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Daily Staff Journal 29-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 29-Dec-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
A/4/9 patrol closed B/C with one detainee XS700799.
20 0930 Delayed Entry 0845 hrs: Element of 131 RF Co made contact with estimated VC squad. 3 WIA's, 1 slight, 1 serious, 1 ambulatory. 2 were evacuated by dustoff. 1 did not require evac. VC squad withdrew to southeast. 21 0935 C/4/9 picked up 1 detainee vic XS763784. Being held at C/4/9 base and will be sent to Bn base for interrogation. 26 1008 A/2/14 rec'd sporadic sniper fire from vic XS730680, fire returned. VC fire ceased. 32 1125 C/4/9 picked up 7 detainees in LZ vic XS760784. 1 male is a VCC, 1 female is on the black list. Being interrogated for additional info. 33 1130 At 1120 hrs the 131 RF Co is in contact with unknown nbr VC vic XS795768 and at 1120 the 3rd Airborne Bn element is in contact with unknown nbr of VC vic XS802763. 34 1135 At 1055 LRRP reports 1 sampan vic XS674858 possible water-cooled MG moving southeast. 35 1140 3rd Airborne element located old bunkers and assorted documents vic XS704756. Documents will be evacuated. Bunkers destroyed. 37 1205 C/4/9 has 2 detainees vic XS804747, will be evac to Bn base. 39 1238 RF/PF 131 Co and B/4/9 each had one man that stepped on mine. Dustoff in progress. XS803768. 41 1215 3rd Airborne captured medical supplies at XS803767, consisted of 100 injections of unknown medicine. 44 1310 B/4/9 ambush killed 3 VC vic XS775763, and apprehended 6 detainees at same location. 45 1312 Ref Item 33: 131 RF Co claims 2 VC KIA (Poss) from this contact. 46 1313 A/3/22 rec'd SA fire vic XS877765. Gunship rec'd SA fire from southeast, no hits 47 1320 Ref Item 44: B/4/9 captured 2 weapons (1 Springfield, 1 Carbine) and 1 claymore mine at Xs775763. 49 1335 A/2/14 had 2 WIA from small arms at XS730689. Dustoff called. 56 1503 Light fire team requested to engage 15-20 VC that were observed vic XS743675, reported no activity in that area, but expended their ordnance and returned to Cu Chi. 58 1600 A/3/22 extraction began at 1547 hrs. 2nd lift at 1559. 1st lift received SA and AW fire on take off, no hits or casualties. 62 1710 4/9 element, 3rd Airborne are receiving mortar fire from XS795767. 63 1715 C/2/14 report having 1 VC suspect at vic XS734672 and bringing him in. Also at same time A/2/14 found 1 carbine. At 1705 hrs A Co reported hitting 1 VC booby-trap vic XS732691. 1 US WIA. Requested dustoff. 65 1740 A/2/14 receiving SA fire from vic XS731690 and XS734690. Fire has been returned. No friendly casualties. 73 1830 Ref Item 47: B/4/9 also found 1/2 lbs of documents vic 775763. 81 2200 At 2100 saw 2 men with punji sticks on weapons moving northwest. At Az of 40 degrees saw many lanterns assembling, a lot of hollering and laughing across the river which was engaged with fire. Results unk. 85 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opn FAIRFAX (4/9 Inf and 3/22 Inf) and LANIKAI (2/14 Inf). ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Tan An, Rach Kien, Nha Be and Gia Dinh. 4/9 Inf Bn conducted a joint BUDDY opn with RF Co from Binh Chanh. 2/14 Inf ARVN, 3rd Airborne Bn with 1 platoon, A, B, and C Co. 2/14 Inf Bn continues to build a base at Rach Kien and conducted a CA into LZ vic XS729679, 3/22 Inf Bn conducted an Eagle flight into obj area vic XS877765.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Co A, B and C will remain in their respective base camps conducting platoon size local security patrol about their base camp. Night ambushes will be dispatched during evening. 2/14 Inf: Co A will remain at Rach Kien conducting local security patrols about B/C. Co B will conduct a S&C opn to obj areas XS730706 and sweep SE back to B/C. Co C will also remain at Rach Kien conducting local security patrols. Road rebuilding project continues with the Engrs and Recon platoon 2/14 providing security for them. 3/22 Inf: A & C Co's will conduct saturation patrols about their respective B/C during the day and ambushes in the evening. Co B will remain DS of 5th ARVN Airborne Bn. 51st Co will cordon a village off vic XS897777.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 18, 2008