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Daily Staff Journal 05-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 5-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
Asst. Div Commander Brig. Gen. O'Connor arrived at Rach Kien 2/14 Bn TOC at 1030 hrs.
25 1050 S3: Bn CO departed Rach Kien enroute to today's Co C AO vic XS 715684 on aerial recon. 26 1055 From Recon to S3: Departing with convoy from Binh Chanh at 1055 on the way to Rach Kien. 29 1100 From ARVN Agent to S2: 1. Info from agents indicate 3 VC WIA by US mortar fire (C4 Jan) vic XS 720690. VC from 2nd Ind Bn. 2. At 0700 5 Jan the 2nd Ind Bn and 261st Bn withdrew across (south) the Van Co Duong River. 2 Co's of 2nd Ind Bn remain in area vic XS 690673 and XS 693683. 30 1108 1st lift C Co landed at LZ vic XS 716684 at 1108 hrs. 32 1109 C Co receiving fire from both sides (east and west) but mostly on the east. Holding 2nd lift until C Co checks house to the east. Delay of 5 min requested before the 2nd lift is sent in. 33 1125 From FO, PRU patrol #6 to 33: Choppers are firing at PRU elements at XS 728685. 34 1125 From C Co CO to Bn CO: 1 VC seen moving out of a house from where Co C was fired upon, was dressed in brown uniform and field gear, a round soft cap. Weapon could not be identified because of distance. Another VC also seen wearing a blue or green uniform, no other description could be obtained. They were taken under fire, results unk. Loc vic XS 715683. 36 1129 PRU Patrol 6 to S3: Notify C Co CO that some of the PRU elements are loc around housed from Kilo Left .2 up .5 vic XS 728685. 37 1134 From 33 to Co A XO: S3 would like for Co A CO to report to Bn CP ASAP. 38 1135 Bn CO to S3: 2nd lift has landed. 40 1150 PRU Patrol 6 to S3: Notify choppers there are PRU crossing paddies to the road, from Kilo left .1 up .2. 41 1154 C Co CO to Bn CO: No US casualties. 2 blood trails found in VC positions, no bodies found. 42 1154 3rd lift is on the ground. 43 1158 Recon to S3: Convoy now moving from vic XS 742718 to Rach Kien. 44 1212 PRU Patrol 6 is bringing in 1 VCS. 45 1245 From C Co CO to 33: Am now located vic XS 712683 with no further enemy contact. Would like to know whether I should continue on with original plan or clear the wood line? Reply: Co C should clear the wood line from vic XS 710687 and then proceed to vic XS 708769 and follow original plan. 47 1308 Co C receiving sporadic sniper fire. Details to follow. 48 1310 Co Co received sporadic sniper fire from XS 710683. Fire returned and sniper silenced. 49 1350 S3: Asst. Div. Commander Brigadier General O'Connor departed 2/14th Bn TOC at Rach Kien at 1350 hrs. 51 1425 S2 to S3 Rear: PRU Co. closed FFL at approx 1300 hrs and brought in the VCS previously reported. 52 1445 S3 fwd to S3 rear: Called Sgt Whitman and requested he send to this location on the next convoy the following items: (1) tent GP, small, w/all necessary poles and stakes; (1) box of long ditto carbons, (1) case of duplicating paper 8x10 1/2. 53 1450 C Co reports its fwd element engaged with snipers at the following locations: XS 709683 3 VC, XS 709685 3 VC, and at XS 708685 3 VC. The VC were engaged with SA fire. Enemy ceased. No friendly casualties. C Co is continuing its mission. 55 1503 Co C received sniper fire from vic XS 709683. Fire was returned with SA and 60mm. Enemy fire ceased. Co C has 1 slight WIA. Do not know if it will require a dustoff. 56 1515 Co C reports that as a result of firefight with snipers XS 709683 it has a total of 2 US WIA with leg wounds, one has a broken bone. Dustoff required. LZ is secured XS 709684. 58 1540 Co C now has a total of 3 WIA and also has 3 detainees. Arty has been called on the enemy. Further details will follow. 59 1600 Co C CO to Dustoff 70: Informed dustoff 70 that he had a total of 4 WIA's: dustoff completed at 1605 hrs. 61 1630 Recon platoon closed in Rach Kien 2/14 base camp at approx 1220 hrs. 62 1645 From Recon Plat Sgt to S3: Water purification truck will be coming to Rach Kien tomorrow. 63 1700 Fomr C Co to S3 Air: The total of WIA's for Co C on the firefight with snipers vic XS 709683 is 5 WIA, 4 were evacuated by dustoff at approx 1605 hrs. The other will be brought to Rack Kien base camp by helicopters resupplying C Co with ammo. 64 1710 S3: The ammo resupply helicopter is airborne and on the way to Co C loc XS 709684. 69 1715 C Co reports they have 7 women, 8 children and 6 elderly men, will be keeping them tonight. 75 1905 C Co to S3: Loc XS 709685 for the night, 3 ambushes will be located #1 XS 708684, #2 XS 712682 and #3 XS 710688, 4 OP's will be located XS 708697, XS 707686, XS 713686, and XS 707685. Size of all ambushes and OP's is 5 men each. Approx 051930 hrs out and 060700 hrs in. 80 1959 Co Co to S3: Night activities in position. 83 2000 B Co to S3: All B Co OP's and LP's in position at 2000 hrs. 84 2005 From C Co elements received 1 WIA from booby-trap described as a foot-breaker consisting of a tube of bamboo. Wound treated, man does not require immediate evacuation. XS 709685. 92 2125 PRU reported 2 VC KIA (BC) coord XS 738688. 94 2205 A Co reports seeing 2 VC about 200 meters out. Will take them under fire with M-79's. Also requested illumination round.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 5-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
25 0940 C/3/22 located a concrete bunker 3 ft x 3 ft x 4 ft at XS 920742 with a lot of documents and 3 bags of cement, all will be evac and bunker will be destroyed. 27
C/3/22 rec'd SA fire from XS916742. Called in Arty, no casualties.
