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Daily Staff Journal 08-Apr-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 8-Apr-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 56
1st B-52 bombing run completed
57 0700 2nd B-52 bombing run completed 58 0708 3rd B-52 bombing run completed 59 0711 Arty prep started 60 0726 Arty prep completed 61 0734 Tac air strike started 62 0755 Tac air strike completed 64 0749 Liftoffs for A & B Co's first lift, 0751 2nd lift, 0752 3rd lift, 0754 4th lift, 0754.5 5th lift 65 0819 All lifts for A & B Co on ground, neg contact. 69 0836 C Co airborne 75 0945 C Co reports receiving SA fire from XS633862, Arty placed in area. 3 VC KIA (Poss). 77 1014 C Co requests dustoff for 1 US WIA litter. Leg wound from punji stick. 78 1023 B Co found 3 spider holes with cover at XS629847. 79 1035 C Co reports 1 VC KIA (BC) by Arty at XS644866. 81 1054 Dustoff for 1 US with pneumonia completed at Ben Luc bae camp. 82 1045 An aircraft reported 12 VC in a sampan at XS6881. 83 1059 A Co requests dustoff for 1 US heat casualty, unconscious. LZ at XS631843. 86 1155 C Co reports VC houses at XS635867 on fire, VC apparently moved out, fires caused by bombs. 87 1220 C Co requests dustoff for 1 US heat casualty. Moderate/serious. LZ at XS637869. 88 1221 A Co reports hearing Vietnamese voices, sent out search element, VC fled to wood line, calling in Arty. 2 VC possibly. 90 2 VC KIA (Poss) from Arty XS610850 91 1300 B Co reports finding 2 Chicom claymores, 100 blasting caps, 10 blasting caps rigged for claymores, also VC signs indicating a mine field, at XS634877. 93 1308 A & B Co each have 1 US heat casualty. Will be dusted off with C Co heat casualty. Bravo now has 2 heat casualties. 94 1310 B Co found 150 lbs rice, 2 gal of shell oil, cooking utensils, demo equipment, and 22 5-lb grenades at XS623860. Were instructed to search further. 2 lbs documents. 96 1335 B Co found US drills, 1 M-72 LAW at XS623860. 97 1342 A Co has 1 serious heat casualty, LZ XS611853 98 1403 B Co found a 4-bed VC hospital at XS623860. Will destroy. 99 1404 C Co has 1 US WIA (serious) from booby-trap, LZ at 629870. 100 1437 Dustoff completed for A & C Co. 101 1448 C Co found a bunker recently used as a VC hospital. C Co found a great quantity of bandages XS632873. 102 1451 B Co found approx 75 lbs of explosives at XS632861. Will destroy. 103 1519 C Co requests dustoff for 1 US WIA (serious) from booby-trap at XS629870. Complete at 1535. 105 1540 A Co requests dustoff for 1 US heat casualty, LZ at XS611853. Completed 1655 106 1545 C Co found documents at XS629870. 107 1605 B Co reports heat casualty XS623866 109 1650 Dustoff for A & B Co complete at 1650. 111 1710 C Co has 6 WIA from booby-trap, 2 litter, 4 walking that can be extracted with rest of company. XS629870. 112 1735 Extraction of C Co complete. 114 1821 Resupply of A & B Co complete 115 1919 A Co requests dustoff for casualty with chest wound from falling down at XS621864, hit a root with his chest. Dustoff complete at 2021. 117 2021 Dragon Papa #1 hit a mine, 1 US WIA XS642789 Daily Sit/Rep 071801H to 081800H Apr 67.
1. Operational Summary.
a. General: 2/14th Inf (6) continues to defend in sector at forward base camp vic Ben Luc. Six listening posts were conducted during the hours of darkness and platoon CP's were maintained at pre-designated locations. 2/14th Inf conducted an airmobile assault on multiple LZ's to exploit an ARCLIGHT and seize a canal line from XS625887 to XS637879. One company was extracted from position STEEL vic XS629870, the other two companies established a perimeter at obj BRAVO vic XS621894. A resupply convoy departed from Cu Chi at 080700H and arrived at the forward base 081005H. Two 105 howitzer batteries and the heavy mortar platoon fired in direct support of the battalion operation. In addition the battalion (-) continued to improve their defensive positions and indirect fire weapons positions. Also the engineers cleared the road from the forward base to Ben Luc.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 31, 2008