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Daily Staff Journal 26-Feb-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Dau Tieng, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Feb-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 8
B Co located 30 spider holes or tunnels at XT497489.
12 1320 From 33: A Co 81mm mortars being moved to the Laterite pit. 24 1853 From C Co CO to 33: Will not have landline communication with TOC for 1 1/2 hours. C Co also had one man slightly shook up by the lighting at the bunker line. The man was taken to the dispensary for observation. 26 1940 From Gate 1 to 33: 2/12 informed 2/14 TOC that they received a report of VC being in town. All companies were notified and they informed the bunker line. 27 1954 C Co reports they have a total of 3 men injured by lightning. All are expected to be fully recovered within a few days. 1 man's left arm is partially paralyzed from the elbow down. The other two will be released tomorrow morning. 29 2030 C Co reports that spot light on the river is out and will not be fixed until the morning.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Feb-67
A/4/9 under mortar and SA fire at 0050 hrs. Enemy size unknown, XT700189.
[ A/4/9 repels "Human Wave" attack - Tropic Lightning News article ]3
Base Reaction Force (Co B 4/9 and A Troop 3/4 Cav) were committed.
4 0313 Delayed Entry 0230: 3/4 Cav GS was alerted for resupply of 4/9 Inf. 5 0325 4/9 B Patrol MARY at XT657190 made contact. Enemy moving S/N direction. 6 0325 3/4 Cav Reaction Force enroute to 4/9 position hit by RPG-2 rockets at XT672175. Also engaged enemy, results 6 VC KIA (BC) 7 VC KIA (Poss). 7 0344 Maj Colson advised Support Command to organize a base reaction force. 1 platoon from S&T and 1 platoon from Maint. Bn. 8 0345 Both A/4/9 patrols loc XT684182 and XT691176 linked up with the reaction force, enroute to A/4/9 CP. 9 0350 Ref Item #5: 1 VC (BC), 1 rifle, and 1 medical kit. Relocated patrol. 11 0435 Ref Item 5: B/4/9 patrol MARY, 3 VC KIA (BC), 5 VC KIA (Poss), 1 Chicom carbine, 1 AK-47, 1 Light Machinegun, web gear and documents. 12 0444 Ref Item 2: A/4/9 CP XT698192 is fairly secure, requests dustoff for serious WIA's 14 0545 Ref Item 2: 1st dustoff (2 ships) off the ground, on way to Cu Chi. 15 0555 Ref Item 2: 3rd dustoff on ground 16 0620 Ref Item 2: 4th dustoff off the ground 17 0622 Ref Item 2: A/4/9 attached to B/4/9 effective 260620. A/4/9 Co Evac. 18 0623 Ref Item 2: 24 US KIA's and 29 US WIA's 21 0730 An ARVN soldier, 7th Regt, 5th Div who was captured during the attack with A/4/9, escaped and reported size of enemy forces that attacked A/4/9 consisted of approx 300 VC, near Phu Hoa Dong. 22 0730 4/9 requested EOD from Support Command. 23 0745 POW captured by A/4/9 at XT705185, being evac for interrogation 24 0745 C/4/9 assumed Div Base Reaction Force. 25 0820 Ref Item 2: Breakdown of casualties as follows: 24 US KIA, 5 ARVN KIA, 29 US WIA, 3 ARVN WIA 26 0822 Ref Item 2: A/4/9 reports 47 VC (BC) inside perimeter. 27 0823 Recon 4/9 has cleared road from Ann Margaret to A/4/9 forward position. Mines have not been blown but are marked with sand bags. 28 0835 A/3/4 Cav reports: 0735 captured 200 rounds of 50 Cal ammo, 1 50 gal barrel vic XT707189, and 1 detainee who appeared to be watching US troop movements. Also 2 RPG-2 rocket launchers, 5-6 rockets, SA ammo, ammo magazines, and misc documents, vic XT711186. 