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Daily Staff Journal 29-Apr-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Boi Loi Woods, Vietnam
0001-2400 29-Apr-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 25
C Co reports totals from Base Camp search 28 Apr 67: (5) bunkers destroyed by Arty, (13) bunkers and (1) well destroyed.
26 0838 B/4/23 reports 2 large explosions to Mohawk Bravo's southwest. 27 0840 B/4/23 reports receiving several command detonated claymores, possibly 60mm mortars, rifle grenades, from southwest. 28 0841 B/4/23 requested dustoff for 1 US KIA, 4 US WIA, loc XT499327. Casualties from RPG-2 rocket penetrating APC. 32 0940 B/4/23 reports track hit a mine, casualties not yet known., have called dustoff. 33 0945 C Co completed demo and are starting to move. 34 0946 B/4/23 is receiving small arms fire. 35 0947 B/4/23 is receiving RPG-2 rounds at this time 36 0955 B/4/23 has one track stuck in a mine field and is receiving SA and RPG-2 fire. 1 US WIA, 1 man in shock. 38 1016 B/4/23 reports dustoff completed. 39 1023 A Co found 8 floating-type water mines at coord XT505345. Mines were shaped like tops, 20 in. high, 16 in. round a biggest part, had 2 fasteners in middle where ropes could be attached to hold steady in water. 41 1101 B/4/23 reports another track hit a mine, casualties not yet known. Dustoff and light fire team has been called in. Also report a bunker line 75 meters to their front, are moving in at coord XT498327 43 1140 C Co reports finding 80 lbs of batteries, 30 lbs of rice and other items XT511344. 44 1201 C Co reports finding a large amount of 4 1/2 volt batteries XT511344. 45 1225 B/4/23 found a tunnel system with 6 entrances, 2 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft, 20 ft long, with storage room at the end. 6 Chicom grenades, 1 booby-trapped butterfly bomb, 5 bunkers, 3 with overhead cover 6 ft x 8 ft x 5 ft, overhead cover made of logs and mud 2 1/2 ft thick, 1 command bunker 10 ft x 10 ft x 4 ft with no overhead cover, trench system 100 meters long, 1/2 mile of blue commo wire, 1 booby-trapped rifle grenade, 1 booby-trapped Chicom grenade. 48 1305 C Co requests one case PRC-25 batteries tonight. 49 1310 C Co received fire from AW and carbines vic XT511345, firing has ceased. 51 1345 B/4/23 found some freshly cooked rice and fish and 1 RPG-2 round in same location as the bunkers 52 1525 At 1630 a light fire team will contact 2/14 to cover resupply, will be on station approx 75 min. 53 1550 C Co requests a M-60 machine gun bolt on resupply. 54 1630 A Co requests 12 5-gal cans of water. 55 1635 B/4/23 is released from OPCON 2/14 and will rejoin its own unit. 70 2010 Resupply requests: A Co: 1 case smoke, 200 rounds M-60 7.62, 3 fatigue trousers (S-R), 1 H/138/U, 1 bottle of Darvon, 1 package 2x2 gauze, 1 tube micro solve ointment, 20 packages of Bio soni. B Co: 40 lbs C-4, 50 ft det cord, 25 ft time fuse, 1 box of blasting caps. C Co: Vitamin pills, body powder, 50 gallons water, 2 pair fatigue pants. 71 2030 S-4 informed S-3 they don't have any microsolve ointment
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 29-Apr-67
Rec Cas Rept 1 WIA from C 2/14
DAVIS, Lonnie L. PFC
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: April 01, 2008