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Daily Staff Journal 12-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 12-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
A Co reports having 2 male detainees at PL GOLD and will bring them along unless C&C ship can evacuate them.
32 0950 S3 to Bde: At approx 0943 Recon Platoon patrol #3 received SA fire from vic XS 753693. The fire was believed to have come from 2 carbines, semi-automatic fire, approx 15 rounds were received. Fire was returned with SA and M-79. Sniper fire ceased. No friendly casualties. A Co located vic XS 754684. Has total of 5 detainees at this loc. 33 1105 A Co reports receiving 15 rds long range sniper fire from XS 754765, ineffective, engaged with Arty. Fire ceased. 37 1241 A Co now has a total of 8 detainees, one is a Buddhist monk with an expired ID card. The detainees are now being held vic XS 747685. Will bring them in when Co A returns to Rach Kien base camp. 45 1624 C Co patrol 4 reports receiving 6 rds sniper fire from vic XS 728694. No casualties, engaging with SA fire. 62 1918 Patrol 3 to S3: Reports receiving SA fire from XS 732691, request Arty. 63 1930 Patrol 1 to S3: Reports he has one man which was found at his position. Will keep him with them until morning.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 12-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
A/2/14 picked up 5 male detainees XS730700.
24 1107 Delayed Entry 1050: A/4/9 rec'd fire from 4 VC vic XS817791. Unit returned fire, no US casualties, 1 VC KIA (BC), 1 submachine gun, 1 pistol belt captured. 25 1109 2/14 Recon platoon patrol 3 rec'd approx 15 rds carbine fire from 2 VC vic XS753693. Returned fire with SA and M-79. Results unk. 26 1120 Delayed Entry 1105: A/2/14 rec'd approx 15 rds long range sniper fire from XS754675. Fire was ineffective, no US casualties. 29 1230 B/4/9 loc 2 Chicom carbines at XS829787. 30 1245 A/2/14 picked up 3 detainees vic XS753685. Evac to Rach Kien. 31 1305 B/4/9 captured 1 45 Cal pistol belt containing 1 grenade and several carbine magazines vic XS820787, evacuated to B/C. 32 1325 At 1320 B/4/9 captured VC squad leader vic XS820787. Will evacuate to Binh Chanh. 33 1325 A/4/9 loc and destroyed 1 booby-trapped hand grenade vic XS820787. 34 1350 Delayed Entry: C/4/9 picked up 1 detainee vic XS683905 at 1215 hrs. Unit closed fwd base at 1320 hrs. Detainee was checked out and released. 40 1510 C/4/9 patrol WALKER apprehended one detainee vic XS690930. 41 1634 C/2/14 patrol 2 rec'd approx 6 rounds SA fire from XS728694. Returned fire, results unk. No US casualties. 46 1945 B/2/14 patrol 3 rec'd SA fire from unk nbr of VC vic XS732691, engaged by Arty. 47 1950 C/2/14 patrol 1 picked up one male detainee vic ambush pos coord XS750694. Will hold in ambush pos. until morning. 48 2000 Patrol ROSE from C/4/9 rec'd 1 round estimated 60mm mortar that landed approx 400 meters from ambush loc XS703926. Counter-mortar fire placed on suspected mortar position. 55 2400 SUMMARY: The 1st Bde continued operations FAIRFAX and LANIKAI with S&D BUDDY opns. ASCC's continue at Tan An, Ben Luc, Rach Kien, Binh Chanh and Gia Dinh. The 2/3 Inf was released from OPCON 1st Bde at 1200 hrs. The 4/9 Inf continued FAIRFAX with a ground and airmobile seal and search opn vic XS815792. Co B moved at 0840 to seal the northern portion of the objective area and was in position at 1005 hrs. AT 1017 Co A conducted an airmobile assault on LZ's on the southern side of the obj area to seal the village and commence search operations. The units were extracted and returned to ther respective bases at 1710 hrs. 2/14 Inf continued operation LANIKAI with a S&D BUDDY opn. Co A continued S&D operations moving from their overnight base area to an objective area vic XS755686. The Co returned to Rach Kien closing at 1445 hrs. Two CAS missions were flown in support of 1st Bde operations resulting in 10 bunkers destroyed.
PLANS SUMMARY: 1. 4/9 Inf Bn will conduct Eagle flight into area vic XS6783 with A/4/9. B/4/9 will secure Route 5, C/4/9 base and conduct CHECKMATE on Route 5. C/4/9 will conduct BUSHMASTER during the night of 12-13 and return to base on 13 Jan. 2. 2/14 Inf Bn will stand down on 12 Jan and conduct local ambushes on security around the Bn base.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 12-Jan-67
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. A 2/14
111600 Jan 67. XS730673. Gunshot wound arm. S&D mission, hit by enemy automatic weapons fire.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 21, 2008