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Daily Staff Journal 08-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 8-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
All A Co patrols closed at 0655, 2 elements of A Co moving toward base camp.
14 0710 B Co 3rd platoon reports being in position at 0710, also received two rifle grenades and sniper fire, platoon engaged VC with Arty and SA fire. Results 3 VC KIA (Poss) by Arty vic XS 757693. 19 0815 A Co conducted CHECKMATE operation beginning at first light and have checked all personnel coming in towards Rach Kien and also personnel that go southwest. National Police was utilized. Completed at 0815 hrs. 25 0925 B Co reports locating 12 2-man foxholes 2 1/2 feet wide x 6 ft long vic XS 753693. Destroying them. 27 0940 B Co reports detaining three female personnel and 1 male vic XS 753693. They will be extracted later with the resupply ship. 32 1040 B Co received sniper fire from vic XS 752692 and XS 759696. Fire was returned with SA and enemy fire ceased - no friendly casualties. 33 1115 From 65th Engr to 33: Have 3 trucks loaded with laterite approx 100 meters outside of Binh Chanh and request that the recon element at Binh Chanh escort the engineers to Rach Kien. Recon platoon Leader was notified and he will have a couple of recon platoon elements from Rach Kien go to Binh Chanh and join the Engr's and escort them to Rach Kien. 36 1150 B Co located vic XS 757694 and presently has a total of 5 detainees (2 females, 3 males), no enemy contact. 38 1155 From Sgt Sweat (Recon Platoon) to S3: Recon element enroute to Binh Chanh to escort the 65th Engr trucks from Binh Chanh to Rach Kien received automatic weapons and carbine fire from a pagoda located vic XS 743742. 4 VC were seen at that location, 2 in the back and 2 in the front. Fire was returned by a gun jeep, one of the VC was hit and downed by MG fire 1 VC KIA (Poss). Recon platoon continued their mission without stopping. However the 1/46th Inf ARVN picked up the fight and engaged the VC with SA. Approx 100 meters north of the pagoda was a bus load of civilians and as the recon platoon elements went by the bus they were still receiving SA fire from the pagoda. No friendly casualties. 39 1240 From Recon platoon to S3: Departed with convoy from Rach Kien at 1240. 40 1259 From S3 to Senior Advisor 1/46th ARVN: We have 40mm guns in our convoy coming from Binh Chanh and would like permission to use them if convoy is attacked. Reply was that the 40mm guns should not be used without checking with Senior Advisor 1/46th ARVN. 41 1050 B Co reports in addition to the 12 foxholes previously reported and the detainees Co B has picked up a small amount of medicine vic XS 753693. Also one of the female detainees was released by the National Police. The total now is 1 male and 2 female detainees. 47 1400 B Co reports receiving SA fire from 5-6 snipers from vic XS 765698. Fire returned with SA, M-79 and Arty. Results 2 VC KIA (Poss) by Arty. No Casualties. 48 1430 Co B now at loc XS 765698, moving east to check area in which the snipers were located at approx 1400 hrs. At this loc they now have a total of 20 detainees. The detainees will be extracted from Co B's loc and brought to Rach Kien base camp by helicopter. No enemy contact. 49 1455 B Co received sniper fire from XS 768702, fire returned with SA and presently maneuvering to eliminate enemy. 51 1525 From Sgt Sweat (Recon Plat) elements are departing Rach Kien base camp enroute to Cau Tram vic XS 739759. They are escorting engr trucks and will return to Rach Kien by 1630 hrs. 52 1535 B Co reports 8 VC in the open running vic XS 767703. VC taken under SA fire and Arty, 6 VC fell. Co B elements maneuvering to close in with the enemy under arty cover. 