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Daily Staff Journal 06-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 6-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
S3 1st Bde to S3: Capt Fleming, S3 1st Bde called: Stated that the women of Rach Kien had lodged a complaint with the authorities at Tan An that they objected to the soldiers at Rach Kien taking showers in the nude. Capt Byers informed the S4, Capt Mobley, of above complaint and S4 stated that a covering of some sort would be placed around the shower.
25 1110 C Co to S3: C Co has destroyed 10 foxholes and 3 camouflaged sampans at vic XS 711694. 30 1252 C Co reports they have 4 detainees which they will hold until they return tomorrow. 31 1315 C Co reports destroying fortified positions (3-man type mud and log ceilings) located XS 711694. Also destroyed 2 more sampans. No enemy contact. 34 1407 C Co reports receiving sniper fire approx 3 snipers at XS 704692, no casualties, Arty called in. Fire returned with SA. 35 1413 C Co reports artillery landed on target resulting in 3 VC KIA (Poss) by arty. Sniper fire ceased. 41 1620 C Co reports receiving sniper fire from 5 different locations vic XS 708693, returning fire and calling Arty. Results 1 VC KIA (Poss) by arty. 42 1650 C Co reports sniper fire has ceased at three locations. Still receiving sniper fire from XS 709690 and 708695. No friendly casualties and no VC KIA. 45 1700 C Co reports all sniper fire has ceased. They have 1 slight WIA. No dustoff required. They have 1 VC KIA (Poss). 46 1730 C Co requests resupply of ammo as follows: 800 linked M-60, 1 case grenades, 860 M-14 ammo (1/2 of that tracer), 2 magazines M-14, 1 box M-79, 3 cans of oil, 300 M-16 rounds and 24 60mm rounds. 51 1825 From Lt. Robertson to S5: There will be a dentist coming out to your location next Friday. Also Lt Robertson has some papers for Capt Murphy to sigh and to be returned right away. They'll come through S-1. 76 2205 C Co reports receiving automatic weapons fire from west XS 705695. Returning fire, it appears it came from up canal from the west, VC have two automatic weapons. Calling in Arty.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 6-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
A/4/9 began move from base to seal and search village at Binh Chanh
3rd Airborne element in position PLUTO vic XS728797, working with 4/9 on seal and search of Binh Chanh
A/3/22 has completed seal of village loc vic XS874804.
12 0505 A/4/9 with 1 platoon C/4/9 in position around village of Binh Chanh at 0400 hrs. 13 0547 A/4/9 has 15 female detainees and 2 male detainees vic XS715785. 15 0610 A/4/9 has 7 detainees vic XS712783 3 males and 4 females. 16 0630 A/4/9 picked up 11 detainees 9 males and 2 females vix XS712783. 18 0715 C/2/14 reports booby-trapped area vic XS707684. 23 0900 C/3/22 found some well-prepared positions on LZ XS813807. Appears to have been occupied recently. Positions are being destroyed. Neg contact. 26 1030 C/3/22 found VC base camp vic XS816809, fresh shrimp, unknown number of M-1 ammo, grenades, 1 sampan, and footprints. 30 1105 Delayed Entry 0700: C/4/9 destroyed 2 booby-traps, 1 grenade type, 1 pressure type vic XS767792. Also picked up 1 detainee. 31 1100 A/4/9 - 0955: 1 detainee vic XS712783, 0930: 3 detainees vic XS712983, 0955: 1 detainee vic XS712783, 1010: 1 detainee vic XS712783, 1045: 1 detainee vic XS712783. 32 1125 C/2/14 destroyed 10 foxholes and 3 camouflaged sampans XS711694. 34 1145 Delayed Entry: C/3/22, 2 VC were brought under fire vic XS819806, at the extraction area, 2 VC KIA (Poss). 39 1255 3/22 found empty storage-type bunker XS925875. Was destroyed. 40 1310 C/2/14 vic XS713694 picked up their fourth detainee, will be evac to base. 41 1325 C/2/14 destroyed 7 3-man bunkers with log overhead covers, and 2 more sampans vic XS711694. 43 1410 C/2/14 rec'd sniper fire from 3 snipers vic XS704692. No casualties. Returned fire with SA and Arty. 3 VC KIA (Poss). 45 1630 C/2/14 rec'd sniper fire from 5 locations, returned fire with SA and Arty. No friendly casualties. 55 2220 B/4/9 patrol LEAR accidentally set off claymore. Moved 300 meters north to vic XS792759. 56 2230 C/2/14 rec'd AW fire from vic XS705695. Returned fire with SA and Arty. Fire ceased. 57 2245 A/2/14 patrol 3 rec'd 1 rifle grenade close to their position. Lost radio contact, returned to base camp at 2235, going back to new loc vic XS738697. 59 2305 A/3/22 engaged 1 sampan vic XS869800 with 1 M-79 round. Results unk. 62 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. 4/9 Inf conducted joint S&S opns with 3rd ARVN Airborne Bn vic Binh Chanh. 2/14 Inf continued construction and defense of Rach Kien area and S&D mission vic XS7169. 3/22 Inf conducted company size seal and search of a village vic XS8780.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf (FAIRFAX) will conduct security opns vic Binh Chanh and route security between XS762785-XS821753, base security and Eagle flights vic XS777758. Also BUSHMASTER opns vic XS7197. 2/14 Inf (LANIKAI) will continue BUDDY opns in blocking opns vic XS711685 and S&D in area vic XS727790. 3/22 Inf will conduct S&D BUDDY opns in village vic XS872801. B/3/22 remains DS to 5th ARVN Airborne Bn.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 6-Jan-67
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA C 2/14
GILMORE, Alforie S. SP4
Cone, Raymond E SP4
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 20, 2008