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Daily Staff Journal 27-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 27-Jan-67
From S3 to Bde: Outpost #2 sighted 6 VC approx 50 meters in front of them, they engaged with SA fire, going out to check area. Results 2 VC KIA (Poss), found 1 set of clothes.
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 26 0748 1/50 reports 2nd lift on ground, receiving SA fire from XS 671731 and XS 665720. Heavy SA fire. 27 0750 A Co reports their element and 3/10 Cav ARVN have started their move to Obj #3. 31 0800 1/50th reports as elements were moving to Obj #4 they started receiving sporadic SA fire. 36 0831 1/50th ARVN reports detaining 4 individuals XS 678619. 41 0900 From Special Police to S2: VC guerrilla squad loc XS 744693 digging foxholes around large house and building bunker within house. Info from US sympathizer. Patrol #2 will check it out. 44 0915 A Co found a flashlight, 4 pieces of clothing and some cigarettes in the area where they sprang their ambush on 26 Jan. 46 0922 1/50 reports having 1 more detainee picked up at XS 680725, total now 5. 47 0927 1/50 reports receiving SA and possibly 2 automatic weapons fire, also spotted 8 VC XS695725. 48 0930 1/50th reports spotting 1 squad VC at XS 683735 moving along road. 50 1010 1/50 reports picking up 2 additional VC detainees at vic XS 685725. Total 7 detainees. 54 1055 A Co reports finding approx 25 anti-heliborne obstacles in an area 50 x 50 meters vic XS 707724. They were approx 5 meters tall. 57 1320 Patrol #4 reports observing 3 individuals, 1 located XS 734712, the other 2 at XS 736712. They wore brown garments, but they did not carry any weapons, will keep us informed. 58 1246 A Co has joined up with 3/10 Cav ARVN and will be moving into final phase in approx 15 minutes. 60 1400 A Co loc XS 696717 are linked up with the 3/10 Cav. They completed sweep of Obj 7 with no results and are now enroute to Rach Kien. At this time the 3/10 Cav ARVN has one of its APC's stuck, as soon as it is pulled out of the mud they will commence moving again. 62 1440 A Co reports receiving ineffective SA fire from vic XS 729727. Fire returned, enemy fire ceased. No friendly casualties. 64 1445 1/46th ARVN reports receiving heavy SA at XS 733727, and XS 732730, they are returning fire, its possible it may be more than a VC squad, est 2 VC squads. VC broke contact approx 1505 hrs. 67 1600 From S3 1st Bde to S3: SMAJ Wilson of 1st Bde called: Stated that 10 more personnel from 9th Div would arrive 2/14 Inf location at Rach Kien from 4/9 Inf. These personnel will remain with 2/14 Inf until approx 03 Feb 67 for observation etc. purposes. 79 1725 From 46th Regt to S3: Ref information that was asked the 46th Inf to get about the families of ARVN soldiers that were killed or wounded. The following information was gathered: 1. Each soldier's family receives 1 year's salary. 2. Sometimes the other soldiers will get together and make a slush fund and each family will get ranging from 500 to 1000 piastres a year. Other than that they don't get anything but the funeral. 3. The advisor has a list of 9 wives and 32 children. He will send them to this HQ later with the names and addresses enclosed. 86 1810 Bn Dispensary to TOC: Have 2 small boys wounded by a VC booby-trap, request dustoff. 91 1945 From Maj Kolson to TOC: Inform Maj Williams that a gas attack will be included in the upcoming operation, 2/14 Inf must have gas masks in operational order. 96 2045 B Co Patrol 1 reports that their dog has picked up some movement to their front vic XS751696. Also reported seeing red lights. They were instructed to stop and observe, if nothing developed, continue their mission.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 27-Jan-67
A/2/14 listening post engaged 6 VC with SA vic XS712721. 2 VC KIA (Poss).
4/9 patrols at XS729781 and XS718780, rec'd some SA and AW fire as a result of ARVN contact. Also observed flare. No casualties.
14 0745 1/50 ARVN 2nd lift on ground, rec'd SA fire at XS671731 and XS665720. Neg casualties. 18 0833 25th Avn aircraft spotted 18 sampans being loaded with people vic XS6907 and 10 sampans being loaded with people vic XS6807, moving south. 19 0840 1/50 ARVN picked up 4 detainees vic XS678719. 23 0918 At 0900 hrs S2 2/14 rec'd report from US sympathizers that a VC guerrilla squad was located vic XS744693. The VC were reportedly digging foxholes around a large fortified building, and building bunkers inside the building. 2/14 will have patrol #2 depart ambush position and check area. 24 0925 1/50 ARVN spotted 1 VC squad vic XS684726. VC squad moved out, direction of withdrawal not observed. 25 0926 1/50th ARVN picked up one detainee vic XS680725. 26 0935 1/50 ARVN receiving SA and AW fire, and has spotted 8 VC vic XS 695724. 1/50 ARVN sending element to overrun VC elements. 27 0940 1/50th observed 1 VC squad moving along road at vic XS683735. 30 1014 1/50 ARVN picked up 2 detainees loc vic XS685725. Total 7. 36 1300 C/4/9 picked up 11 detainees vic XS671779. 3 detainees vic XS667807 at 1245 hrs. 38 1354 C/4/9 picked up 5 detainees vic XS667807. 42 1445 A/2/14 rec'd SA sniper fire loc vic XS729727, returned fire, no casualties. 44 1515 1/46 reported to 2/14 that 2 VC squads were located vic XS733727 and XS732730. 1/46 element was taken under fire, returned fire, VC broke contact. 54 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns LANIKAI and FAIRFAX. 4/9 Inf conducted Eagle flights into vic XS6681 and XS6778. 2/14 Inf conducted joint BUDDY opns with 1/50 ARVN and 3/10 Cav ARVN vic XS7071 and XS6972.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will continue FAIRFAX with local security opns, ambushes and patrolling in the fwd base areas. 2/14 Inf will continue LANIKAI with A/2/14 conducting local security opns vic Rach Kien. Co's B & C will move by vehicle to Ben Luc at 1300 hrs for reaction force for opn to be conducted by 4/9 Inf on 29 Jan.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 24, 2008