place 22 1322 Recon Plat leaving Cu Chi for FWD Base Camp 23 1350 Recon has closed FWD Base Camp with convoy 24 1430 Recon in route to Cu Chi with small convoy of Arty 25 1440 S4 ready for resupply only have one shorty 26 1450 Recon has closed Cu Chi with convoy 27 1520 Notified all companies and staff CO's of meeting in TOC at 1630 28 1545 Bde notified us that the 25th Aviation at 2000 will be shooting flares, & scrambling of aircraft 29 1645 Hornet 43 has been released at this time 30 1720 B Co patrol is located at XT 721159 31 1720 Received from Div at approx 1650 downed gunship at coord XT 802093. Bn alerted to be prepared to secure aircraft with 2 companies to move by motor trans or airmobile. 7th ARVN Regt in heavy contact in vicinity of that location. A Co and C Co alerted. Are sandbagging 2 1/2 ton trucks dispatched to them for possible motor movement 32 1735 32 reported ARVNs in heavy contact, fire is coming from 3 area, reaction force has not yet reached down chopper 33 1800 Security has reached chopper 34 1845 Downed chopper has been extracted and air strikes are going to be called in on automatic weapons position 35 1850 Sitrep to Bde Neg & downed chopper extracted 36 1855 The last slick taking the ARVNs out has been downed by RPG in same area as other chopper was down in 37 1900 32 reported the two (2) slicks taking the ARVNs out took direct hits, 1 crew chief seriously hit in chopper that made it back to 32 location, notified C Co to move out for reaction force, ramp A confer with D6; air mobile 38 1910 Bde gave permission to have direct arty contact with Killer 9 G-LUGN XT 3765 39 1930 C Co reaction force is returning now; stand down also notified A Co of stand down 40 1950 32 reported the slick downed was a total loss, crew not wounded. ARVNs estimated reinforced VC Co poss one (1) RPG also captured a POW last night and will give us information as soon as poss 41 1952 B Co OLS report A-103; B-4; C-4; D-0 42 1953 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 43 2050 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 44 2115 Bde called and asked if the bridge saw any lights about 500 meters to the West 45 2135 Bde request permission to fire on a target with gunship at XT 657171 46 2140 Notified B Co they will remain in place tomorrow 47 2155 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 48 2205 Notified Bde of tomorrows operation 49 2250 From S3 to Bde sitrep neg 50 2255 Contacted Cpt Mellon to pass the word on to have a light gun team on strip 51 2350 From S3 to Bde sitrep no change 52 2400 Log Closed Journal Summary
a. 2/14th Infantry Golden Dragons, 25th Infantry Division with B Btry 7/11th Arty (DS) continued Operation BARKING SANDS. B Co and 7/11th Arty Btry continued to build FSB. A & C Cos secured Engineers, maintained equipment, and continued to build bunkers in Company areas. At 1650H Division called for A & C Cos to be standby for downed chopper security. At 1930H Division called for stand-down on chopper security, all have been evacuated or destroyed. B Co had one patrol at XT 721159. Recon will continue Route Blue security and convoy escort. Engineers will continue to clear East of FSB. One MEDCAP was held and one leaflet drop. One (1) 60mm mortar round was found and destroyed on Route Blue.
b. Journal Forecast. 2/14 Infantry will continue Operation BARKING SANDS. A & C Cos will S&D in AO BASS. Rag-boats will be utilized to transport units down the Saigon River to area where troops will be off loaded and S&D South will begin. B Co will continue to build FSB, secure Artillery and be Bn Reaction Force. Recon will continue Route Blue security and convoy escort. Engineers will continue to clear East of FSB.
David A. Cope
1Lt, Infantry
Pages signed by:
Alfred M. Coke CPT, Infantry
The following operations order change was attached to the Daily Staff Journal for 25-May-67:
Copy No 1 of 50
Hq 2d Bn, 14th Inf
Cu Chi, RVN (XT656160)
250800H May 67
Change 1 to FRAGO 1 thru 3 to OPORD 6-67 (Operation ROUTE BLUE) (U)
Make pen and ink change (Operation ROUTE BLUE) to road (Operation BARKING SANDS).
Distribution: Special
Official: LADD LTC
(signed) Boyd
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journal 25-May-67
Copyright © 2012 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: September 06, 2012