Daily Staff Journal  16-Mar-67


Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.


1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ


2/14th,  S-3
Location:  Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400  16-Mar-67







HHC reports all accounted for and standing to.



A Co reports stand to

3 0331 C Co reports stand to
4 0331 B Co reports stand to
8 0610 From Brigade, Stand Down
13 0903 From S-5:  MEDCAP element departed base camp
17 1141 MEDCAP returned to base camp.
25 1725 Convoy now at Trang Bang
27 1825 Convoy closed except for 6 vehicles.  Currently at Trang Bang, they have security.
28 1837 HHC Co reports the six vehicles rec'd a few rounds of SA fire at about 1810 hrs vic XT497196.
29 1846 Received a call from Capt Taylor 1/27 concerning no claymores or telephones at new Laterite pit.
31 2005 All 2/14 convoy elements closed base camp.


1st Brigade,  S2-S3
Location:  Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400  16-Mar-67







2/14 Stand To complete 0347 hrs, 4/9 Stand To complete 0350 hrs, 4/23 Stand To complete.  1st Bde Stand To complete.



4/23 enroute to Cu Chi hit a pressure-type mine, light damage to APC.  Will be able to make it to Cu Chi.  XT589202.  Road damage 5 ft wide, 4 ft deep.  No casualties

17 0754 G3 reports gunships have spotted VC in vic XT618147.  Advised 4/23 and Div TOC to have gunships come up on 4/23 freq.
21 0925 A/4/9 located a tunnel complex, vic XT622167 filled with water.  One 40 lb AT mine, one 8-in dud, 35-40 hand grenade type booby-traps vic XT618166.  All destroyed.
24 1130 A/4/9 located area that appeared to be used by VC in past 24 hrs.  Cooking fires and footprints vic XT617167.  Also located tunnel complex same coord.
26 1235 C/4/23 found 1 booby-trap and a tunnel complex, 200 ft diameter bomb shelters vic XT644222.  Will destroy.
27 1250 Ref Item 24:  Destroyed 4 bunkers and 3 tunnels.  Also found a tunnel complex vic XT617167.
30 1358 C/4/23 track hit a small mine vic XT664234.  Mine did not explode.  Only detonator went off, no damage, no casualties.
31 1445 A/4/23 located 105mm round vic XT683184, destroyed in place.
34 1520 A/4/9 found possible mortar location vic XT616169.
36 1605 A/4/23 found and destroyed 105mm round vic XT678170.
37 1645 A/4/9 found a possible mortar location with 15 60mm mortar containers vic XT610175.
38 1650 C/4/23 found 2 bunkers 4 ft x 6ft with overhead cover, 20 lbs rice, 6 bags white powder, 4 pages documents, 1 mine destroyed in place, fresh vegetables, 3-4 persons in area approx 2 hrs before C/4/23 came into the area vic XT662237.
39 1725 B/4/23 found 4 mortar positions and bunkers vic XT628187, gunpowder on the ground.  Looked as if position was used in last 2-3 days.  Bunkers appeared to have been destroyed by counter-mortar attack.
41 1750 C/4/23 track hit a mine vic XT680219.  No casualties, track will be towed to CP loc.
43 1900 One vehicle in 2/14 convoy broke down, 6 vehicles stayed vic XT497196.  Rec'd SA fire, returned fire.  No casualties.
55 2400 SUMMARY:  1st Bde continued opn ALA MOANA.  4/9 Inf continued local security and conducted a company size S&D mission vic XT6116.  4/23 Inf conducted S&D opn in the FILHOL Plantation.  2/14 Inf conducted local security and continued preparation for future opn.
PLANS SUMMARY:  4/9 Inf prepares for movement to Long An Province.  4/23 continues S&D opn in the FILHOL Plantation and will close Cu Chi base camp during morning hours.  2/14 Inf continues local security and maintenance vic Cu Chi base camp.


1st Brigade,  S-1
Location:  Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400  16-Mar-67






Rec Cas Rept - 1 WIA from HHC 2/14



2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment:  Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 29, 2008