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Daily Staff Journal 15-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 15-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
Recon platoon began clearing road to the north, cleared from Rach Kien to vic XS 742717. No enemy contact.
17 0713 A Co reports receiving automatic and carbine fire from XS 724690. Fire returned, no friendly casualties. 18 0727 A Co reports receiving AW fire, also possible mortar fire from XS 711691. No friendly casualties, calling in Arty. 22 0810 A Co received sniper fire at blocking position, fire came from south. 28 0826 B Co reports there are approx 20 personnel running toward LZ #2 vic XS 689688 from the village, they do not appear to have weapons. 32 0906 A Co reports receiving sporadic SA fire from the north of blocking position ALPHA. Location of enemy not pinpointed. 33 0859 A Co reports receiving SA fire from undetermined location. Fire came from several directions. Co A received 1 very slight WIA, dustoff not required at this time. Fire was returned with SA. 36 0925 A Co would like to have a detainee that was just apprehended extracted by C&C ship, also if possible would like to send the slight WIA to Cu Chi. VC was detained vic blocking position ALPHA. 38 1014 A Co reports picking up two more VC detainees making a total of 3. 39 1019 PRU platoon entered a house located from QUEBEC down 1.7 right .5 and found that it was booby-trapped. XS 707695. 40 1047 Recon platoon reports to 2/14 that they arrived at Binh Chanh at 1047, enroute to Rach Kien base camp. 41 1110 From C Co CO to S3: Reports that one of the PRU personnel stepped on a landmine and was wounded on both legs. Dustoff is required. LZ will be secured vic RJ at XS 695681 and will mark with smoke. Saigon dustoff control notified, dustoff 106 on the way. Also Co C reports finding 5-6 landmines at XS 695681 and the engineer team is taking care of them at this time. 44 1115 A Co reports finding approx 300 gal. of diesel fuel, a small roll of trip wire and a roll of US barbed wire. A Co location is from PO 13 left 1000 down 200 XS 710688. 45 1130 Bravo Co reports location on today's operation is vic XS 693683, no enemy contact reported at this time. 46 1130 C Co at Rach Kien base camp has 1 outpost, 3 men, loc XS 741702 in position 1130. 47 1140 From Capt Byers to A Co CO: I'm enroute to your loc on C&C ship and will pick up the other 2 detainees. I also received a couple of shots from the south. 48 1145 At approx 1145 hrs the Bn CO joined C Co on the ground vic XS 695681. 50 1155 A Co received automatic weapons fire from vic XS 710683. Received at least one US WIA. Fire was returned with SA fire. 51 1212 A Co reports that the previously reported US WIA at approx 1155 is now a KIA and will not need a dustoff. 53 1240 From Arty FO (A Co) to 2/14 Arty LNO: Weapon (M-16) from KIA at A Co has been lost to VC. Details will follow. 55 1306 From S3 to S4: Notified Sgt Ferguson that Co A KIA would be put aboard Chinook helicopter at approx 1400 hrs for flight to Cu Chi. Requested that S4 rear notify proper Graves Registration personnel to meet the Chinook and handle the KIA upon arrival at Cu Chi. 58 1320 A Co CO to S-3 Air: Request you check the tributary to the south of my location also call the RAG and find out if they are firing at this time. Capt Byers called RAG and learned that yes, they were firing. 59 1355 B Co reports receiving sniper fire from XS 706675, fire returned with SA. No friendly casualties reported. 60 1357 From Bn CO to S3: Co C is loc XS 702679 and Co B XS 702675 at 1400 hrs. Co A remains in blocking position XS 712685 at 1400. Co B & C maneuvering and calling in Arty fire. Receiving SA and AW fire. 61 1405 C Co reports receiving automatic weapons fire from an estimated 2 AW and several SA. Fire was returned with SA and Arty. No friendly casualties. 62 1335 From Bn CO to FAC: Has the fighters on station and was instructed by the Bn CO to limit the first strike to napalm bombs only. 63 1340 S3 to 33: Reports observing a VC sampan moving in the tributary vic XS 703670. Sampan was taken under fire by the MG's on C&C ship. Results 2 VC KIA (BC). Arty called in on loc. 64 1350 A Co receiving AW fire from VC vic XS 710680. Arty fire is being called in. 65 1405 S3 to Bn CO: Was asked permission by S3 to bring an airstrike on the tributary vic XS 704670. Granted. 66 1405 S3 to 33: Observed several personnel moving in to the banks of the tributary vic XS 704670. Arty pas placed on loc. 67 1425 From S3: 25th Div ADC, General O'Connor, visited 2/14 Inf Bn CP at Rach Kien. 68 1440 S3 to Bn CO: I want to place the bombs where I observed the sampan full of VC corss at 1405 hrs and VC moving on the banks vic XS 704670. 