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Daily Staff Journal 01-Feb-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 1-Feb-67
B Co reports receiving 2 rifle grenades vic XS 769669, no friendly casualties, called in Arty. Arty reports 1 VC KIA (Poss).
B Co reports detaining 1 male XS 766700, he had no ID card.
16 0830 A Co detained a male who was observing troop movement from and to Rach Kien vic XS 739699. 20 0910 From Bde to 33: Bde informed 2/14 that the 2 scout dog teams must go to Cu Chi today so the dogs can have physical exams. 21 0920 C Co Patrol 2, A Co Patrol 4, C Co Patrol 1 leave base, reach positions. 25 0940 FAC (Issue 11) found very large well-camouflaged bunkers at XS 722693. 26 0940 From S3 to Bde: A Co on 30-minute alert effective 0940 hrs to assist Bravo Co if needed. 27 0945 From Bde to S3: Be advised that the VHF and KY-8 will be out for 30 minutes. 30 1000 A Co Patrol 3 left position, returned to base camp. 34 1015 FAC (Issue 11) to B Co: At vic XS 777694 there are two uninhabited houses, the large one with the red tile roof is very well covered by foxholes. 35 1020 From S3 to Bde: Convoy from Ben Luc closed Rach Kien. 36 1020 From S3 to Bde: Hotline to Bde back in operation. 44 1145 B Co reports two platoons at XS 776694 found several foxholes with overhead cover, in process of destroying them. 46 1217 B Co to S3: Destroyed 3 overhead-covered foxholes and 1 storage bunker at vic XS 777695, no enemy contact. 49 1345 B Co reports finding 5 grenades and a small quantity of documents at vic XS 777691. 4 grenades were Chicom and 1 was US. One of each will be brought back to 2/14 location. 51 1435 B Co has found a mine and booby-trap sign loc XS 780690. Also another mine sign at vic XS 776692. 55 1515 From S3 Bde to 33: SMaj Wilson stated that 2/14 quota for Lightning Ambush Academy for the month of Feb 67 has been cancelled. Also stated that a 5-day course for potential Junior NCO's would be held at teh academy from 11 to 16 Feb 67 and that 2/14 would probably be levied for approx 11 quotas. 56 1520 B Co found more mine signs at vic XS 778691. Now crossing canal. 63 1730 B Co reports picking up 1 detainee at vic XS 781687. Detainee to be brought to 2/14 Inf loc in the morning. 68 1855 46th ARVN reports 3 VC set up a roadblock at XS 794684. 1 Friendly KIA 31 Jan. VC were wearing ARVN uniforms. 76 1955 C Co patrol 2 left FFL 1955 hrs; A Co patrol 3 & 4 left 2030 hrs; C Co patrol 1 left 2100 hrs.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 1-Feb-67
On this day the 2/14th Inf Bn was the only battalion attached to 1st Brigade. Since most of the 2/14 S-3 log entries above were also reported to Brigade HQ, they were duplicated in the 1st Bde S2/S3 log, but they will not be repeated here. I've included only entries that contain unique or unusual information
B/2/14 Inf Summary: At 1500 & 1900 hrs 31 Jan 5 foxholes with overhead cover were destroyed, 1 sampan destroyed, 31 bags of rice (100-150 lbs each) were destroyed, 1 structure destroyed, 2 VC KIA (Poss) by SA fire.
35 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued operation LANIKAI. ASCC's continue at Tan An, Ben Luc, and Rach Kien. The 2/14 Inf continued LANIKAI with S&D operation with Co B and 4 National Police vic XS7769 and XS7670. An overnight base is established XS775680. No air strikes were flown in support of 1st Bde operations.
PLAN SUMMARY: 2/14 Inf Bn will continue LANIKAI with Co B continuing S&D opn vic XS7669. The co will return to Rach Kien during the day.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 1-Feb-67
Div Special Services notified this office that a Caribou plane will depart Cu Chi for Vung Tau daily at 1615 to take R&R personnel. Also the plane will depart Vung Tau at 0800 daily for Cu Chi
Rec Cas Repts Battle WIA. B 2/14
1845 31 Jan 67 XS773706. S&D, enemy sniper.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 25, 2008