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Daily Staff Journal 25-Apr-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Boi Loi Woods, Vietnam
0001-2400 25-Apr-67
B Co reports receiving 2 mortar rounds, not close
Aircraft left pad for air observation for B Co.
5 0036 B Co received 1 round mortar. 6 0037 B Co received one more round 7 0041 B co received one more round 8 0042 Scramble light fire team to B Co. 9 0045 Notified Bde of light fire team being readied 10 0058 Location of enemy mortars XT492315, is 82mm 11 0102 B Co received 2 more mortar rounds 14 0117 Chopper making observations for B Co went to refuel 17 0135 One more mortar round received, reported by Dragon 3 18 0137 Chopper reports sighting flash at 160 degrees 19 1040 C Co reports receiving mortar rounds about every 10 minutes. 20 0144 Chopper reports seeing another flash. 22 0156 Notified Bde of choppers request to fire XT497319. 23 0158 Bde forward element under sporadic 82mm fire. 24 0202 Fire may not be used at this time because of choppers. 25 0205 Dragon 3 Yankee reports 2 mortar rounds rec'd 26 0206 Released one chopper to Manchu 27 0210 Flashes not sighted at 490319 28 0211 Two more mortar rounds received. 29 0250 Chopper fired into XT4931 and red star cluster was fired from ground. Check made, it is Manchu element in Dragon area. 30 0300 B Co heard mortar leave tube, did not hit in their area. 32 0312 As one aircraft left to refuel, another chopper spotted an incoming round. 35 0405 B Co heard an incoming round, did not hit near them. 36 0423 B Co heard a rifle shot fired, not too close. 43 0610 B Co requests 15 small battle dressings, 2 bottles dextran, 2 cutter sets 45 0732 Bde informed 2/14th Inf of 2 air strikes, one at 1000 hrs, the other at 1215 hrs. 46 0810 C Co began cloverleaf movement, A Co will begin moving at 0830 hrs, B Co at 0825 hrs. 48 1020 A Co spotted 2 VC with automatic weapons, are observing vic XT492339. 50 1000 Delayed Entry: C Co reports finding an old base camp it XT496332. 10 bunkers made of logs and mud, 12 ft x 12 ft with houses on top made of logs and grass. Also found a mess area, a trench which extended around the base camp (approx 130 meters long). Inside trench line there were some old pots, a jeep hood, also some old cans. The area was big enough for one platoon of VC to live in. Seems to be about one year since last used. Trench line was covered with logs and mud. 52 Delayed Entry: At 0700-0830 at coord XT414236 2/14 Recon Platoon road clearing operations located 3 anti-tank mines and 10 sticks of dynamite mine detector could not locate. Local civilians showed engineers where explosives were. 54 1233 Bravo Co found two bicycles 100 meters forward of ROOSEVELT, destroyed in place XT500323 56 1310 C Co reports finding a bunker complex consisting of 10 bunkers, sized from 6 ft x 12 ft to 12 ft x 12 ft, made of logs and mud. Also found one Chicom claymore, info on mine to follow. XT501334. 57 1400 B Co reports receiving SA and rifle grenades at coord XT502325. Have 4 US WIA. Request dustoff and light fire team, and a FAC on call. 58 1450 B Co reports contact broken. 60 1530 Arty reports 1 VC KIA (BC) from Arty fire at coord XT501326 61 1613 A Co reports taking 4 VC under fire at coord XT498342, searching area. 62 1622 B Co reports receiving sniper fire, AW, 2 claymores, and possibly mortar fire. VC location is XT500327. Also B Co reports one US WIA, requests dustoff. Location of LZ XT502325. 63 1648 Recon reports having a 3/4 ton truck turn over, have two personnel injured. Request medics. 66 1742 B Co requested 20 rounds 60mm, 500 rounds 5.56mm 74 1949 Resupply request from C Co for tomorrow: 200 lbs C-4, 100 blasting caps, 60 time fuses, 400 ft det cord, 10-15 lb shape charge, 1 sundry pack, 1 case smoke, 1 case frag grenades 75 1952 Resupply request from B Co: 1 case C-4, 1 case smoke, cigarettes, and insect repellant. 76 1953 Received 1 incoming round from 180 degrees, 300 meters south of airstrip, 4 WIA's 4/9, suspect claymore. 78 2013 C Co requests 1 jungle fatigue pants, 1 Bangalore torpedo Daily Sit/Rep 241801H to 251800H Apr 67
1. Operational Summary.
a. General: 2/14th Infantry secured night position in sector with Co A (-) and Co C vic XT497333 and Co B vic XT500326. Both positions reported intermittent mortar rounds landed in their vicinity with an estimated forty (40) rounds received beginning 242154H and ceasing 250423H with no casualties. A counter-mortar ship was scrambled and a light gun team supported. A "Spooky" C-47 dragon ship orbited on call. At 250815H 2/14th Infantry searched and destroyed northeast in sector with three companies abreast. At 251020H Co A (-) spotted two (2) VC with automatic weapons vic XT492339 and pursued without results. At 251033H Co C located and destroyed a platoon-sized base camp not recently used in vic XT494335. At 251310H Co C located and destroyed a bunker complex consisting of ten (10) mud and log bunkers, also one (1) Chicom claymore, vic XT501334. Co B received enemy small arms and rifle grenade fire at 251400H vic XT502325. At 251415H Co B sustained four (4) US WIA and requested a dustoff, light gun team and a FAC on call. At 251450H Co B reported contact broken. Dustoff completed at 251513H. At 251530H supporting artillery reported on (1) VC KIA body count from artillery fire vic XT501326. Co A took under fire four (4) VC vic XT498342 at 251613H and searched the area with no results. Co B received small arms fire from snipers and automatic weapons, also two (2) claymores at 251622H vic XT500327. Co B sustained one (1) US WIA and requested a dustoff. At 251700H contact was broken and dustoff was completed. At 251648H Recon Plat reported an overturned 3/4 ton truck with two (2) US injured and requested medical assistance vic XT4026. Dustoff requested an completed 251704H. At 251745H 2/14 Infantry forward elements secured resupply and night positions: Co A (-) in the Battalion left sector vic XT498343, Co B in the Battalion right sector vic XT502325 and Co C in the Battalion center vic ST502335.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 25-Apr-67
Rec Cas Repts: 2 KIA from B 2/14
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: April 03, 2008