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Daily Staff Journal 03-Jan-67 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 2/14 Bn S-3 Unit Action reported to 2/14 Battalion HQ
2/14th, S-3
Location: Rach Kien, Vietnam
0001-2400 3-Jan-67
A Co rec'd approx 10 rounds of SA fire vic XS 791680. Arty was fired into area and firing ceased. No friendly casualties.
A Co reports receiving approx 5 rounds of small arms fire and AW fire at vic XS 723679. Fire came from north, Arty on its way.
7 0418 A Co reports receiving approx 30 rds of SA fire from its northeast, about 50 meters out. (Fire was received by 2nd platoon from vic XS 727680. No friendly casualties. 14 0715 A Co CO to S3 Air: Send C&C to A Co fwd to pick up female POW that cannot walk, and 1 US WIA (slight). 16 0730 A Co has total of 4 POW. 17 0730 A Co has linked up with 1/46th Inf and began moving at approx 0730 hrs on today's operation. 21 0815 From S2 to S3: Two female POW's were brought into MI Detachment from A Co fwd which were obtained sometime yesterday, also have two male POW's which were detained at same time yesterday. The two males will walk in with A Co elements, loc XS 721679. 22 0820 From Maj. Kolson: Said that he and the brigade commander will be in the 2/14 area in about ten minutes. 24 0830 From B Co to S3: At 2400 hrs A Co patrol sprung ambush (used claymores), results 1 US WIA (slight) and one VC KIA (Poss). XS 723685 31 0907 1/46 to S3: Reports they have set off one booby-trap at XS 740692. Have ARVN WIA. 56 1415 From B Co to Bn CO: B Co received sniper fire from vic XS 725721, returned fire. Results unknown, no friendly casualties. 57 1130 Delayed Entry: From A Co Lt Blake to S3: Reported 1 mortar round landed in his CP, 1 slight casualty. Mortar round was from B Co 81mm mortars. Round fell short. Faulty Round. The injured man is an ARVN soldier. 59 1455 B Co 2nd platoon receiving sniper fire from vic XS 727572, estimate 2 snipers, no friendly casualties. 63 1615 B Co element sweeping assigned areas presently loc XS 734716, XS 727714, XS 731719. Destroyed (1) 4-man bunker at XS 733716, the house near the bunker caught fire when the position was destroyed. 64 1720 Sgt Harper of 1st Bde S-3 stated that quotas for 2/14 Lightning Ambush Academy for 12-16 Jan 67 and 30 Jan-3 Feb had been cancelled. 70 1915 B Co requests what time the curfew is in effect in his AO. He was informed by the advisor 1/46th ARVN Regt that there was no curfew in the area because at night anything moving is considered to be VC. 80 2020 S3 to all units: Notified all units that two Bn VC planned to attack our location tonight. 84 2047 Co C CO reports Outpost #4 reports 12 VC coord XS 744696 moving toward our position, request illumination. Illumination fired, nothing spotted. 86 2055 Patrol 4 reports hearing noise before getting into position. Noises sounded like signals. The patrol was halted and waited 15 minutes before moving to the ambush position. 87 2120 Patrol 2 reports having received SA fire from approx VC squad, received 1 WIA, condition unknown, presently engaging with SA and Arty vic XS 743693. 88 2140 Patrol 2 reports they have picked up WIA and are bringing him in. At 2150 patrol reported that the WIA was serious and they were in contact with VC squad. Requested Arty and 81mm support and permission to withdraw with the WIA. 81's were fired and the patrol was instructed to withdraw and return to base camp. Dustoff completed at 2200. The WIA became KIA in route. 90 2230 From Dustoff to S3: Your frequency is being jammed from North Northeast, 5,000 to 6,000 meters. 92 2250 Outpost 4 reports 10 VC on west side of bridge heading toward bridge. VC were reported to have moved between the outpost and the bridge coord XS 744696. 95 2330 S3 to Bde: Notified Bde that another patrol would be sent out to replace patrol #2 from C Co ambush, location is XS 744695.
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 3-Jan-67
At 1015 A/2/14 rec'd approx 10 rds sniper fire vic XS 721680. Arty was called, firing stopped, no casualties.
A/2/14 rec'd 5 rds SA and AW fire vic XS723679 at 0240 hrs. Arty is being fired at this time, no casualties.
