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Daily Staff Journal 18-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 18-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change. 16
A Co receiving sniper fire vic XS 725690. They are suppressing with their own fire.
18 0800 S3 to Bde: Resupply extraction was completed 0800 hrs for Co B and C. Also 2 detainees were brought into Rach Kien base camp. Detainees were apprehended vic XS 694681. 1 of them was a gunshot wound, he has been treated at the 2/14 dispensary and will be evacuated. 20 0815 A Co reports having one US KIA as a result of enemy sniper fire from XS 725690. KIA extracted by C&C ship. 24 0915 S3 to 33: Reports that Arty fired by B Co on 2 VC XS 688692 resulted in 2 VC KIA (Poss). 25 0935 Co A to 33: Loc PL BRENDA vic XS 710687. Has 1 detainee apprehended at that loc. 26 0950 B Co reports 2 VC running XS 688693, Arty fire being called in that area. 27 0950 A Co reports activity vic XS 715693, MG firing. 33 informed Bn CO that there are no friendlies in that area. 29 1005 A Co said the C&C ship took SA fire from XS 720690. Bn CO said that he spotted a camouflaged sampan vic XS 718693. Sampan is resting on the northern bank of the river at that location. Arty fire has been placed on it. Results 2 VC KIA (Poss). 30 1010 A Co reports that the last WP round landed in his position. On one injured. 31 1010 Brigade commander and Brigade S-3 arrived at Rach Kien 0900 hrs and departed 1010 hrs. 32 1011 A Co reports receiving sporadic sniper fire vic XS 715693 and XS 720690. Fire returned with SA and Arty. 40 1125 A Co reports receiving SA fire and automatic weapons fire from XS 725693. Also received one round of what appears to be M-79. No friendly casualties. Also advised the Bn CO that the C&C ship was also fired upon from same loc. 42 1135 Co B reports receiving SA fire from vic XS 711680. 43 1140 C Co on PL GREEN reports receiving carbine fire from approx 2 carbines from an unknown location. 45 1202 A Co reports that C&C ship received SA fire from vic XS 727692. 54 1500 C5 to Capt Cecchine: Results of yesterday's activity: 4 VC KIA (BC), 8 VC KIA (Poss), 72 2-man foxholes with overhead cover destroyed captured 300 rounds SA ammo, 12 hand grenades and 1 60mm mortar. Friendly casualties: 1 US KIA, 11 US WIA (included 2 after 1800), 4 PRU WIA, 4 wounded by civilians. 56 1545 46th ARVN to 33: Reports one of its elements found (1) 15 kilo and (1) 25 kilo VC mines with wire and blasting caps vic XS 742718. 57 1620 From C Co to S3: Report on Arty for 17 Jan activities: 26 VC KIA (Poss), 6 houses destroyed and 1 secondary explosion. 60 1705 From FAC (Issue 15) to S3: FAC spotted a camouflaged barge approx 35 ft x 40 ft vic XS 700667. Permission was requested and obtained to take it under Arty fire. Fire was observed and adjusted by FAC. Barge destroyed. 72 2005 C Co Patrol #1 reports that their dog was acting up and they are going to set up a hasty ambush by road junction. 77 2105 Co A Patrol 3 reports a casualty, one of his men accidentally shot himself in the foot, XS 731700, are returning to base camp, will reestablish position again later. 78 2105 S3 to A Co CO: Notified A Co CO to conduct complete investigation and report to Bn CO at 0800 19 Jan.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 18-Jan-67
ARVN outpost under attack at vic XS722516. Results unk at this time.
4/9 request to use CS was approved by G-3 at XS800775.
14 0735 A/2/14 rec'd sniper fire at XS725690. They are suppressing their own fires. 17 0820 A/2/14 sustained 1 KIA from sniper fire vic XS725690 20 0920 Arty fired in support of 2/14, 2 VC vic XS688692 resulting in 2 VC KIA (Poss). 22 0945 A/2/14 in blocking position XS710687, have one detainee at that loc. 2/14 began moving toward blocking position. 25 1026 2/14 C&C ship rec'd SA fire from vic XS720690. Bn CO spotted camouflaged sampan vic XS718693 on north bank of river. Arty being fired on sampan. At 1010 hrs WP round landed in A/2/14 blocking position, no casualties. At 1011 hrs A/2/14 rec'd sporadic sniper fire from vic XS715693 and XS720690. Returned fire with SA and Arty. 27 1010 Delayed Entry: B/2/14 picked up 1 wounded detainee vic XS695681 at 0800 hrs. Detainee sent to Tan An by 2/14 C&C ship. 32 1131 A/2/14 receiving SA and AW fire from XS7256903. 1 M-79 round also received. 2/14 C&C ship rec'd SA fire from same loc. 33 1200 C/2/14 loc vic XS718685. B/2/14 rec'd several rounds SA fire from vic XS711680, no casualties, fire returned. 37 1340 C/4/9 platoon extracted at 1220 from vic XS804775. During extraction rec'd ground fire and went into 2nd LZ vic XS807753 in an attempt to locate VC pos vic XS804753. C/4/9 has one detainee at 1240 hrs vic 2nd LZ coord XS807753. 40 1600 A/4/9 stay-behind patrol sighted 3 VC in the open vic XS669853. Arty and mortar fire was called in. No surveillance at this time. Patrol is moving to check area. 43 1705 FAC sighted large 35 ft x 40 ft barge at XS700667, fired on by Arty and destroyed. 47 2103 A/2/14 patrol 3 returning to Base Camp, 1 man accidentally shot himself in the foot. 52 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Rach Kien, Tan An and Gia Dinh. 4/9 Inf will continue BUDDY opns with 3rd ARVN Airborne Bn vic XS6885 and XS6884, be establishing forward outpost bases. 2/14 Inf bn continues S&D opns in AO west of base at Rach Kien. B and C company 2/14 coiled for the night vic XS694683.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn will continue FAIRFAX with security and ambush opns. Co A will continue local security and base construction in their fwd base area. Co B will conduct local security of the B and C Co bases and provide MSR security on Route 231 to the southeast. Co C will conduct local security at Binh Chanh area. 2/14 Inf Bn will continue LANIKAI with local security opns in Rach Kien.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 18-Jan-67
Rec Cas Rept Battle 1 WIA B 2/14
Rec Cas Repts 2 KIA
ORTIZ-ORTIZ, Ceferino, L. SP4 C 2/14
McCULLOUGH, Ronald, J. SGT A 2/145 1600 Rec Cas Repts 13 WIA Co C 2/14
MAST, Thomas SP4
BODDIE, Arthur, Jr. SSG
WALL, Wayne E. SGT
RIOS, Calon J. SP4
KIDD, Eddie R. SP4
WOODY, Troy J. PSG6 1600 Rec Cas Rept 1 WIA. Co B 2/14
MAXWELL, William E. 2LT7 1600 Rec Cas Rept 1 NBC (SIW) Co C 2/14
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 23, 2008