69 1440 From Arty LNO to S3: Reports to 2/14 that Arty was fired on a suspected VC location at XS 705683 resulting in 1 VC KIA (Poss) and 1 structure destroyed. 70 1445 From SMaj to Bn CO: Reports that PRU has 1 slight WIA (ambulatory). 73 1500 From SMaj to Bn CO: The PRU has 1 KIA vic XS 695681. From auto weapons fire. This report is a correction to the report given at 1445 hrs of a slight WIA. This KIA was the only casualty at that time. 74 1510 S3 to Bn CO: FAC reports sighting many VC running all over the place vic XS 704670. S3 also informed the Bn CO that the Air Force was really clobbering them. Bn CO instructed the S3 to use the gunships that ore on station after the air strike, and bring Arty with VT fuse on the enemy. 75 1515 C Co requests a dustoff for 2 US WIA, one of them urgent, the other ambulatory. XS 704680. LZ will be secured and will mark with smoke. 76 1545 From S3 to Bde: Reference the two US WIA's that Co C had a approx 1515 hrs. The urgent patient was extracted by gunship from the gun team that was on station. The other was extracted by the C&C and will be brought to Rach Kien base camp. The dustoff was instructed to come to Rach Kien base camp and pick up the ambulatory patient at Rach Kien. 77 1601 From S3 to Bde: Co A will be extracted vic XS 710687 and brought back here to Rach Kien base camp. CO, Co A and airmobile Co Commander will then select new LZ for Co A's blocking position. 78 1530 From Bn CO to Capt Friend: Bn CO informed Capt Friend that he plans to go into the alternate plan discussed yesterday. 79 1533 From Bn CO to Co A CO: Co A is to be helilifted into a blocking position vic XS 722680, this will be the northern limit as you face west. 81 1600 From Bde to S2: Airmobile Co on the way as of 1600 hrs. ETA 1630 hrs. 82 1605 From 1/46th Inf ARVN Advisor to S3: The ETA of the ARVN Co that will take Co A's 2/14 place in the Rach Kien base camp defense perimeter will be 151730 Jan 67. 83 1605 From S2 to S3: Ref log entry at 1530 hrs, about alternative plan, it is as follows: Another company from 46th ARVN will be attached to 2/14 Inf for the purpose of securing the Rach Kien base camp defense perimeter that Co A was supposed to occupy. 85 1628 From S3 to Bde: Co B is located vic XS 706675 at 1608 hrs and has destroyed approx 25 bunkers in this general area. Also Co A remains in blocking position vic XS 710687. Both with negative contact. 87 1630 B Co reports finding 2-3 tons of rice. 36 bags, 2 containers and 1 large bin. 2/14 Inf requested instructions from Bde on how to dispose of the rice. 88 1705 From S3 to Bde: At approx 1645 the extraction of Co A commenced and the last group landed at Rach Kien at approx 1705 hrs. There were two lifts, one of 8 ships and one of 9 ships. 89 1705 From Capt Murphy to S3: The RAG is departing their AO on today's operation and is enroute to Ben Luc as of 1705 hrs. 91 1744 From Bn CO to 33: Use C&C ship for control of airlift of Co A to new blocking position and then revert it to resupply Co B and Co C. 92 1746 From S3 Bde to Bn CO: 1st Bde CO feels that Co A should not be lifted into new blocking position, vic XS 720670, but should remain in Rach Kien base camp. 94 1758 From Capt Murphy to S3: The RAG reported receiving approx 2 rifle grenades from XS 628720, fire returned, no casualties. Convoy continued on its mission enroute to Ben Luc. 95 1830 From S3 Air to 33: Resupply for Co's B & C completed at approx 1830 hrs. 96 1840 B Co's SITREP for today's activities as of 1840 hrs B Co moved from road junction vix XS 695681 to XS 706675 along the canal to XS 693672. B Co destroyed 1 camouflaged sampan, 38 overhead foxholes, 3 tons of rice and received small arms fire from vic XS 706675 from one sniper. B Co reports no VC KIA Poss or BC also no friendly casualties. 99 1830 From Co C CO to 33: Co C summary of today's operation: At approx 1019 hrs 1 PRU was wounded on both legs by a booby-trap as they checked a house vic XS 707695. CO Co C reports detaining 4 individuals vic XS 6876897, one was released by National Police and 3 were brought to Rach Kien base camp at approx 1810 hrs by resupply ships and turned over to MI personnel by the Bn S2. Ref the landmines reported found vix XS 695681 at approx 1050 hrs. There are 2 corrections to be made. #1 there were only 4 and were booby-trapped friction type hand grenades. #2 is that no PRU was wounded at this location. At approx 1515 hrs Co C had 2 US WIA vic coord XS 704680, during this firefight Co C claimed 3 VC KIA (Poss). The PRU KIA was extracted by resupply ship at approx 1810 hrs and the remains were sent to Tan An.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 15-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
A/2/14 received AW and carbine fire from vic XS724690. Returned fire, results unk. No US casualties.
