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Daily Staff Journal 09-Mar-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 9-Mar-67
Patrol 1 observed movement to South, requested illumination round.
Patrol 1 observing suspect 75 meters on right flank coord XT512467, disregard illumination round.
9 0700 A Co began sweep in the village. No enemy contact. 10 0750 A Co located at coord XT512468. Still searching village and questioning villagers. No enemy contact. 12 0830 A Co has picked up 6 personnel who state their sons work for the VC, will bring them in. 14 0900 A Co reports they will start their return route to base camp. They will be bringing an old woman with high fever. 15 0915 B Co reported having 1 young woman, 3 old women and 35 children as detainees. They were picked up in the sanitary fill, and will be brought to our National Police headquarters. 18 0945 A Co completed search of village and is returning to base camp. With them are 1 old sick woman and 11 detainees. Also at coord XT512485 they found and destroyed 1 booby-trap. Daily SITREP 081801H to 091800H Mar 67
To Commanding Officer, 3rd Bde, 4th Inf Div: ATTN: S3
(daily report sent to Bde HQ, used to prepare daily Bde SUMMARY)
a. General: 2/14th Infantry maintained three reinforced squad and one squad size ambush patrols during the hours of darkness. Patrols returned to base camp by 1105 hours, with no enemy contact. One contact was made at 2110 hours when the DAU TIENG Base Camp received one incoming round bunker line at the end of the airstrip. Casualties - one US WIA. Grid coordinates of incoming round was XT489472. At 2150 hrs the town patrol heard firing believed in vicinity of ARVN patrol area. Results - negative. At 090700 hrs Co A began sweep of village coordinates XT512468. Results - one booby-trap disarmed and 11 detainees brought into the National Police.
b. Co A conducted one ambush patrol during the hours of darkness. The Co continues to defend the 3/22nd Inf sector. Operational requirements for Co A are stated in sub paragraph a.
c. Co B conducted ambush patrolling with one reinforced squad, continued to defend the sector of the 2/22nd Inf and secured the Laterite pit with one platoon. One reinforced squad departed base on an ambush patrol this afternoon at 1456 hours.
d. Co C maintained one reinforced squad ambush patrol which returned at 1105 hrs, the Co (-) continued to defend the 2/12th Inf sector, the attached ENTAC platoon continued to defend the bridge, and provided one squad from the Recon Platoon for nightly town patrol duty. One reinforced squad ambush patrol departed at 1302 hrs this afternoon.
e. Heavy Mortar Platoon: No change.
Operational Plans: 2/14th Inf will continue the defense of the DAU TIENG Base Camp. The five ambush patrols currently out will return tomorrow morning and be replaced by like forces in the afternoon.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 9-Mar-67
4/23 observed approx 15 rounds of 60mm mortars, which landed in an ARVN compound vic XT483198. 1 ARVN WIA, 1 civilian killed, 5 dependents wounded. Neg US casualties.
From G3: Duc Hoa ARVN compound vic XS594960 is under mortar attack at this time.
10 0630 Ref Item 5: 4/49 ARVN mortars and SA fire, 4 mortar positions. Gunships were dispatched from Cu Chi. Troops of 10th Cav ARVN moved from Duc Hoa to 4/49, received SA and AW fire, estimate one battalion. VC broke contact 0445 hrs. ARVN casualties, 20 KIA, 20 WIA. VC losses unknown. 13 0840 3/4 Cav reports a steam roller operated by a VN individual hit a mine vic XT605138. Steam roller destroyed. Status of individual is unk. 14 0845 Div AO reports road block vic XT519034. Possible VC tax collection point. 15 0945 4/23 reports tear gas in their area. Seems to come from vic XT494239. 16 1000 G2 reports 49th ARVN Rangers report loc of VC throwing tear gas as XT594239. 18 1025 C/4/23 reports track hit an AP mine vic XT631205. Minor damage to track. No casualties. 21 1105 C/4/23 track hit AT mine vic XT622179. Extensive damage to track, no casualties. 22 1235 B/4/23 APC hit AT mine at XT576176, no damage to APC, 2 US WIA, dustoff completed at 1230. 24 1305 A/4/23 hit AP mine in tree vic XT583172. No damage to track, no casualties. 27 1350 B/4/23 located Chicom hand grenade at XT587172. Blew in place. 28 1415 B/4/9 picked up one VN detainee at old laterite pit, turned in to 25th MID. 31 1630 A/4/23 picked up one VN detainee, detainee was moving west at a fast rate of speed in zn ox cart. VN detainee was approx 21 years of age. Detainee would not talk. Turned over to Cu Chi ARVN. 38 1955 Delayed Entry 1330 hrs: S5 4/9 spotted one sampan XT747176, called in Arty. 1 KIA (Poss). 41 2140 Recon 4/23 rec'd sniper fire. Returning fire, results unk. 47 2320 C/4/23 Alpha patrol sprung ambush at 2315 hrs. 3-4 VC with flashlights. Co C 4/23 reaction force sent to pickup patrol. Results unk. 49 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opn ALA MOANA and remained control HQs for Cu Chi Base Defense. 4/9 Inf continued security opns vic Cu Chi base camp and conducted Co size S&D mission vic XT6419. 4/23 Inf (-) cont Bn size S&D opn vic XT5817.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf continues security opn vic Cu Chi base camp. 4/23 Inf continues S&D opn vic XT5618 with National Police. B/4/9 OPCON of 4/23 Inf.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 9-Mar-67
Received one officer replacement, Captain Kirkland. Assigned to 2/14.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 28, 2008