1 RPG-2 will be destroyed as it has a primed round in the tube. 30 0930 A/3/4 Cav located tunnel complex at XT702189 in and around hooches. Tunnel contained 9 VC bodies, tripod for 50 Cal MG. Blood trails in area, will continue to check area. 31 0945 A/3/4 Cav picked up 2 females, 1 boy and 1 man all of military age vic XT705192. 32 1015 A/3/4 Cav located large booby-trapped Chicom grenade vic XT703188 too large to be thrown and small trench system vic XT703187. Grenade blown in place, checking trenches 33 1050 2/27 tower reports one individual spotted vic XT622177. Requested to fire in that area. 34 1057 A/3/4 Cav captured one Chicom carbine with grenade adapter vic XT705191 (inside perimeter). Weapon had round in chamber. Captured one BAR vic XT701189. Both weapons will be evacuated. 35 1130 4/9 convoy closed Cu Chi base camp with 24 US KIA. 36 1145 65th and 588 Engrs were notified by Maj Fleming that there would be no night ops in either Laterite pits. All opns will be secured by 1830. 65th Engrs further given mission to secure the passage through 2nd Bde area to new Laterite pit. 37 1220 G-2 reported that a Chieu Hoi who returned during the OP Cedar Falls stated that 1/165 A usually withdrew to X Sa Nho; XS565268 and Trung Hung, XS565225 after a battle. 40 1338 AO (Div) observed numerous holes vic XT6122 running NE along road. Possibly new defense positions or graves. 41 1342 Ref Item 2: Adjusted totals of VC casualties:
Patrol Action: 3 VC KIA (BC), 5 VC KIA (Poss)
3/4 Cav action vic XT672175: 6 VC KIA (BC), 7 VC KIA (Poss)
3/4 Cav found in tunnel vic XT702189: 9 VC KIA (BC)
Found within perimeter: 47 VC KIA (BC)
Found outside perimeter: 27 VC KIA (BC)
From air strikes: 7 VC KIA (Poss)
Total: 92 VC KIA (BC) and 19 VC KIA (Poss)42 1355 2nd Bde sighted 2 individuals vic XT621171 and requested to fire in that area. 44 1415 Ref Item 41: 2nd Bde has 1 VC (BC) at XT621171 by Arty. 47 1710 B/4/9 has started moving back to B/C. 49 1731 25th inf Div CG will arrive here at 270930 hrs to see 4/9 Bn commander. 50 1740 B/4/9 spotted 8 VC vic XT699192. Called Arty on position. 51 1812 Ref Item 50: B/4/9 loc 3 VC KIA (BC) and 2 VC KIA (Poss) at XT699192. 53 1920 4/23 reports 2 people at XT646168. Requested to fire M-79 into area. Granted. 55 2035 65th Engr rec'd SA and AW weapons fire vic XT672145 Vinh Cu, also Vinh Cu is blacked out. 56 2050 2/27 reported two trip flares had been set off at new Laterite pit. 57 2100 PF ARVN outpost saw light at XT688141, fired AW and M-79. Results unk. 59 2150 65th Engr reported hearing AW fire S-SW of their bunker line. 61 2235 From G2: Translated copy of VC SOI taken from PW captured by A/4/9. 62 2240 588th Engr called and reported two dozers from 362nd Engr Co were left in old Laterite pit. Maj Fleming called Div TOC, also called 3/4 Cav for a security platoon to bring in dozers. 65 2330 3/4 Cav has departed with Engr to pick up dozers that were left in old Laterite pit. 68 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued security opns vic Cu Chi base camp, provided Div Base Reaction Force and remained control headquarters for Cu Chi base defense. 4/9 Inf continued security ops vic Cu Chi base camp and supported a company fwd base vic XT700189 until 261730 Feb 67.
PLANS SUMMARY: 1st Bde will continue security opns and control Cu Chi base defense. 4/9 Inf will continue security opns vic Cu Chi base camp and provide Div Base Reaction Force.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: July 24, 2024