14 0815 At 0810 hrs A/2/14 rec'd sniper fire from south of blocking pos vic XS712088. 16 0850 RAG boats in position at 0835 on river from XS710667. 3rd lift of C/2/14 airborne at 0833 hrs. At 0826 hrs approx 20 personnel were observed by 2/14 C&C ship moving toward LZ #2 vic XS690690. Personnel did not appear to be armed. 17 0910 A/2/14 rec'd SA fire from south and north of blocking position vic Xs712688 at 0900 hrs. A/2/14 sustained one slight WIA, did not require evac. 20 0945 Msg to 4/9 Inf: Stand down for any alert requirements that were given for 2/14. 21 1015 At 0925 A/2/14 has 3 detainees vic XS710688. 23 1115 PRU sustained 1 WIA vic XS695681 when individual stepped on mine at that loc. C/2/14 reported a total of 6 mines were located and destroyed by Engr element XS695681. 24 1120 A/2/14 located 300 gals of diesel fuel, one small roll of trip wire and one roll of barbed wire vic XS710687 at 1100 hrs. Will be evacuated. 27 1215 At 1155 hrs A/2/14 rec'd AW fire from vic XS710683. 1 US KIA, fire returned with Arty, results unk. 30 1400 Sampan taken under fire vic XS703670 by C&C ship. 2 VC KIA B/C at 1340 hrs. At 1350 hrs A/2/14 reports rec'd AW fire from vic XS710680, no casualties, fire returned with SA and Arty. 31 1410 B/2/14 loc vic XS702675, C/2/14 XS702679 with light sporadic fire. No casualties. Arty and SA fire returned. FAC on station. 32 1412 Light fire team requested by 2/14 for suspected VC loc vic XS704673, approved. 33 1400 Request for approval of an immediate air strike vic XS704670 submitted to Tan An TOC. Target description VC near stream bed approved by Tan An. 34 1425 C/2/14 rec'd AW fire from suspected 2 AWs vic XS702679. No casualties, fire returned with SA and Arty. Results unk. 35 1450 At 1440 hrs Arty in support of 2/14 opn fired on suspected VC location vic XS705683. 1 VC KIA (Poss), and 1 structure destroyed. 37 1510 At 1445 hrs PRU operating with C/2/14 sustained 1 KIA from AW fire vic XS695681. 38 1530 At 1517 hrs C/2/14 requested dustoff for 2 US WIA's 1 litter, 1 ambulatory vic XS704680, from SA and AW fire. 41 1621 B/2/14 destroyed 25 bunkers vic XS705675. 43 1643 B/2/14 located 2 1/2 tons of rice vic XS705675, destroyed. 51 1931 RAG boats report rec'd 2 rifle grenades at 1758 hrs at XS628720, returned fire with SA, no casualties. 52 1932 B/2/14 at 1840 hrs destroyed 1 sampan at XS706675, and 38 foxholes. 59 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns LANIKAI and FAIRFAX with S&D and BUDDY opns. 4/9 Inf continues to secure forward base and dispatched saturation patrols in AO. 2/14 Inf conducted an airmobile assault into two LZ's. Unit S&D in AO and established Co base.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 will conduct an airmobile assault into 4 LZ's Unit will conduct a BUDDY S&D operation with units of 3rd ARVN Bn. 2/14 Inf will conduct S&D operations from Co bases.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 15-Jan-67
Rec 5 Cas Repts Battle. 2/14
RAY, James SP4 WIA Co A
Rec Cas Rept Battle KIA. A 2/14
SMITH, Charlie E. SFC E6
151300 Jan 67. XS714683.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 22, 2008