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Daily Staff Journal 11-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 11-Jan-67
S3 to Bde: ENTAC Platoon patrol #4 has broken contact at 0020 hrs. Will set up at new location. XS 737695
Patrol 4 reports having contact by estimated reinforced VC squad. Returning to base camp. VC force XS 737696.
7 0200 Ref Item 1: 1 VC KIA (BC) 2 VC KIA (Poss), captured 1 US carbine. 28 0700 Ref Item 1: Entac platoon searched ambush area this morning which resulted in one more KIA (BC), total 2 KIA (BC) and 2 VC KIA (Poss) 29 0730 S3 to Bde: 1st lift airborne on A Co operation for today. 30 0735 S3 to Bde: 2nd lift off the ground. 32 0738 S3 to Bde: 2nd lift on the ground, received SA fire from an undetermined location. 34 0747 S3 to Bde: 3rd lift on the ground. 37 0815 A Co reports observing approx 50 people moving from one clump of trees to another, this is the general vicinity where A Co drew SA fire at approx 0738 hrs. 38 0850 A Co reports that 3 personnel departed the area heading north and are now in a barn which is under observation at XS 744665 by CO 2/14. A Co also reports having 2 detainees. 39 0915 A Co elements presently loc vic XS 755675 and XS 750667 and keeping personnel under observation at XS 744655 with no contact. 40 1000 From S3 to Bde: A Co loc vic XS 755673, no enemy contact. Presently securing an LZ for CO 2/14 to land and pick up the two detainees held by Co A. 43 1020 S3 to Commo 1st Bde: The command Net FM is receiving jamming and S3 2/14 requests an analysis of the interference. 45 1025 A Co CO to 33: PRU element received SA fire from XS 753664. 46 1055 A Co presently located vic XS 751672, have completed sweep to the east, still working the western border. PRU's attached to A Co are in their obj area and Co A CO 2/14 reports the obj almost complete covered. Co A reports having 1 Buddhist monk whose papers are not in order and will be evacuated as soon as possible. No enemy contact. 47 1110 A Co reports that they have been approached by another Buddhist monk who had the same type of papers and the National Police said that A Co could let them go. 48 1130 A Co reports that info from a detainee states a VC reinforced Company across the river, loc mostly in a church; the detainee says the VC Co plans to attack A Co 2/14. S3 2/14 is going airborne in the C&C ship to observe the area for Co A 2/14. VC Co loc vic XS 753664. PRU's claim 1 VC KIA (BC) in area of bridge. XS 754665. 49 1210 S2: Detainee captured by A Co was returned to Rach Kien base camp for interrogation by the S3 2/14. 50 1233 S2 to S3: Upon debriefing VCS this morning at 2/14 POW compound the following information was obtained: 10 VC moved to XS 743658 and 30 more VC moved to XS 706683 (Long Son). Evidence indicates these moves took place this morning. Notified Co A at 1235 hrs by radio. 52 1400 S3 to Bde: PRU's loc XS 754667 with no enemy contact. FAC, working in operation area sighted at XS 750650 around a hamlet foxholes in the paddy dikes. FAC received 6 rounds from XS 746657. This is an area where Co A suspects 10 VC holed up in brush along river. 56 1505 From S2 to S3: After the interrogation of the detainees brought in from A Co 2/14 it was determined that the detainee is a VC guerrilla who had a rifle 5 min. before capture and hid it in some bushes in the near vic of the point of capture. 58 1545 S3: Brigadier Gen. O'Conner visited the 2/14 base camp at Rach Kien from 1500 to 1545. 60 1600 A Co reports receiving sniper round from XS 756675. No casualties. PRU reports seeing 3 VC with weapons XS 754665 in a house. 62 1715 From FAC (Issue 11) to A Co CO: Reports sighting of new fortifications at XS 748659, slit trenches and one foxhole. 63 1740 A Co reports receiving heavy automatic and SA fire from XS 748670. Fire has been returned calling in Arty at this time. Results 1 US WIA - urgent. Dustoff requested. CO estimates 35-40 VC in the location XS 748670. 65 1735 A Co reports receiving heavy sniper fire from vic XS 748670. 68 1840 S3 to Bde: A light gun team was on station at approx 1825 and fired in support of Co A until 1840 hrs placing accurate MG fire on targets at XS 750661 and XS 751667. Further details will follow. 72 1935 From B Co to S3: Ref gunships activity at 1840 hrs: A Co US FO reports that he saw about 10-15 VC armed with weapons at XS 749668, after gunships fired on target, US FO est 10 VC KIA (Poss).
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 11-Jan-67
2/14 Entac platoon patrol relocated XS732695 and started receiving SA and 5 rifle grenades at 0005. VC broke contact at 0020 hrs, patrol relocating.
