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Daily Staff Journal 30-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 30-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 4
From 1/46th Inf to 33: Informed 2/14 that they started movement on today's operation.
6 0408 1/46 has searched and occupied their objective, neg contact. 24 1150 From Bde to S3: 1st Bde reports that an ARVN unit captured a VC document stating a VC Bn has captured 80 laborers at Long An and they are planning to attack Rach Kien before TET. Not many details available. 51 2045 C Co reports approx 2 personnel moving about 200 meters east of their position. Co C CO requests mortars be standing by with charges cut to fire illumination if desired. XS 747701. 55 C Co outpost 1 engaged 10 VC at XS 745703 after illumination was fired. Radar also reports 6-8 personnel XS, 580 meters, 1000 mils. Outpost relocated position.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 30-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 10
G-2 informed 1st Bde the "drops" are finished (B-52 strikes)
16 0845 B/4/9 requested dustoff for 1 litter WIA vic XS646904. B/4/9 rec'd sporadic SA sniper fire vic canal #9 XS647905. 18 0935 3rd Airborne element has 1 VC WIA vic XS635899. 1st Bde S-2 requested the PW be evac to Cu Chi and that the interrogation team meet the PW on the medevac pad. 19 1000 CMD approved request to fire in grid XS6893 with gunships. 20 1003 Ref Item 18: PW has been picked up and on way to Cu Chi. IPW team will be waiting. 21 1005 Delayed Entry: 3rd Airborne element has 1 VC KIA (BC) and 6 60mm rounds vic XS637898 at 0835 hrs. Mortar rounds destroyed in place. 22 1020 Clearance for immediate air strikes vic XS665940 to XS670995 were requested through Binh Chanh and Duc Hoa. Target VC activity. Approved. 23 1025 B/4/9 sustained 1 WIA from SA fire vic XS645905. 24 1045 Dustoff ship took hit from ground fire from south side of canal vic XS645902. No casualties, gunships returned fire, results unk. 27 1135 Initial interrogation of VC PW, he is from 2nd Co., 6th Bn, 165A Regt, wounded by F100 air strike. Normal action during air strike is to split into squad size elements and disperse. 28 1245 B/4/9 found firing position covered with blood at vic XS645911. Continuing search. 30 1305 A/4/9 found 100 lbs of medical supplies, vic XS638909. Will evac. B/4/9 captured misc medical supplies, web gear, 4 M-18 mines vic XS648\9905. 31 1320 B/4/9 found 3 pistol belts covered with blood vic XS649905. 34 1343 3rd Airborne Bn apprehended 3 VC vic XS620898. Will evac to Binh Chanh. 35 1400 B/4/9 captured 6 BAR clips, 15 M-79 rounds, assorted SA rounds vic XS644906 36 1400 A/4/9 found (1) 55-gal drum of documents, will evac, XS698908. 37 1410 B/4/9 destroyed 4 platoon fortifications, 25 foxholes with overhead covers vic XS644906 38 1415 Ref Item 34: Three PW taken by 3rd Airborne Bn, one was a company commander. He stated that the 6th Bn, 165A Regt moved northwest 5000 meters at 0500 hrs this morning to vic XS5690 and XS5691. (1) .45 Cal. pistol and 1 US carbine was taken from the PW. 40 1450 A/4/9 destroyed 33 bunkers. 42 1515 B/4/9 at 1400 hrs 1 VC KIA (Poss) (1) BAR captured vic XS641907. 43 1525 C/3/7 Inf loc vic XS684851. B/3/7 loc vic XS784773. B/3/7 rec'd 3-4 rounds suspect mortar fire possibly rifle grenades vic XS786764. No casualties. 44 1530 B/4/9 found a 55-gal drum filled with ammo vic XS638908. 45 1540 B/4/9 destroyed 6 US AP mines vic XS638909. 46 1600 B/4/9 loc 1 US carbine, 1 unknown automatic weapon vic XS643906. 49 1610 One of the 3 VC POW's captured by 3rd Airborne Bn stated that 1 Company of the 6th Bn 365A Regt was located vic XS650826 to XS668814 south side of canal. Area is being reconned. 55 1719 B/4/9 extraction completed, 1st lift received AS fire, no hits on aircraft. 61 2130 2/14 patrol #1 spotted 10 VC at XS745763, fired illumination, moved patrol 50 meters north. Radar picked up 6-8 VC moving toward that location. 66 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns LANIKAI and FAIRFAX. 4/9 Inf and 3rd Airborne Bn (ARVN) conducted a raid into the pineapple plantation, center of opn XS625900. Canals in the area were searched. Documents, medical supplies and weapons were located. After completion of the opn 4/9 returned to Cu Chi base camp. Two companies of 2/14 Inf were the Bde reaction force. After completion of this opn companies returned to Rach Kien.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will improve defensive positions at base camp at Cu Chi. 2/14 will continue to improve defensive positions at fwd base Rach Kien.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 24, 2008