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Daily Staff Journal 31-Mar-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 31-Mar-67
1st Bde notified S3 of 6-8 VC personnel moving cix ST637185, notified patrol 2.
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 29 1055 A Co reports finding three arty duds at coord XT653177, will blow in place (two 105mm and one 155mm) 31 1225 A Co blew 3 hand grenades, 2 homemade and 1 US type at XT638177. 32 1252 A Co blew 1 105mm dud at XT633177. Present location XT633180, conducting cloverleaf. 33 1330 OP Ann Margaret observed 3 VC at coord XT668176, engaged by automatic weapons fire, but ran into woods. Area is being covered by Arty. 34 1355 A Co found 1 anti-tank mine and 2 hand grenades vic coord XT631178, will blow in place. 35 1430 A Co reports finding 500 lb dud bomb at coord XT631179. Destroyed. 36 1450 A Co requested dustoff for 1 US heat casualty, serious. LZ is secured, approach from west to east. 37 1453 Bridge spotted 1 VC waving a white flag approx 450 meters from the bridge. Recon is picking man up. 39 1520 2/14 Inf confirmed that there was no VC waving a white flag in the vicinity of the bridge. It appeared to be a palm leaf waving in the breeze. 40 1532 A Co blew 2 anti-tank mines at XT632182. 42 1625 A Co requested dustoff for heat exhaustion litter patient, XT631189. LZ secured. 45 1750 Recon reports vehicle hit mine XT633177, 3 WIA, light shrapnel wounds and 1 concussion. LZ secure, mark with smoke. 46 1759 Recon reports vehicle is a complete loss, it was 5th vehicle back in convoy. 47 1802 Maj Boyd requested ATCH-47 to extract the mined vehicle, also AVH-1D to pick up resupply FM Recon's location and resupply A Co. 53 1918 Delayed Entry 1845 hrs: HU-1D going into Recon rec'd SA fire XT634177. 54 1940 Message from Bde commander through Lancer TOC, hold Recon elements in place until gunships arrive. 55 2010 Recon element moving again, gunships overhead. 58 2055 Bunker 19 reports someone trying to move the wire to their front, they were told to fire a flare and then engage with M-79.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 31-Mar-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 18
2nd Bde reported 3 VC in black pajamas loc XT604185, engaged with SA.
27 1330 2/14 mortar platoon saw 3 VC at XT668176, engaged with MG fire, results unk. 30 1440 C/4/9 picked up 2 detainees at XS704965. Turned over to District Chief, released. 42 1915 2nd Bde tower spotted two people at XT641174, seem to be digging holes. Permission to fire 81mm mortars refused, there is a ship in the area to check it out. 43 1930 Ref Item 42: 2nd Bde reports a total of 13 people at XT641174. 44 1940 Ref Item 42: 2nd Bde 2/27 element is firing 81mm mortars into area XT641174. Neg results at this time. 45 1940 1st Bde Avn officer requests light fire team to escort Recon platoon 2/14 from vic base camp to Ann Margaret to prevent possible ambush. 46 2012 Delayed Entry: A/2/14 resupply ship (UH-1D) received SA fire while taking off from A Co fwd loc vic XT634177. No hits. 51 2305 25th Inf Div flag loc changes from Tan An to Cu Chi at 0001 hrs. 53 2400 SUMMARY: Opns ALA MOANA and security opns vic Cu Chi base continued. ASCC's remain established at Cu Chi and Vinh Loc. 4/9 Inf continued ROADRUNNER opn between Cu Chi and Bn (fwd) vic XS7296, conducted 2 platoon size sweeps vic XS6996 and vic XS7296 and continued night ambush patrolling. 2/14 Inf continued security opns vic Cu Chi base, a Co conducted an S&D opn vic XT6318 and ROADRUNNER opns from Cu Chi to vic XT6318.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn will conduct seal and search BUDDY opn vic XS7197, continue security opns vic bases and continue night ambush patrolling. 2/14 Inf Bn will continue Co S&D with A/2/14 making night march to be in position to commence S&D vic XT6322 at 010630 Apr. Bn also continues security opns vic Cu Chi base. 4/23 Inf continues as Div reserve.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 29, 2008