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Daily Staff Journal 04-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 4-Jan-67
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
S3 to Bde: Outpost 4 from C Co reports, ref last night they spotted 10 VC that set up between the bunker line and outpost 4, at 0645 hrs outpost 4 spotted them again moving from where they were set up and headed toward the village XS 744696.
18 0830 S3 to Bde: One squad size Recon patrol from C Co went out to same location which patrol #2 was hit last night to see if they could find any results of the activities that took place. 20 0845 1/46th ARVN to 33: The road is clear and the convoy to Binh Chanh can proceed at this time. 23 0935 Rattler 18 (C&C ship) to S3: Received SA fire from XS 740708. Ship was not hit. 27 1020 B Co reported capturing 5 female VCS with no ID cards vic XS 728714. The women reported that up til ten days ago there were 4-5 VC wearing khaki uniforms operating in that area. 28 1025 B Co reported receiving SA fire from vic XS 725714. 29 1040 S3 to 1st Sgt Agan: C Co will have 1 Demo Team attached to them beginning tomorrow at 0800 hrs. The Demo Team will report to C Co at 0800 hrs. 33 1145 B Co reported a team of 2-3 VC snipers at XS 725714. They are directing arty fire at this time, result will follow. 36 1208 B CO to S3: Sniper fire last reported seems to have ceased. Am now beginning to move again. One of the women picked up earlier this morning upon questioning stated that a force of VC (100 men) 10 days ago moved from XS 728714 northeast towards RJ at XS 735719. 37 1230 B CO to S3: 1 M-60 MG which is broken will require an armorer, request one be sent out on Co B's resupply this afternoon. The weapon has an inoperative bolt assembly. 42 1440 B Co reported they have 1 female detainee caught at vic XS 726712. At her house in the front and back yard were a few bunkers. 1 male dressed in black was seen running away. The woman is being held and will be brought back on the resupply ship. 43 1455 B Co to S3: Ref the 5 female detainees captured vic XS 728714, all 5 were checked and released. 46 1545 B Co receiving SA fire from sniper XS 724709. Returning fire and bringing in Arty. Results unk at this time. No friendly casualties. 47 1540 Bravo Co reports they have another M-60 that doesn't work. 49 1610 PRU Co reports they have captured 1 automatic rifle and 1 carbine, 7 VC KIA (BC) vic XS 726693. Still searching area. 50 1622 From Lt Cecchine to 33: Ammo resupply for fwd was accomplished at 1622 hrs. 52 1655 Ref Item 49: PRU rec'd 1 WIA from firefight. Also request 3,000 rounds of ammo for M-60 MG. 53 1628 B Co reports sniper fire at XS 727706, they fired back and saw one body fall from tree. Checked area, didn't find anything, said they heard what sounded like three people getting boat and going down canal. 55 1730 From C&C to S3: The emergency requisition of M-60 ammo for the PRU Co today was completed at 1739 hrs. Also the PRU WIA in firefight which resulted in 7 KIA (BC) was evacuated by the helicopter delivering the MG ammo and taken to Saigon US hospital at 1730 hrs. 59 1900 From Sgt Arper to S3: Be advised there will be a projectionist school at Cu Chi in 2/14 Inf area. It will be conducted from 0800 to 1200 hrs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday until further notice. The 1/Bde wants to know how many men will be attending this school and when. 71 2025 B Co patrols receiving small arms fire south of CP location. 72 2125 From Light Fire Team 15 to S3: Light Fire Team Diamondhead 15 reports receiving SA fire vic coord XS 663683.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 4-Jan-67
116 Airborne Co Fire Fly searched 2/14 area with negative returns. Aircraft returning to Cu Chi at 0225 hrs.
Ref Item 72 3-Jan: 2/14 outpost saw VC get up and move back into the village at 0645 hrs.
