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Daily Staff Journal 16-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 16-Jan-67
50th ARVN Regt. reports bridge partly blown at XS 740760, explosives and small arms fire. Explosives floated down river and hit bridge. Bridge is not blown and can be fixed. 50th ARVN Regt advisor will notify Bn in morning. Bridge can be fixed in about 1 hour for 1/4 ton and maybe 2 1/2 ton.
Capt Cecchine to Bde: Inform R6 at Cu Chi to check with us tomorrow before proceeding on convoy. Also be advised we may need CH-47 resupply for B/7/11 Arty tomorrow.
4 0105 From Can Guioc sub sector to S3: Reports receiving mortar fire from vic XS 821708, XS 790730. 5 0150 C-6 to 33: Out of contact with 16 element for two hours, unable to detect trouble. Have tried 200 meter ht. of burst. No response. He will advise Bn CO. 16 0710 C Co reports receiving SA fire and automatic wpns fire from XS708677. 18 0740 From Bn CO to S3: There will not be any change of plans for this morning, B Co will work the stream, XS 705673 and will be operating south of Co C. 24 0850 From Bn XO to 33: Convoy scheduled for today has been cancelled. Due to the condition of the bridge at Cau Tram XS 740760. The bridge was damaged by explosives detonated by the VC last night. The engineers estimate that with all the material needed for repairs it will take at least 4 hours to repair the bridge. Today's resupply will be conducted by CH-47. 25 0850 From Bde Avn Officer to Bn S3: There will be a delay on the C&C ship. All UH-1D are presently attached to the 4/9th Inf for an airlift which is scheduled to be effected at 0910 hrs. As soon as the 4/9 airlift is completed, the 2/14 Inf will get a C&C ship. 28 0900 From S3 to Co's: Checked with Companies to insure that personnel to attend 25th Inf Div Schools on 16, 17 and 18 Jan 67 had been returned to Cu Chi. Reply Affirmative. Persons contacted were SP4 Morrison on Co A, Lt Yates of Co B and SP4 Richison of Co C. Personnel to attend schools are PFC Battle of Co C on 16 Jan, PFC Perkins of Co B on 17 Jan and SP4 Childs of Co A on 18 Jan. 29 0940 The 25th Inf Div commanding general Maj. Gen. Fred C. Weyand arrived at Rach Kien 2/14th Inf Base Camp. Also the 1st Brigade Commander and 1st Brigade S-3 arrived at the same time. The Bn XO met with them at the helipad and escorted them to the TOC. 30 1000 Co Co reports that last night their 3rd platoon received SA fire from the northeast. The snipers then withdrew to the north to a house located at XS 699682. C Co 3rd platoon observed the enemy which appeared to be squad size, to be wearing tiger suits and some in black shirts. The enemy went into the house and came out in civilian clothes and unarmed. C Co is maneuvering towards the house at this time and receiving automatic weapons fire from there. No friendly casualties reported. 31 1030 C Co reports receiving no more fire from the area of the house located at vic XS 699682. C Co is having a platoon secure the area of the house and a squad will search the house. So far nothing has been found. 36 1320 B Co reports finding two sampans at XS 698665, both sampans are being sunk by B Co. 37 1325 33 to Recon: Contacted Lt. Crafton by radio and informed him that he and his platoon were to report to Ben Luc not later than 1700 hrs. Recon platoon was located at Binh Chanh when contacted. Also reported that Recon Platoon Leader contact S-3 (forward) for further instructions by land line upon arrival at Ben Luc. Further instructions will be that 2/14 Recon Platoon will provide compound security for Ben Luc compound at night and be utilized for convoy security from Binh Chanh to Rach Kien during the day. 4/9 Recon Platoon will provide convoy security from Cu Chi to Binh Chanh. 38 1300 B Co has found approx 20 bags of rice (100-150 lb bags in size) in a house vic XS 699669 and would like instructions for disposing of it. Reply: Cut the bags and spread the rice out in the paddies. B Co was asked to bring back a sample of the rice. 39 1305 From Maj Colson to Maj Whitener: Recon platoon 2/14 will provide security at Ben Luc each night until further notice. Recon platoon 2/14 will be available to battalion each day for escort of convoys from Binh Chanh to Rach Kien as operations require. Recon platoon will escort convoys from Cu Chi to Binh Chanh daily. Bde S-3 will coord with Maj Kubas to insure a CH-47 lift for mortar ammo today. 42 1320 C Co reports having a detainee who has knowledge of a minefield vic XS 690675. Co CO says that the detainee is very reluctant to even get close to that area. C Co picked up the 2 detainees at XS 695674 at 1305 hrs, these include the above detainee who had knowledge of minefield, total of 2 detainees as of 1320 hrs. 43 1420 B Co reports detaining a male suspect XS 696669. They are taking him along with the unit and will evacuate him later. 44 1440 C Co reports receiving sniper fire from XS 688677. Results 1 PRU WIA, 1 PRU KIA. The WIA is not serious and dustoff not required at this time. 48 1550 From 1/46th Inf to S3: Stated that they had been informed that the bridge at Cau Tram vic XS 740760 was now open. 56 1855 From C Co CO to S3: Advises that the PRU Unit with him be relieved and withdrawn. The PRU's have refused to comply with two orders given by C Co CO. The CO of Co C will make a written report when he returns. 70 2100 From Bde to S3: 316 VC company 31 KIA (BC), 18 weapons captured, 1 RPG, 2 rocket launcher, 8 tons of rice captured, 21 tunnels destroyed.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 16-Jan-67
From S4 4/9: In case aircraft comes in, it can be reached at this freq (44.2), if having problems reading at present freq relay to S4 4/9 rear.
