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Daily Staff Journal 24-Apr-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Boi Loi Woods, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Apr-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 26
Dragon 6 will use 1st Huey for recon with company commanders, use second for shuttling resupply, when 6 is finished in about 15 min, use his Huey for extraction of A Co to base camp.
30 1129 B Co reports finding a bicycle in good condition at XT494331, destroyed. 31 1150 B Co reports spotting 2 VC at coord XT496317, will take under Arty fire. 32 1240 Notified S-4 about 12 bags of water for A Co. 33 1250 A Co found another bicycle at left boundary of ROOSEVELT, XT493333. Will evac on supply ship. 34 1302 B Co reports finding a trench line 30 meters long with overhead cover about every 10 meters, and one bicycle in fair condition. Also (1) 155mm round at coord XT494318, all destroyed. 35 1316 A Co reports finding 20 graves which are about 2 weeks old, XT493340 36 1345 B Co reports finding one anti-personnel mine, also a tunnel that extends from a well, will check it out. XT496323. 38 1400 Ref Item 36: B Co reports tunnel was short, found some commo wire inside. Followed it out and found a 7 lb anti-tank mine on the other end set at a good place for a LZ. Also found 2 bunkers with 75 lbs rice in one of them. XT496323. Tunnel was 6 ft deep, 10 ft long, 3 ft wide, nothing inside. 39 1505 B Co reports his elements are receiving sniper fire from XT499324. Engaging with 60mm mortars. 40 1515 B Co reports finding a claymore at coord XT502326, destroyed. 41 1530 B Co reports having 4 US WIA from small arms fire at coord XT500324, request dustoff., wounds are serious. 42 1530 B Co requested FAC to fly over B Co which is in heavy contact at this time. FAC airborne at coord XT502326. Bravo also requested another FAC, request granted. 43 1540 Called in air strike at coord XT502326 on contact which B Co has. Approx 4 riflemen (VC). 44 1650 B Co reports having 1 KIA, 3 WIA's, serious, from booby-trap (trip wire booby-trapped 155mm round) at coord XT500326. Requested dustoff on way. 45 1700 B Co reports receiving rifle grenades at coord XT500326 46 1718 B Co reports having 3 more US WIA's, will extract by dustoff. Also the WIA's were caused by rifle grenades. Location XT501324. 47 1745 B Co reports all fire has ceased at this time. 48 1830 All resupply completed and choppers released at 1830 hrs. 49 1838 Delayed Entry 1808 hrs: C Co reports his elements spotted a platoon iv VC at coord XT493335. 50 1850 B Co requests ammo resupply: 45 rounds M-79, 400 rounds M-60, 600 rounds 5.56 51 1907 Resupply of B Co completed. 54 2122 2/14 request for a C&C ship has been approved and is on 15 min standby. 59 2154 B co reports 3 mortars which appeared to be 81mm landing approx 300 meters to 700 meters from his position. Rounds landed to B Co's northeast and east of his position. A check with 1/5 Mech showed that it wasn't them firing into 2/14 AO. Rounds appear to be enemy. 62 2304 B Co reports 2 mortar rounds approx 300 meters from them at XT496320. Estimates rounds originated from vic XT503310 63 2315 Maj Boyd suggested that TOC ask Bde to dispatch our counter-mortar C&C ship to B Co location. Daily Sit/Rep 231801H to 241800H Apr 67
1. Operational Summary.
a. General: 2/14th Infantry attacked northeast from a night position vic XT491327 and searched and destroyed in sector establishing enemy contact 241505H Apr 67 vic XT499324. At 241503H Co B received sniper fire vic XT499324 and engaged with 60mm mortars. At 241530H Co B sustained four (4) WIA from small arms fire vic XT500324 and requested a dustoff. A FAC was called and air strike brought in vic XT502326 at 241540H. At 241650H Co B sustained one (1) KIA and two (2) WIA's from a 155mm round booby-trap vic XT500326 and requested a dustoff. At 241700H Co B received rifle grenade fire vic XT500326 and sustained three (3) WIA from such at 241718H vic XT501324 and requested a dustoff. Co B reported all fire ceased at 241745H and took up night position vic XT500326. Co A and Co C secured a night position vic XT497332.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: April 01, 2008