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Daily Staff Journal 21-Mar-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 21-Mar-67
C-6 fired defcon at XT668194, suspected VC location. Movement stopped, results unk.
C-6 fired defcon at XT671198, suspected VC location. Movement stopped, results unk.
9 0605 C Co elements have been listening to rooster calling since 0200. C Co CO suspects rooster calling as some sort of signaling. 13 0658 C Co reports early spot report about the roosters - really were roosters. 18 0810 C Co moving to daylight location, negative contact. 36 element blew one 81mm and 1 fragmentation grenade. Patrol 2 blew 11 M-79's. 20 1030 C Co requests resupply of water at 1300 hrs XT668193.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 21-Mar-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 10
A/4/9 ambush patrols enroute to ambush site spotted 6 to 8 VC vic XT706925. Called 81mm mortar fire, results unk.
11 0550 B/4/9 ambush patrols enroute to ambush position found cache of 8 M-79 grenades. 15 0730 1st Bde S2 spotted from chopper at vic XS672980, 15-20 sampans with 2-4 personnel, requesting air strike at this time. 17 0816 2/27 observed one individual vic XT604184, called in Arty. 18 0827 C/2/14 destroyed 81mm mortar and 1 frag grenade vic XT678177. 19 0828 C/2/14 destroyed 11 M-79 rounds vic XT675198. 23 0942 Maj Fleming alerted 2/14 Recon platoon to move to Trang Bang to pick up remainder of 4/23 and attachments and escort them to Cu Chi base camp. 27 1100 4/23 became OPCON of 25th Inf Div, departed Trang Bang for outpost vic XS3357. 31 1457 C/4/9 picked up 16 detainees vic XS7096. 36 1600 A, B 4/23 CP closed fwd B/C vic XT3357, became Div reserve 38 1725 C/4/23 moving to fwd base camp vic XT3357. Recon and VTR will stay at Trang Bang tonight, will try in morning to get one APC out of canal. 45 2145 B/4/9 patrol BAM sprung ambush at XS712926 patrol engaged 5 VC with SA and M-79. Neg results. No US casualties. 51 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued operations ALA MOANA and MAKALAPA, conducted security missions vic Ch Chi base camp. 4/9 Inf continued base development and saturation patrolling in each separate base. 4/23 Inf continued opns in Phu Duc Dist and commenced movement to Soui Da under OPCON of 25th Div fwd. 2/14 continued security opn vic Cu Chi base camp and conducted one company size S&D mission in the FILHOL plantation.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf continues saturation patrolling vic XS7397. 2/14 Inf continues base security and S&D opns in FILHOL Plantation. 4/23 Inf remains under OPCON of 25th Div fwd.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 29, 2008