The Cau Tram bridge was blown up by VC at vic XS7476. Damage can be easily repaired.
4 0145 4/9 was informed of situation in regards to mortar and SA fire being rec'd at Can Giuoc Xs8372. 8 0450 Ref Item 4: 46th SA notified 4/9 about incident at Can Giuoc. Believed to be a VC platoon or larger. Also believed to have moved to XS8074 looking for a place to hide since it is getting close to daylight. 13 0730 C/2/14 rec'd sniper fire fic XS708677, results unk. 14 0745 Results of incident at Can Giuoc xs812722: 4 KIA, 3 MIA, 7 WIA, lost 5 BARs, 7 individual weapons and 1 60mm mortar. 16 0825 Following is estimate of materials required to restore bridge at Cau Tram as determined by Lt Slatery, 65th Engr Bn: To restore bridge to class 20: 4 hrs work for 8-10 men, 35 ea 3 in x 12 in x 14 ft, 3 in x 6 in x 70 ft of curbing, 100 lbs 60D and 30D nails. To rebuild bet 3 ea 14 in x 4 in x 22 ft and 4 ea 3 in x 12 in x 20 ft. 17 0830 Ref Item 4: A company of ARVN had a defensive position set up vic XS822722. The VC (undetermined size) hit the position at 0130 resulting in 4 KIA, 7 WIA, 3 MIA. 5 BARs 7 individual weapons and 1 60mm mortar captured. 19 0900 Delayed Entry: At 0808 gunships in support of 4/9 opns received ground fire from XS677848 and XS695853. Fire was returned with MG's and an air strike was placed on XS695853. Arty was fired on XS677845. Results unknown. 21 0925 Lift 1 4/9 on LZ's 1 & 2. Ineffective SA fire rec'd from both locations after troops were on the ground. 24 1020 At 0545 hrs the 3rd platoon C/2/14 observed a squad size element wearing tiger suits and some with black shirts, all armed, going into a house vic XS 699682, believed at the time to be PRU element. A short time later (0630) the personnel left the house in civilian clothes without weapons. C/2/14 surrounded house to keep it under observation and at 1010 hrs received AW fire from the house. 25 1045 C/2/14 reports receiving no fire at 1030 hrs. Platoon securing area and will send squad in to check house. 26 1100 Material to repair bridge vic XS740760 will arrive in afternoon convoy from Cu Chi. 27 1105 At 1045 hrs the FAC over 4/9 area sighted 15 personnel in black uniforms moving southeast on canal from XS630844 and also 3 personnel in foxholes vic XS678845. Arty called in on VC locs, results unk. 29 1150 Ref Items 24/25 - a search of the house revealed nothing. 30 1155 FAC flying mission for 4/9 rec'd fire from XS678855 at 1130 hrs, aircraft was hit and forced to land at Duc Hoa. Pilot was not injured. 22 1310 B/2/14 located 20 bags of rice inside house vic XS699669. Each bag weighed 100-150 lbs. A sample of rice was kept, rest was destroyed because it could not be evacuated. 34 1330 B/2/14 found 2 camouflaged sampans vic XS698665, sank both. 35 1345 C/2/14 picked up 2 detainees vic XS695674. One of these claims knowledge of minefield. 36 1420 A/4/9 loc vic XS680847 made contact with unk nbr of VC, required light fire team and also fired Arty on VC locations. Results unk. 27 1425 B/2/14 picked up 1 male detainee vic XS696669. 38 1500 PRU with C/2/14 received 1 KIA and 1 WIA from sniper fire vic XS688677. 42 1630 Gunships engaged 3 VC in sampan vic XS684869. Results 1 VC KIA (BC), 2 VC KIA (Poss). 50 2130 A/4/9 patrol sprung ambush at XS685826 against 3 VC in sampan. Sampan overturned and sank. 1 VC KIA (BC), 2 VC KIA (Poss). 54 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI with BUDDY opns. 4/9 Inf conducted an air assault into vic XS684851 where a forward opn base will be established. 2/14 Inf continued S&D and search and seal opns with 2 companies, center of mass XS6868.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will continue FAIRFAX with an Eagle flight vic XS828673 vic XS828673 with 3 platoons. 2/14 Inf continues LANIKAI with S&D opns vic XS675684 and XS685694 with Companies B and C.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 16-Jan-67
Rec Cas Repts 2/14. WIAs
McDougal, Larry R. C 2/14
Rekasis, Joseph J. C 2/14
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 23, 2008