Daily Staff Journal  20-Mar-67


Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.


1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ


2/14th,  S-3
Location:  Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400  20-Mar-67





    Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.



C Co found anti-tank mine, will blow it in place XT673177.

31 1425 C Co found tunnel complex 150 meters long, looks like it has been used recently, didn't have enough explosives to destroy it.
32 1445 C Co found one 105mm dud, destroyed it.
56 2325 C Co reports one man hit by shrapnel form hand grenade which he was throwing for H&I around bridge.  Bruise in lower abdomen, being treated by Med Bn.  Ford, Thomas J, SP4.


1st Brigade,  S2-S3
Location:  Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400  20-Mar-67







A/4/9 patrol M3 engaged approx 10 VC at ambush site vic 712927 with SA and M-79.  Results unk.  Patrol will stay at same location.



Ref Item 4:  1 VC KIA (Poss).

17 1028 2/27 observed several individuals in the open vic XT6018.  Received permission to fire.
18 1032 1st Bde FAC rec'd SA fire from approx 2 platoons of VC vic XT5033.
20 1115 A/4/23 located 2 bunkers approx 6 ft x 4 ft x 3 ft.  Bunkers had aiming ports to north and south, will be destroyed.
22 1220 A/4/23 located number of books and papers in bunker vic XT526244, will send to S2.
25 1335 A/4/23 located 2 bunkers and 3 firing positions vic XT525328.  No signs of recent use.  Will be destroyed.  Did not locate weapons cache.
26 1350 1st Bde Aviator observed 1 individual wearing shorts run into river vic XT723946.  10 more were observed standing in open.  No weapons observed.
28 1412 C/2/14 located one AT mine vic XT673177, destroyed in place.
29 1400 B/4/23 rec'd AW fire from XT510220, returned fire with 81mm mortars.  Results unk.
30 1420 A/4/9 located dud round vic XS718926.
53 2400 SUMMARY:  1st Bde continued opn ALA MOANA and MAKALAPA and continued security opns vic Cu Chi base camp.  4/9 Inf conducted Bn base development and saturation patrolling in three separate company bases.  4/23 Inf continued S&D opns.  2/14 Inf conducted company size S&D mission in FILHOL Plantation.  Bn (-) continued security opns vic Cu Chi base camp.
PLANS SUMMARY:  4/9 Inf continues saturation patrolling vic XS7397.  4/23 Inf continues separate company S&D opns vic XT5028 and XT5526.  2/14 Inf continues company size S&D mission in the FILHOL Plantation and Bn (-) continues security operations vic Cu Chi base camp.



2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment:  Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 29, 2008