54 1625 B Co reports still checking area where they engaged the 8 VC in the open approx 1535, no enemy contact. Also the total count on detainees as of 1615 hrs is 25. The breakdown is as follows: 12 males, 10 females and 3 children. 55 1630 B Co reports receiving automatic and carbine fire from ext 3 VC vic XS 766701. Enemy taken under fire with SA and Arty. No friendly casualties. 56 1645 Ref Item 55: Result is 2 VC KIA (Poss), 1 VC KIA (BC) by Co B elements. Also in the vic of the firefight 3 armed VC were observed moving into a house, Arty got a direct hit on the house., the fire from the house ceased. Results 3 VC KIA (Poss) by Arty vic XS 768701. 57 1700 B Co resupply completed as of 1700 hrs. Resupply ship bringing back 6 VCS. 65 1745 From B Co CO to 33: Reports one man with a leech buried in his penis, he is bleeding and the senior aid man said that it required a dustoff because there were no facilities at Rach Kien to handle such a case. 75 2025 C Bo has enemy contact with 4 VC armed with carbines vic XS 755694, enemy was taken under fire with SA and Co B is maneuvering to close in and eliminate the enemy at this time. No friendly casualties reported. 78 2045 From A Co Patrol 5 to S3: Patrol 5 sprung his ambush and hears 1 man out front moaning. Checking out area. No friendly casualties. Reports 1 VC KIA (BC) 3 VC KIA (Poss) at coord vic XS 738707. 79 2050 From Capt Deliz to S3: C Co's listening post reported 10 VC at XS 746697 and requested Arty. 84 2221 C Co reports that their platoon heard 2 mortar rounds leave tube Azimuth 200 degrees 800 meters out. 86 2235 C Co reports that they hear something moving in water in front of bunkers 1 & 2. Requested illumination, granted. 87 1945 Co B CO to 33: (Ref Log 52) Co B claims 6 VC KIA (Poss). (Ref Log 55) Co B claims 1 VC KIA (Poss). These represent the total for Co B for the day, as of 1945 hrs. 91 2310 A Co receiving sniper fire from vic XS 735691, returning fire. No friendly casualties.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 8-Jan-67
C/4/9 patrol (Ref Item 53 7-Jan-67) have confirmed 4 VC KIA (BC), captured 3 weapons, 1 M-1 and 2 bolt action rifles, make unk.
B/2/14 platoon vic XS756694 at 0710 receiving sniper fire, called Arty, no casualties. 3 VC KIA (Poss).
19 0916 A/4/9 Eagle flight 1st lift on LZ #1 vic XS 807770 received fire from vic XS809778. Gunships suppressed fire. 20 0935 B/2/14 loc 12 foxholes (2 man) approx 2 1/2 ft x 6 ft vic XS753603. Unit destroyed 21 1005 Delayed Entry 0940: B/2/14 picked up 4 detainees vic XS753693 (3 female, 1 male). 23 1037 B/2/14 rec'd fire from 4 VC with carbines XS755694. No casualties, Unit returned fire with SA and M-79. VC broke contact. Results unknown. 24 1040 At 1025 A/4/9 picked up 13 detainees vic LZ #1 XS807770. Unit will evac to Binh Chanh. 25 1041 3rd platoon C/4/9 moving out to evac VC bodies from XS699962. While enroute to loc unit sighted approx 15 VC vic XS700980. Unit fired, VC broke contact, results unk. No casualties. 29 1135 Ref Item 21: B/2/14 captured misc med supplies. 32 1141 Delayed entry: (Ref Item 19) A/4/9 Eagle flight on LZ 1 rec'd sniper fire from the north and east vic XS809778. Gunships returned fire. Fire was coming from grass hut vic XS810780. Several rounds received from XS815775, fire was not returned. 33 1150 B/2/14 picked up 2 additional male detainees from vic XS753693, total now 2 females and 3 males. 34 1155 2/14 Recon element escorting convoy vehicles rec'd AW and AS fire from 4 VC near pagoda vic XS743742. Recon returned fire with MG, 1 VC KIA (Poss). 1/46 ARVN Bn on road security took VC under fire as vehicles proceeded north. VC fire ceased. 36 1340 Delayed entry 1140: A/4/9 picked up 3 additional detainees vic XS807771. Will evac to Binh Chanh. 39 1411 B/2/14 rec'd SA fire from 5-6 VC vix XS765698. Returned fire with SA and Arty. 2 VC KIA (Poss), no US casualties. 