29 1031 A/4/9 found booby-trap at XS 706804. 32 1115 C/2/14 on LZ rec'd fire from building. 33 1116 2/14 reports: ARVN Agent reports 3 VC WIA by US mortar fire 4 Jan 67 at XS720690 from 2nd VC Ind Bn. 35 1155 C/2/14 spotted 1 VC moving out of house at XS715683, dressed in brown uniform with field gear and round soft cap. Spotted 1 more VC same area, taken under fire. 38 1210 3/22 S2: Captured 1 VC cadreman at XS902867. 39 1215 C/3/22 located 4-5 huts, some bunkers, assorted documents, and a film editing mechanism. Area booby-trapped. Destroyed booby-traps. 40 1225 A/4/9 closed B/C at 1200 hrs. Results of opn: destroyed 7 booby-trapped hand grenades, 2 cover foxholes, vic XS705804. Leaving a stay-behind ambush at XS705804. 41 1242 C/4/9 located 17 rounds 7.92 ammo and 3 Chicom grenades vic XS752758. All destroyed. 44 1307 C/3/22 3rd platoon rec'd sniper fire XS 917737, called Arty, results unk. 46 1330 C/2/14 rec'd sniper fire XS 710683. Fire was returned, sniper stopped. No casualties. 47 1355 C/3/22 spotted 5-6 people running at XS917741. Swimming across river at XS917735. 48 1405 B/4/9 closed fwd base at 1325 hrs. The last two elements rec'd AW fire. Source of fire unk. Checking the area. 50 1417 51st Co. ARVN found 1 loudspeaker, some dynamite, signs of recent activity, 3 huts well kept, a platoon size base camp with fortified positions vic XS925748. 53 1500 C/2/14 rec'd sniper fire from vic XS709693, spotted 3 VC and spotted 3 VC at vic XS709685. Fired on with SA and M-79's. Firing ceased. No friendly casualties. 54 1510 Delayed Entry 1130: 4/9 Recon platoon CHECKMATE opn vic XS762860 detained 19 suspects. Turned over to Sub Sector. 55 1511 C/2/14 rec'd SA fire from unk nbr of VC vic XS709683. 5 US WIA to be evac by dustoff. Unit returned fire with SA. AW and MG. Results unk. 58 1651 Delayed Entry 1610: C/2/14 apprehended 3 detainees vic XS712683. Will evac for interrogation. 67 2030 C/2/14 sustained 1 WIA from booby-trap vic XS709685. Booby-trap consisted of small arms round in a tube of bamboo. Individual treated on site. No dustoff required. 72 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opn FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. 4/9 Inf conducted S&D opn vic XS6980 and XS7680, and an Eagle flight vic XS7975. 2/14 Inf conducted CA vic 716683 and continued construction and defense of Bn base at Rach Kien. PRU personnel conducted ambush and search opn vic XS7369. 3/22 Inf continued BUDDY opns with 5th ARVN Bn, with CA vic XS913745-XS905750. B/3/22 remained DS 5th ARVN Airborne Bn.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf (FAIRFAX) will conduct BUDDY opns with 3rd ARVN Airborne Bn in a seal and search mission vic Binh Chanh and conduct local security and base defense.. 2/14 Inf (LANIKAI) will conduct S&D BUDDY opn vic XS7169 and continue local security in Rach Kien area. 3/22 Inf (FAIRFAX) conducts search and seal BUDDY opn vic XS875740. B/3/22 remain DS to 5th ARVN Airborne who will conduct patrolling opn vic XS8781.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 20, 2008