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Daily Staff Journal 13-Apr-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 13-Apr-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 62
A Co requests resupply of water (12 5-gal containers) for approx 1100 hrs, should be resupplied before 1200 hrs.
64 0835 A Co requests 40 lbs C-4 and 50 ft det. cord. 66 1010 C Co reports having one man slightly wounded by Demo (friendly), dustoff completed by Bn CO at XS598861. 75 1240 B Co requests dustoff, ambulatory, man has injured ankle at XT605861, will be extracted by one of the choppers at our location. 79 1340 Delayed Entry 0800-1000: C Co reports destruction of following from area XS597863 southeast along canal to 599861. (5) Grass and bamboo huts 6 ft x 8 ft x 5 ft high, (25) 2-man overhead cover spider holes T and L shaped of mud and log construction, (5) bunkers of mud and log 12-15 ft long x 10 ft wide, walls 18-in thick, (8) booby-traps located around bunkers and huts, (3) tunnels 20 ft long x 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft, that tunneled from bunkers to canals, (1) water well. 80 1358 A Co requests dustoff for 1 US ambulatory, LZ secure, XS608856. Heat casualty. 83 1520 B Co received 1 rifle grenade round at XS 616864, Arty being placed in area. 84 1528 A Co requests dustoff for 1 US WIA booby-trap, LZ at XS610862. 85 1541 A Co reports finding hooches and bunkers at coord XS613859, also in one hooch they found hot water on stove and a pistol belt with two grenades. Still searching, VC just left the area. 87 1611 A Co reports finding a 1/4 horsepower outboard motor, 100 rounds new 30 Cal ammo, and a booby-trapped area. Will destroy. XS613859. 89 1634 A Co found 10 hooches and 8 bunkers. Also 4 grenades with trip wires. 90 1656 A Co found one gallon of hot cooked rice at coord XS615862. 94 1805 Resupply of A & B Co complete 96 1925 B Co requests 1 set of jungle fatigues, 1 H/138/U, 1 case M-79, 10 60mm rounds on tomorrow's extraction. 97 1955 B Co reports items destroyed today: 1230H vic 606860 - 1 tunnel destroyed; 1400H vic 604862 1 small earth bunker 3 ft long; 1500H vic 611861 2 small earth bunkers; 1630H 2 small earth bunkers; 1645H vic 610862 small earth bunkers destroyed, 3 ft long, 4 grass hooches, 1 punji pit with poison stakes, 11 bunkers, earth and log 4 ft x 4 ft; 1700H vic 613864 small earth bunkers and 1 grass hooch 98 1959 B Co requests 10 3 star clusters on tomorrow's extraction. Daily Sit/Rep 121801H to 131800H Apr 67
1. Operational Summary:
A. General: 2/14th Inf continued to defend in sector at forward base camp vic Ben Luc. Five LP's were conducted during the hours of darkness and security was maintained throughout the perimeter. 2/14 Inf (-) continued their S&D operation adjacent to canal 62, upon reaching the canal Papa vic XS608857 the sweep began on a northeasterly azimuth. During the morning hours Co B replaced Co C in AO ST GEORGE and continued S&D in sector. One company remained in base camp for security and continued to improve their defensive positions. Two 105 howitzer batteries and the heavy mortar platoon continued to fire in direct support of the battalion's operations. In addition, the Engr. and the Recon Platoons cleared the road from the forward base camp to Ben Luc.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 13-Apr-67
1 Cas WIA BRUNT, Alan R. PVT C 2/14
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 31, 2008