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Daily Staff Journal 24-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 6
C Co departed Friendly Front Lines (FFL)
9 0635 C Co reports platoon along route HAMMER linked up with ARVN at XS 742717. Also two platoons along route ANVIL at XS 725704. No contact. 17 0745 C Co reports receiving sniper fire from approx XS 726717. No casualties. Elements on route HAMMER. 18 0801 A Co Patrol #1 left FFL. 20 0830 B co Patrol #2 left FFL. 23 0845 C Co CO reports blocking position #2 has 3 VC KIA (Poss), also one belt of ammo, XS 727702. 24 0850 Patrol #3 leaving FFL. 26 0900 C Co receiving sniper fire XS 720709. No friendly casualties. 28 0920 S3 to 33: Have his security element ready to move with 15 minutes notice. Have received sniper fire within the perimeter. 29 0920 S3: General Maxwell Taylor (Retired) arrived at 2/14 Inf Rach Kien. 31 0955 C Co reports receiving sniper fire form XS 717717, fire returned with SA and Arty. No casualties. 32 1013 1/46th has completed mission of securing north-south road from Rach Kien. 35 1025 C Co CO informed S3 that fire received from XS 717717 was estimated to be from 4 positions and weapons used sounded like carbines. Co C also received fire from southwest but location could not be pinpointed. Requested to bring the stay-behind patrol to present location. Granted. 36 1045 C Co 1st element is crossing river. 38 1107 C Co reports re-crossing stream and moving east at 1107 hours. 40 1143 Patrol 1 to S3: Observed automatic weapons sniper fire from XS 745695, fired at a plane flying over the area. Also at the same time C Co's 1st platoon reported sniper fire from the right side of the east road. 43 1225 3rd Platoon C Co reports has found 1 VC KIA with no weapon or papers. VC has been dead for approx 1 week. 44 1235 FAC (Issue 14) reports observing two large bunkers, well camouflaged and slit trenches running west from XS 704701 for approx 300 meters. 45 1240 C Co closed in base camp 1240 hrs. 46 1240 A Co Patrol 1 reports receiving a few rounds of sniper fire from XS 754695 on an azimuth of 1600 plus 200 meters. 48 1257 From FAC (Issue 14) to S3: On Route 227 south of village there are numerous bunkers and foxholes. 51 1330 From MID to 33: Co C 2/14 Inf apprehended 2 male personnel during this morning's opn. One was apprehended at approx 0815 hrs vic XS 734718 and the other at approx 0830 vic XS 732715. They were brought with Co C elements and turned over to MID personnel by the Bn S2 for interrogation. 52 1340 From S3 to S3 Rear: Called SSGT Whitman, Duty NCO of S3 rear, and requested that he insure that SGT Pritts of Co A; SP5 Spoden of Co B; and PFC Battle of Co C report to Rifle XM16E1 and Grenade Launcher XS148 Course of instruction to be held at 25th Inf Div Ambush Academy on Wed 25 Jan 67, at 0800, also informed personnel that they would take their individual weapons plus all accessories to the course. 62 1730 46th ARVN reports contact with VC, receiving sniper fire. 64 1745 46th ARVN reports 3 to 6 VC at XS 730742 and XS 729735. Request 4 rounds of Arty at each position.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 24-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 13
B/4/9 BUSHMASTER checking area where AW fire was received at 231745 hrs vic XS786742. Received several rounds sniper fire at 0800, firing mortars on suspected VC locations.
14 0815 C/2/14 rec'd sniper fire vic XS726717, no casualties, returned fire, firing ceased. 16 0847 C/2/14 moving to blocking position #1 rec'd sniper fire from vic XS727702. Returned fire with SA, results 3 VC KIA (Poss). 1 Belt of ammo found. 18 0905 C/2/14 receiving sniper fire at XS720709. 19 0942 A/2/14 on 15 minute alert because of sniper fire at base camp perimeter. 20 0942 B/4/9 BUSHMASTER loc vic XS785745 located and destroyed 17 bunkers, 2 booby-traps. 21 1000 C/2/14 receiving sniper fire from XS 717717. No casualties, returning fire with SA. 22 1025 C/2/14 moving, platoon element loc XS720715 rec'd SA sniper fire vic XS717717 from 4 positions, returning fire with SA and Arty, VC broke contact. 26 1158 A/2/14 patrol 1 observed AW fire being directed against FAC from XS754695. 27 1241 A/2/14 patrol 1 receiving sniper fire from XS754695, returning fire. 34 1445 At 1430 a Vietnamese National walked into B/4/9 area and stated he know where a VC squad was hiding and would lead the Americans to the hiding place vic XS780780. B/4/9 has sent a platoon with the informant to the suspected location. 36 1600 B/4/9 reached objective area, neg contact. Will widen search area. FAC airborne if needed. 37 1658 B/4/9 platoon closed base camp at 1612 hrs with 5 detainees. 45 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI with 4/9 Inf conducting BUSHMASTER opns vic XS7874. A Co fwd support base remains vic XS6885. 2/14 Inf conducting BUDDY S&D opns with element of 1/46 ARVN vic XS7271.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will continue FAIRFAX with local security and ambush opns in fwd base area. 2/14 Inf will continue LANIKAI with local security and ambush opns vic Rach Kien.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 24, 2008