Entac patrol 2/14 rec'd SA fire from XS737696 from approx one reinforced VC squad. Patrol returned fire, VC broke contact, results unk. No US casualties.
13 0725 2/14 searched area vic XS733694 where ambush action took place at 2305 hrs and found one additional body which makes total 2 VC KIA (BC), 2 VC KIA (Poss). 16 0748 A/2/14 2nd lift rec'd fire as they landed from vic XS655667. No casualties, no action taken. 19 0910 At 0815 A/2/15 observed approx 50 personnel moving generally north vic XS748668 and 3 people moving west from that location and went into a barn vic XS744665, being kept under observation. 2 detainees picked up vic XS750667, will evac to base. 21 0950 First lift of 3rd Airborne element on LZ vic XS785802. 23 1003 Ref Item 21: Element rec'd several rounds of SA fire vic XS785802, no casualties. 26 1100 Element of 3rd Airborne ARVN found SA ammo, warm rice and load carrying equipment vic XS785802. Area has appearance of VC base, continuing search of area. 27 1110 A/2/14 loc vic XS751672 have one detainee at their loc. Sweep of obj area is almost complete at this time, neg enemy contact. 29 1130 Extraction of 3rd Airborne ARVN completed at 1110 hrs from obj area XS785802-XS787802, the element sustained 3 WIA's as a result of a booby-trap. 30 1250 PRU with 2/14 claim one VC body count vic XS754665. Estimate VC strength 1 VC squad. 2/14 also received info from one detainee picked up at 1130 hrs that a reinforced company of VC is located vic XS753664 with the intention of attacking Rach Kien. 32 1410 FAC flying VR for 2/14 rec'd 2 rds SA fire from vic XS746657. No hits were received. 33 1440 A/4/9 CHECKMATE operation located XS707781 picked up 3 detainees and from CHECKMATE loc XS731798 picked up 2 detainees. 34 1530 C/4/9 in contact with undetermined nbr of VC vic XS697944, have 2 US WIA's, dustoff has been requested, also requested light fire team. 35 1540 Ref Item 34: At 111615 requested a second fire team. 36 1615 A/2/14 received sniper fire XS756675. No casualties. At same time PRU patrol saw 3 VC with weapons vic XS754665 run into a house. Neg contact. A/2/14 returned fire with SA. 38 1705 Ref Item 34: 1 more US WIA was evac at 1700. 39 1706 Fire Fly arrive A/4/9 loc for support of C/4/9. 40 1720 FAC calling A/2/14 Co and was monitored by S3 2/14. Report sighting new fortification XS748659. Slit trenches and 1 foxhole. 41 1745 A/2/14 made contact with an estimated VC platoon at XS748670. Arty in support and FAC requested at 1747. Rec'd AW sniper fire vic XS748670. Resulted in 1 US WIA, dustoff requested. 42 1745 Dustoff (4/9) complete for 1 US WIA and 1 VN female. 44 1830 Ref Item 34 (4/9): Report 1 VC KIA (BC) at XS697944. Other reports will follow. At 1840: 1 more VC KIA (BC). 2 grenades, 2 sub-machine guns, 1 carbine magazine captured at XS692944. 45 1900 2/14: The Fire Fly in support of A/2/14 placed accurate fire on target at XS750661 and 751860. Results will follow. 48 2030 A/2/3 Inf: Blew up one empty sampan at XS866819, sampan was floating down river and was blown before it reached bridge. Neg contact. 52 2200 2/14 will not have a Fire Fly in their area for tonight unless they're in real need of one. 55 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns LANIKAI and FAIRFAX with BUDDY opns. ASCC's continued at Tan An, Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Rach Kien, Nha Be and Gia Dinh. 3/22 Inf commenced troop movement with Co A, B, and HQ element to Dau Tieng at 0730. C/3/22 was relieved in place by B/2/3 Inf, the 2/3 Inf was OPCON 1st Bde at 1200 hrs. 4/9 Inf Bn continued FAIRFAX with local security and BUSHMASTER opns and a CHECKMATE opn. 2/14 Inf Bn continued LANIKAI with S&D BUDDY opns and saturation patrolling in the Rach Kien area.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn will conduct Eagle flights into assigned AO with A/4/9, center of mass XS8279. B/4/9 will conduct local security, secure engineer making improvements on Route 5. C/4/9 will continue BUSHMASTER opns in AO center of mass XS7193. 2/14 Inf Bn will continue construction and security of Bn base at Rach Kien, and continue S&D opns with A/2/14. A/2/14 conducts S&D, and night ambush opns vic XS7568. 3/22 Inf Bn continues displacement to Dau Tieng. 2/3 Inf Bn continues relief in place of 3/22 Inf in assigned AO with Bn CP located Nha Be XS915823.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 21, 2008