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Daily Staff Journal 04-Feb-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 4-Feb-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 17
From C Co to 33: Reports SA fire coming in to bunker line from XS 743697.
19 0900 1/50 reports his first elements on ground and receiving small arms fire. Gunships taking them under fire. XS 682712. 25 0935 A Co reports having 2 US WIA's from booby-trap, loc XS 718717, dustoff requested. 28 0945 A Co reports 1 more WIA ambulatory from same booby-trap, making a total of 3 US WIA. (corrected to 5 WIA in 6-Feb Journal) 33 1025 From Bn CO to Cav: Cav and A Co are moving to blocking position MIKE and BOB. 39 1105 B Co found 3 VC graves marked by VC flag vic XS717723. They also have 1 VCS who will be sent in on resupply today. 42 1210 3/10 Cav picking up some SA fire from 4 houses 150-200 meters to his front vic XS705707. Fire has stopped and they are moving in on that area. 43 1237 S3 to Bde: It appears as though enemy resistance is building up as we approach obj's 6 & 7. Am concerned about FAC not being overhead. Would like to ensure that friendly air will be available if needed, when and if Bn CO 2/14 calls for it. 44 1250 From Bn CO to A Co CO: Are you on Obj 5 yet? Replay was that lead elements were on objective. 45 1310 A Co reports objective 5 has a large amount of bunkers. A Co has blown as many as possible, he just destroyed one 6 ft x 8 ft with overhead cover. 46 1335 From Bn CO to S3: A & C Co are on move to Obj 6. 50 1430 C Co to 33: C Co and A Co are just entering Obj 6. Co C believes he has received SA fire form his north vic XS697703. 51 1440 From S3 to Bde: Requested that Sgt Love of Bde that 2/14 Inf recommends a basic load of 90 M-72 LAW's per rifle company. This figure based on 18 grenadiers per rifle company, each Company 2 rounds on a man, basic load with remaining 3 rounds being transported on Co Trains. 54 1530 From Bn CO to S3: Has picked up the ARVN 2 WIA's and is bringing them to Rach Kien for 1st aid and dustoff at our location. 57 1600 A Co destroyed approx 60 bunkers in Obj 5, all with overhead cover, 75% of which are 2-man, 25% larger. 58 1615 B Co reports that they also found 1 1/2 lbs of documents at XS717723. This is the same location where the 3 VC graves with flags were found earlier today. 59 1640 A Co received SA fire from Obj 4, moved in and found nothing. 61 1705 A Co destroyed 4 4-man bunkers, 4 ft x 8 ft with overhead covers XS703702. 65 1840 S3 to 33: S3 reported that they received 3 rounds sniper fire vic XS705702. Arty called in. 66 1855 C Co received sniper fire from XS724704. No friendly casualties. Returned fire with Arty. 69 1920 C Co has finished crossing the creek vic XS729705 and is receiving SA fire from vic XS727705. 73 2025 C Co lead elements closed base camp. 75 2035 B Co to S3: Bunker 11 on B Co bunker line reported receiving 1 round of small arms fire from XS 743697.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 4-Feb-67
On this day the 2/14th Inf Bn was the only battalion attached to 1st Brigade. Since most of the 2/14 S-3 log entries above were also reported to Brigade HQ, they were duplicated in the 1st Bde S2/S3 log, but they will not be repeated here. I've included only entries that contain unique or unusual information
B/7/11 Arty on unk number of VC using loudspeaker vic XS793675, 2 VC KIA (Poss), loudspeaker silenced.
55 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opn LANIKAI with 2/14 Inf conducting an air, ground mobile S&D BUDDY opn with 1/50 and 3/10 Cav (ARVN). Co A/2/14 and 3/10 Vav established night base vic XS705704.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf detached. 2/14 Inf continued opn LANIKAI with A/2/14 and 3/10 Cav conducting S&D opn from XS724706 to Rach Kien.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 4-Feb-67
Received call from Div IG office to see if all units are complying with Div Cir 20-5. Pertains to the posting of this circular to all unit bulletin boards for at least seven days prior to the USARV IG.
Bde XO departed for Outpost Ann-Margaret to attend road opening ceremonies for the first vehicular convoy through the Filhol by the 2/27th Inf.
6 1400 Rec Cas Repts Battle WIA. B 2/14
KAAS, Virgil B. SGT
311900 Jan 67 XS774706. Fragment wound left knee. S&D mission, enemy rifle grenade.
021000 Feb 67 XS779696. Fragment wound right neck. S&D mission, enemy rifle grenade.
DELGADO, Francisco SGT
0209320 Feb 67 XS781701. Gunshot wound right shoulder. S&D mission, enemy sniper.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 25, 2008