40 1445 At 1430 B/2/14 picked up 15 detainees vic XS765698. Unit will evac to Rach Kien. 41 1510 At 1455 B/2/14 rec'd sniper fire from vic XS 768702 from approx 8 VC. Fire was returned with SA fire and Arty. 6 VC were observed falling down and 2 ran into the woods. 42 1542 A/4/9 Eagle flight closed fwd base area at 1538. Six additional detainees were apprehended from vic XS802779, making day's total 19 detainees. 43 1635 B/2/14 rec'd AW and SA (carbine) fire from est 3 VC vic XS766701. Returning fire w/SA and Arty, no casualties. Results of encounter unknown. At 1615 hrs B/2/14 has a total of 25 detainees, 12 males, 10 females and 3 children. 45 1845 Delayed Entry 1630: C/4/9 ambush platoon observed 10 VC vic XS715982. Requested clearance to fire Arty, District did not react and grand clearance. Platoon continued to observe. At 1730 4 VC came out of the wood line and were taken under fire, the the remaining 6 VC engaged the ambush element. Gunships were requested and engaged the 10 VC (2 VC KIA (Poss), VC fires were suppressed. 1 VC KIA (Poss) from ambush squad. Ambush element was resupplied with ammo by the 3rd Platoon. 46 1847 Delayed Entry 1735: C/4/9 1st platoon spotted a suspect vic XS712960. Chased him and detained him in the same area. At the same location 5 VC engaged the ambush squad with AW. 4.2 mortar fire was called and suppressed VC fires. One Chicom carbine also captured vic XS715982. (Ref Item 41) 47 2105 A/2/14 Patrol #5 sprung ambush vic XS738707. 1 VC KIA (BC), 3 VC KIA (Poss). Patrol will relocate. 51 2330 A/2/14 receiving SA fire from vic XS735690. Called Arty, result 2 VC KIA (Poss). 52 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Rach Kien, Nha Be, Binh Chanh, Tan An and Gia Dinh. 4/9 Inf conducted BUSHMASTER opn in Tan Binh district, center of mass XS7195. At 072345 11-12 VC were ambushed by a squad from C/4/9 vic XS699962 resulting in 4 VC KIA (BC) and three Chicom rifles captured, two US WIA. Two contacts were made during the day resulting in 1 VC KIA (Poss). A/4/9 conducted 3 Eagle flights with a platoon force into areas XS807772, XS809778, and XS802782. No significant contact. 19 personnel were detained vic XS807772. Lift ships received ground fire from XS809778. Engr work continued on Route 231 with security being provided by B/4/9. 2/14 continued S&D opn vic Rach Kien. A/2/14 ambushed during the night vic XS724693, neg contact. B/2/14 commenced opns vic XS757694 by sweeping from Rach Kien to establish a base from which ambush opns will be conducted, during the night of 8-9. 3/22 Inf Bn stood down today to prepare for movement to Dau Tieng. B/3/22 DS to 5th ARVN Airborne Bn was returned to Bn. 51st Co was returned to 5th ARVN Bn.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn will continue FAIRFAX with security and BUSHMASTER opns. Co A will conduct security opns in the Binh Chanh area. Co B will conduct route security on Hwy 231 southeast and security of B & C Co bases. Co C will continue BUSHMASTER opns with ambushes vic XS710965, XS717970, XS730974 and XS719980. 2/14 Inf Bn will continue LANIKAI with S&D BUDDY opns. Co B will remain at an overnight base vic XS758695 and establish a blocking position vic XS760700 for the 1/46 ARVN at 0630 hrs. The 1/46 ARVN will conduct S&D opns from XS742716 to XS766707, with Co B blocking. Upon completion of the opns Co B will return to Rach Kien leaving one stay-behind platoon ambush. 3/22 Inf Bn will conduct local security opns and prepare for movement.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 9-Jan-67
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. A 2/14
BERGER, Kenneth SP47
Rec 2 Lieutenant replacements. 2LT Latimer and 2LT Arnett. Assigned Lt Arnett to 2/14, Latimer to 4/9.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 20, 2008