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Daily Staff Journal 14-Mar-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 14-Mar-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 6
B Co reported flashlight at XT488430, fired M-79 at location, neg results.
49 1935 S3 received a report that 300 workers who went to work in village #14 haven't returned yet. They were to return at 1600. 50 1936 Workers are reported to be on the way back by worker's supervisor. S3 2/14 Inf ordered A Co and C Co to be 100% alert as these people come in. Also notified 2/12 Inf of the fact to be alert for suspected VC infiltrators. Workers will probably be arriving in trucks. National Policemen were summoned to question the people as they enter the check points of base camp. 58 2110 From District Chief to S3: District Chief reports that the villagers were held by 1 squad of VC and were given propaganda talks between the hours of 1400 to 1700 on the subject of not working for the Allied Forces of the 3rd Bde, 4th Div. Verbal Order S3 3rd Bde 4th Inf Div 141100 Mar 67:
1. 2/14 Inf (-) is relieved in place by 2/12 Inf commencing 151400 Mar 1967; moves by air and motor convoy to CU CHI, 151400 Mar and 160900 Mar 1967 respectively; and reverts to 1st Bde control for operations in 25th Inf Div TAOR, on order.
2. All patrols return to DAU TIENG base camp NLT 150900 March 1967.
3. Rifle elements return to CU CHI by tactical air commencing 151400 March 1967. Order of March: Co B, Bn CP, Co A, and Co C.
4. Motorized elements return to CU CHI as part of 16 Mar 1967 Div resupply convoy. Order of March: Recon Platoon, Rifle company trains, Bn HHC (-), Mortar Platoon (-). OIC Capt Phillips. Assembly time 160700 Mar 67 vic Hanger gate.
5. Coordinating instructions outlined in OPORD 2-67 apply.
6. Personnel moving by motor convoy carry one C-Ration meal.
7. TOC operational until 151200 Mar 1967.
8. Bn Comd Group including CO, S3, S3, Arty LNO depart DAU TIENG 151430 by helicopter.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 14-Mar-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 13
G2 notified us that Air Force would be operating in the Boi Loi woods during the morning hours.
14 0722 3/4 Cav reports SA fire on LRRP at vic XT684104. 19 0858 Delayed Entry 2150 hrs 13 Mar: B/4/23 patrol 2 heard movement and one individual threw a hand grenade vic XT586172. One US slightly wounded by grenade fragments. Area was checked at first light, one Chicom AK-47 was found. Also found blood stains. 22 0945 C/4/23 located one haystack, hollow in the middle vic XT569197, also a punji pit adjacent to area. 2 female detainees were picked up, stated her husband lived in the haystack. She also stated that National Police should not walk on dikes as they were mined. 30 1325 Delayed Entry 1240: B/4/23 found one Chicom 7.62 rifle with bayonet vic XT531203. Expended cartridge found in chamber. 42 2005 A lowboy from 173rd Airborne Bde in the 1st Div convoy hit a mine vic XT550174. Also received SA fire. No US casualties. 43 2155 ARVN ambush patrol from SA Sect HQ, Phu Hoa, received SA fire from one VC squad XT709183. Returned fire with SA, neg results. 1 ARVN WIA (slight). 46 2235 B/4/9 rec'd SA fire from vic old Laterite pit, approx 8 VC. Returned fire with SA and claymore mines, 3 VC KIA (Poss). 1 US WIA. 50 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opn ALA MOANA and remained control HQ for Cu Chi base defense. 4/9 Inf continued security opns vic Cu Chi base camp and conducted a Co size airmobile opn vic XT675090. 4/23 Inf continued Bn S&D opn vic XT574190.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will conduct a Co size airmobile opn vic XT6619. 4/23 Inf continued Bn S&D opn vic XT540163.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 28, 2008