10 0420 A/2/14 rec'd 30 rds SA fire from northeast, vic XS724680 at 0418 hrs. No casualties. 20 0752 A/2/14 C&C ship to evac 4 detainees and 1 US WIA. 22 0835 Delayed Entry 0745 hrs: B/4/9 found 1 pistol belt, 2 M-26 grenades, and 30 rds M-1 ammo vic XS793769. 23 0900 Delayed Entry 2400 hrs: A/2/14 patrol sprung ambush on undetermined nbr VC vic XS723685 resulting in one VC KIA (Poss) and 1 slight WIA from A/2/14. The US WIA was evac to Bn base this AM. 26 0935 1/46 ARVN loc vic XS574692 tripped booby-trap and had one slight WIA being evac through ARVN channels. 27 0940 The 51st Co ARVN at 0835 rec'd SA carbine fire vic XS970833. No casualties. 30 1000 3rd Airborne element captured 1 pistol, 1 German rifle and 1 French rifle in a hay stack, vic XS725856. Weapons evacuated through ARVN channels. 31 1005 51st Co ARVN engaged 3 VC vic XS970833. Results at this time are unk. 34 1050 At 1045 hrs 3rd Airborne element captured 1 US M-1 rifle at XS725857. 37 1110 At 1105 the 51st Co ARVN sustained 1 WIA from SA, vic XS970833. 38 1125 Dustoff aircraft for WIA from 51st Co (Ref Item 37) rec'd heavy AW fire and sustained multiple hits. 3/22 supplied a squad in slick to accompany dustoff aircraft to destination. A/50 requested FAC coverage over area of 51st Co, vic XS970833. 44 1255 51st ARVN Co lost contact at 1150. Arty called and ceased firing at 1235. VC force was estimated to be 3 VC squads. 45 1330 B/2/14 loc XS734714 destroyed 3 spider holes at that loc. Neg contact. 46 1335 At 1245 hrs one of the 81mm mortars at 2/14 fwd base had a short round wounding 1 PRU (slight, did not require evac), the investigating office concluded that the round had drawn moisture causing the short round. 48 1417 B/2/14 rec'd sniper fire from vic XS725721, returned fire, results unk. 49 1417 B/4/9 closed base with 7 detainees at 1415 hrs. Detainees were apprehended vic XS798765. 51 1435 C/4/9 closed base camp with one detainee apprehended at XS798763 at 1014 hrs. 52 1445 At 1414 hrs the 3/22 S-2 with district advisors and RF troops checked on information received from a friendly Vietnamese that a tunnel was located vic XS908862. The tunnel was found, with a VC inside. A grenade was thrown into the tunnel but the VC escaped. One RF troop was slightly wounded from a fragment of the grenade. 53 1450 A/3/22 has one detainee at XS872803. 54 1455 B/2/14 2nd platoon receiving sniper fire from estimated 2 VC at XS727723. Returning fire, using Arty. No casualties. 55 1510 Delayed Entry 1014 hrs: C/4/9 captured 1 German Mauser rifle vic XS795764. 56 1520 Ref Item 52: Upon investigation of tunnel 2 VC bodies and one Thompson submachine gun were found. 67 2100 A/4/9 patrol SATURN apprehended one detainee vic XS730785, individual was retained by patrol and will be evacuated to 4/9 base camp Binh Chanh in the morning. 68 2145 C/2/14 patrol 2 reports being fired on by approx VC squad. Result 1 US WIA, condition unk. Dustoff requested, completed at 2235, man is reported KIA. 72 2305 2/14 Outpost reports 10 VC west side of bridge, VC moved between OP and bridge approx XS744696, outpost keeping them under observation. 75 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Tan An, Rach Kien, and Gia Dinh. 4/9 Inf: Bn conducted S&D opn with company B & C vic XS798765. 2/14 Bn: The joint BUDDY opn which started on 2 Jan 67 with 2/14 and 1/46 ARVN Bn continued through the night and was terminated 031200. 3/22 Inf: A/3/22 conducted ambushes in assigned obj area vic XS857795. B/3/22 DS 5th ARVN Airborne Bn. C/3/22 conducted seal and search of village XS897776. 51 Co ARVN DS to 3/22.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf: Bn will continue opn FAIRFAX with BUDDY opns. Co A will conduct an airmobile assault and S&D BUDDY opn. At 0700 hrs vic XS695791 and return to Binh Chanh on foot in the afternoon. Co B will conduct search and clear opn. 500 meters to the flanks of the msr between B & C Co base at 0800. Co C will conduct the same opns between their base and Binh Chanh. 2/14 Inf Bn will continue opn LANIKAI with Co B continuing S&D BUDDY opns in their present area. 3/22 Inf Bn will continue opn FAIRFAX with S&D BUDDY opns. Co A will conduct an airmobile assault and S&D opns vic XS822788 at 0800 hrs. Co B remains DS to 5th Airborne Bn.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 19, 2008