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Daily Staff Journal 07-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 7-Jan-67
C Co CO to S3: Reports losing radio contact with patrol #3, is attempting now to contact them. Will notify when either contact is made or what action is taken. (Communication reestablished at 0100)
C Co receiving sniper fire. Engaging with Arty.
25 0830 C Co reports they are destroying 7 1-man fortified positions and one automatic weapon at vic XS 733693. Also destroying one booby-trap at XS 732696. 43 1115 S3: 25th Inf Div commanding general Maj. Gen. Fred C. Weyand arrived at Rach Kien, 2/14th Inf Base Camp vic XS 743699 at approx 071115 Jan 67. Departed 1230. 50 1300 A Co reports that a lot of people are converging in the area from Kilo left 2 up .5 vic XS 710685. 58 1520 A Co reports receiving 3 rounds sniper fire XS 725690. 59 1535 A Co received M-79 round and SA fire from vic XS 725690. No friendly casualties. 61 1600 A Co is still receiving sniper fire and still at same location vic XS 725690. Called in Arty, no casualties. 62 1612 A Co reports its units maneuvering to eliminate sniper located vic XS 725690. Reports having one element in position ALPHA vic XS 728693. 63 1620 A Co reports being engaged in a firefight with a possible reinforced rifle squad vic XS 727690. Has at least 1 US WIA, slight, may need dustoff. Enemy taken under fire with SA, M-79 and Arty. 64 1635 A Co has 1 more WIA, dustoff required. 66 1650 A Co FO to 33: Reports 3 VC KIA (Poss) by arty vic XS 724691. Arty was fired in support of Co A while engaged in firefight with estimated reinforced VC squad. 69 1725 From Gunship to 33: In the last 3 passes over area vic XS 724790 received heavy automatic fire, looked like MG fire. 70 1728 A Co's emergency resupply of ammo completed as of 1728 hrs. 71 1743 From Gunship to Co A 2/14: We have taken a couple hits from vic XS724691, are going to strafe and rocket this location. 72 1752 From Gunship to Co A: Have worked area thoroughly and estimate 3 VC KIA (Poss). 73 1753 From Gunship to Co A: Am low on ammo, do you need any more support? Reply was Co A would like for gunships to do some firing in area XS 724691. Gunship then stated it would rearm and be back in the Co A area shortly. 74 1758 From CO, Co A to S3: Would like some illum later on tonight and am preplanning arty fires now. Estimate that enemy force contacted in this area was a VC reinforced squad XS 725690. 77 1855 A Co destroyed 43 1-man foxholes, 40 42-man foxholes, 17 L-shaped automatic weapons positions XS 733695 and extending east XS 720691, every 6th position was an L-shape automatic weapons position. Also vic XS 720691 destroyed a concrete bunker approx 4 ft x 6 ft. 79 1910 PRU Co FO spotted 6 VC vic XS 744687 85 1950 From A Co to S3: They have an additional 2 very slight WIA's from the action this afternoon. 1 is a National Policeman.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 7-Jan-67
2/14 requests Fire Fly vic XS7170 to monitor possible VC activity on North side of river.
C/2/14 rec'd AW fire from XS706695, returned fire with Arty, neg casualties, results unk.
9 0510 G-3 reported a column of personnel moving on Hwy 231 vic XS738781 carrying torches and with ox carts. 19 0855 B/4/9 on LX vic XS777759 sustained 7 WIA's (4 litter) from booby-trap. 21 0925 B/4/9 rec'd several rounds of ineffective SA fire XS 744759. Fire returned. 29 1245 B/4/9 closed base camp. Results of today's opn 30 structures with overhead covers destroyed. 2 booby-traps destroyed, 7 US WIA vic XS773759. Casualties caused by 2 grenades wired together rigged as a booby-trap on a stake or pole hidden in tall rice on a dike about 6 in. off the ground. Some of the casualties were as much as 20 meters away. 37 1530 A/2/14 located vic XS725690 rec'd 3 rounds small arms fire at 1520 hrs. No cas. 38 1540 A/2/14 rec'd M-79 round and SA fire from vic XS725690, returned fire. 39 1600 Ref Item 37: A/2/14 still receiving SA fire at same loc, neg casualties. 40 1635 A/2/14 has engaged in firefight with an estimated reinforced VC squad at XS727690. Have 1 slight WIA, no dustoff required. Returned fire with SA and Arty. 42 1720 Ref Item 40: 1 more US WIA, requires dustoff. A Co reports 3 VC KIA (Poss) by Arty. Awaiting emergency ammo resupply. 44 1804 2/14 gunship escorting resupply for Co A received SA fire from VC squad XS724671. Gunship slightly hit. Fire returned with rockets and MG, 3 VC KIA (Poss). 46 1945 2/14 have 1 PRU platoon with 3 soldiers US operating vic XS747687 center mass, 300 meters in diam. At 1910 the FO sighted 6 VC XS744687. Neg contact. 47 1950 A/2/14 reports destroying 43 1-man foxholes, 40 2-man foxholes, 17 L-shaped AW positions at XS733695, extending eastward XS720691. Every 6 positions was an L-shape AW position. Also destroyed concrete bunker 4 ft x 6 ft. 48 2000 Ref Item 40: A/2/14 have 2 more very slight WIA, 1 US and 1 National Police. WIA's will remain with company. 53 2400 At 2345 C/4/9 patrol RUSSEL made contact with estimated 10-12 VC at XS679962. 2 US WIA. 2 VC KIA confirmed B/C, dustoff requested, 1 critical. 54 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Rach Kien, Tan An and Gia Dinh. 4/9 Inf Bn continued opns in AO FAIRFAX. 2/14 Inf Bn continues opns vic Rach Kien constructing and defending Bn BC and conducting S&D opns. 3/22 Inf Bn continued joint BUDDY opns with 5th ARVN Airborne Bn by exchanging a rifle company for opns.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn will continue FAIRFAX with S&D and BUSHMASTER BUDDY opns. Co A will conduct Eagle flights at 0730. Loc TBA. Co B will conduct route security on Hwy 231 southeast and conduct security opns in the B & C Co bases. Co C will continue BUSHMASTER opns vic XS7197. 2/14 Inf Bn will continue LANIKAI with S&D BUDDY opns. Co A will remain in area vic XS728695 returning to Rach Kien at 0700 hrs. Co B will conduct S&D opns moving at 0830 hrs to obj area vic XS768694. Co C will conduct security opns in Rach Kien area. 3/22 Inf Bn will continue FAIRFAX with S&D BUDDY opns. Co A will conduct patrols and security opns in their base area. Co B will continue DS to 5th ARVN Airborne Bn, until 1000 hrs when it will return to Nha Be. Co C will conduct patrols and security opns in their base area. The 51st Co 5th ARVN Airborne Bn will continue opns vic their base area and will return to the control of their present unit at 1000 hrs.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 7-Jan-67
Rec Cas Repts Battle WIA 2/14
SMITH, Kirk K. C 2/14
BODDIE, Arthur Jr. C 2/14
MOFFETT, Michael C 2/143
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA 2/14
LEWIS, Caulie PSG C 2/14
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 20, 2008