21 0927 A/3/22 reports 11 bunkers, 3 escape hatches, and 2 huts vic XS821795. All were destroyed. 23 0951 2/14 C&C ship rec'd SA fire vic XS740708. 26 1025 A/3/22 found 3 fresh VC graves vic XS823791. 27 1030 B/2/14 picked up 5 female detainees without ID cards. 28 1035 B/2/14 rec'd SA fire from vic XS725714, unit returned fire. 33 1155 B/2/14 rec'd SA fire from 2-3 VC snipers vic XS725714. Unit returned fire, called Arty. Results unk, no US casualties. 35 1228 A/3/22 1st lift on obj 2. On 2nd lift, completed at 1228, aircraft rec'd AW fire from unk location. No hits. 38 1412 At 0900 Recon 4/9 picked up 8 detainees vic XS7078. One dresses as a monk, under interrogation admitted being a VC and that he would help them locate a weapons cache, vic XS695788. Upon arrival in that area VC reached down and picked up a grenade and threw it at US troops. Unit sustained 7 WIA of which two were Bn S3 and CO A/4/9. Dustoff requested. 1 VC KIA (BC) 42 1453 At 1430 B/2/14 located house with several bunkers behind it and saw one individual dressed in black run out back way into woods vic XS726712. Unit apprehended one female detainee at this location. She is being evacuated by unit. 44 1515 Ref Item 38: VC was leading US troops (A/4/9) through mine field when VC tripped a mine. VC jumped into bush and tried to pull the pin on a grenade. He was observed by the interpreter who promptly shot him. 45 1530 B/2/14 rec'd SA fire form one sniper loc vic XS742709. Engaged with SA, AW and Arty. Results unk, neg casualties. 47 1630 At 1610 hrs PRU with 2/14 sprung ambush vic XS726693 resulting in 13 VC KIA (BC), 1 BAR captured, 2 US M-1 carbines captured, continuing search of area. 49 1645 A/4/9 captured 2 lbs of documents at XS695788, will be evacuated through normal channels. 51 1725 B/2/14 rec'd sniper fire from vic XS727706 at 1628 hrs. Fire was returned and a body was seen falling from trees. 1 VC KIA (BC). A search of the area revealed nothing. 53 1805 Ref Item 47: The PRU sustained 2 WIA in this activity, one evacuated by dustoff, the other evacuated by C&C ship on ammo resupply run. 58 2015 C/3/22, 3/4 ton vehicle going from C/3/22 base to Bn base at Nha Be had grenade thrown at it vic XS893788. The grenade exploded 50 meters behind the vehicle, no casualties. 60 2102 B/2/14 rec'd several rounds sniper fire from south of the company base loc vic XS726712 at 2045 hrs. Firing had ceased at 2100 hrs. 62 2130 Gunships on Fire Fly mission in support of 2/14 rec'd SA fire vic XS663683, returned fire with M-60 MG's, results unk. 63 2215 A/3/22 loc vic XS872803 rec'd 3 mortar rounds, estimate 60mm and 8-12 SA rounds from unk nbr of VC at 2200 hrs. No casualties. 64 2255 A/3/22 rec'd 1 mortar round and approx 20 SA rounds. Fire came from the south vic XS872793. There is an ambush patrol located near that vic, but report neg results. 65 2330 A/3/22 took a sampan under fire at 2325 hrs. Sampan was about 150 meters south of village, coord XS871799. Results unk. Sampan went to bank and stopped. The sampan was fired on by M-79's, will check it out at first light. 67 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Rach Kien, Nha Be, Tan An, and Gia Dinh. 4/9 Inf Bn conducted an Eagle flight in LZ vic XS695788. 2/14 Inf Bn continued to construct and defend it base at Rach Kien. 3/22 Inf Bn continues opns with the 5th ARVN Airborne Bn by exchanging a rifle Co.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn will continue FAIRFAX with S&D BUDDY opns. Co A will conduct S&D opns from XS702800 to XS702785 at 0800 hrs. Co B will conduct Eagle flights with one platoon vic XS790760 at 0800 hrs. Co C will conduct S&D opns vic XS760809 at 0800 hrs. 2/14 Inf Bn will be the Bn reaction force. Co B will remain in their present loc and return to Rach Kien by 050900 hrs. Co C will conduct an airmobile assault and conduct S&D opns vic XS716683. The Co will remain in gen area until 7 Jan. 3/22 Inf Bn will continue FAIRFAX with BUDDY opns. Co C and the 51st Co 5th ARVN Airborne Bn will conduct an airmobile assault and S&D opns vic XS910750. Co B remaining DS to 5th ARVN Airborne Bn. Co A is the Bn reaction force.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 4-Jan-67
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA A 2/14
Call, Hubert W. SP4
030015 Jan 67. XS715682. Fragment wound arm. On long range night patrol, hit by Chinese claymore.1500
Rec Cas Rept Battle KIA. C 2/14
Ruhloff, Gary C. SP4
032245 Jan 67. XS715683. Ambush patrol, enemy automatic weapons fire.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 20, 2008