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Daily Staff Journal 26-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 11
A Co has been relieved of the bunker line as of 0630; Co B and C assumed positions.
22 0735 Bn CO to S3: Reports fire being received by lift ship approx XS 688727. 27 0740 3/10 Cav ARVN reports receiving SA fire from XS 734723. Are returning fire at this time. Also received SA fire from XS 734729. 31 0740 A Co reports they received SA fire as they were landing on the ground. No hits to aircraft. 36 0815 A Co reports spotting a squad size VC element at XS 712723. 41 0900 From S3 to Bde: Loc of elements on today's opn: The 3/10 Cav ARVN vic XS 717728 and XS 725725; 2 platoons at each position. 1 APC threw a track on 2nd loc. The 1/46th ARVN XS 731740 and XS 730730 as of 0900. Destroyed 40-50 1 and 2-man bunkers with overhead cover vic XS 730727 to XS 732738. Co A vic XS 714736 w/no enemy contact. Also has 5 detainees from vic XS715737. 43 0930 3/10 Cav repaired the broken track and the 2 platoons commenced moving west. 44 0948 From S3 to 1/46th Regt: Bn CO states that 1/46 elements can be released as soon as all the bunkers have been destroyed. 45 1012 A Co located XS 717733 has apprehended 4 additional detainees in that vic, now has total of 9 detainees. Evac to Rach Kien. 51 1230 A Co reports finding a 19-year-old male very ill in a hut - medic believes he has possible appendicitis and has temp of 102. Co A located vic PL KING. Will attempt to evacuate in C&C ship. 53 1330 B Co 3rd platoon departed FFL at 1350 hrs enroute to vic XS 757694 to check a possible VC roadblock at that location. 55 1325 Medics to 33: Civilian patient brought to 2/14th location from Co A area of opn, was treated and released to go back to his village. 57 1400 Co A has total of 11 detainees. 60 1500 From 46th Inf to S3: Advisor requests that 2 of his elements be released on 27 Jan for the purpose of being paid. After they are paid they may be put back in operation. 62 1523 A Co CO has 4 detainees and 1 photographer that he wants to evacuate later this afternoon. Photographer is going to Saigon. When the chopper picks up detainees, send a case of grenades. 64 1535 3rd platoon searched area of VC roadblock with negative contact, returning to base camp. 66 1602 From CO Co A to 33: Located between 30-50 12-feet-high anti heliborne obstacles at vic XS 72173\23. 72 1640 B Co patrol leader reports 1. destroyed 2 bunkers XS 756695, 2. a roadblock (old) with fresh dirt and a mine sign (Tu Dia) loc XS 757694, 3. found in house XS 757695 copper wire tightly coiled and an unknown number 45 Cal carbine brass. 80 1800 A Co has secured obj JOKER and tied in with 3/10 Cav as of 1750. Co A CO also reports destroying between 50-70 bunkers, approx every 15th bunker was L-shape, the others were one and two-man positions. All had overhead cover. 87 1935 A Co reports receiving sniper fire from XS 710725 and XS 714727. Fire not effective. 88 1945 From S3 to HHC: Called SSG Washburn, Acting 1st Sgt of HHC (Rear) and reminded him that PFC Nichols of HHC was to report to Projectionist School tomorrow morning 27 Jan.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 18
A/4/9 patrol STEAK sprung ambush at 0530 hrs, 2 VC KIA (Poss) vic 647863.
20 0805 3/10 Cav ARVN rec'd SA fire at vic XS734723 and XS734729. 21 0818 A/2/14 rec'd SA fire on LZ, no casualties. 22 0820 A/2/14 rec'd fire from 1 VC squad vic 712723, returned fire. 24 0913 3/10 Cav ARVN, 1 APC threw track at XS725725. 25 0915 1/46 ARVN loc XS730727 destroyed 40-50 bunkers. A/2/14 picked up 5 detainees vic XS714737. 27 1010 A/4/9 patrol STEAK results 1 VC KIA (BC), 1 VC KIA (Poss), (1) 38 Cal pistol, assorted web gear captured. 28 1017 A/2/14 loc XS717733 picked up 4 detainees for a total of 9 detainees, assorted web gear captured. 29 1112 A/2/14 has 11 detainees, evac to 2/14th base. 30 1135 A/4/9 ambush platoon engaged moderate sniper fire from north and south, fire team scrambled. FAC overhead. Engaged with Arty and SA, 1 US WIA. 37 1315 2/14 is sending 1 element from B Co to check on VC telling people to stay out of town. 43 1630 A/2/14 located 30-50 heliborne obstacles at XS721723, 12-feet-high. 44 1635 B/2/14 patrol closed base camp. Destroyed 2 bunkers, found roadblock that was old with fresh dirt, and "Tu Dia" sign. Searched nearby house, found 30 ft copper wire and 5 .45 Cal expended cartridges. 45 1820 A/2/14 secured obj JOKER at 1750 hrs vic XS718720. Destroyed 62 bunkers between obj 1 and 2. 47 1940 A/2/14 rec'd ineffective sniper fire from 2 locations. 49 2010 C/4/9 patrol PAUL accidentally detonated a US claymore mine. No casualties, patrol relocating. 54 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. 4/9 Inf conducting local ambush and security opns, vic of company bases. 2/14 Inf conducted a joint BUDDY opn with 1/46 ARVN and 3/10 Cav ARVN with A/2/14 conducting heliborne assault vic XS714737 with 1/46 blocking and 3/10 blocking.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will continue FAIRFAX with local security opn and one airmobile S&D opn with C/4/9 vic XS670870. 2/14 Inf continues opn LANIKAI with BUDDY opn vic XS702718 with 1/50th ARVN conducting airborne assault on LZ vic XS670721.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 24, 2008