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Daily Staff Journal 26-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ (Ben Luc) 1st Brigade S3 (rear) Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ (Cu Chi)
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Dec-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
A/2/14 lift completed from Ben Luc to Rach Kien
16 1040 Report from 2/14 XO: One of the 2/14 OP's report 3 VC vic XS737696. One armed with carbine, one with M-1 rifle, one with AW. A reinforced squad from PRU is being sent to intercept the VC. 18 1120 A reinforced squad of PRU (Provincial Reconnaissance Unit) with A/2/14 representative and radio operator, in contact with unknown nbr of VC vic XS735695. 1 US KIA (Radio operator). 20 1205 Ref Item 18: C/2/14 sent a platoon size element to assist the PRU squad. The platoon linked up with the PRU squad at 1210 hrs. Maneuvering to take objective. 23 1230 Platoon reinforcing PRU squad rec'd fire from north and south of bridge loc vic XS739696. Requested reinforcements, another platoon C/2/14 sent to reinforce. 24 1240 C/2/14 element rec'd rifle grenade fire from unk location. 25 1330 At 1245 hrs B/2/14 made contact with unknown nbr of VC. 1 WIA (serious) evac by dustoff. Contact was SA fire vix XS730709. 27 1405 2/14 had medevac for 1 man from 2/14 Co. Non-battle casualty, high temperature and one man from A/2/14 with slight fragment wound. 28 1430 C/2/14 rec'd SA fire from vic XS737694. Element maneuvering to take VC location. 29 1445 B/2/14 established base vic XS735712 and dispatched one squad-sized recon patrol to XS732707. Recon platoon 2/14 released from Engr security and departed their loc vic XS741750 for Ben Luc for mission of Bde CP security. 31 1500 C/2/14 loc vic 733694 rec'd SA fire from southwest maneuvering to suppress fire. At 1515 hrs rec'd fire from large VC force size unknown, same location. 2 WIA's (one serious), dustoff requested. C/2/14 unable to move forward. Calling in Arty on VC location. 32 1530 Dustoff for 2 WIA's from C/2/14 complete. 33 1600 C/2/14 vic XS733695. Sporadic contact continues. 34 1605 Delayed Entry 1120 hrs: C/2/14 Recon patrol picked up 3 women and 9 children. The children were 3 small boys, 2 teenage girls. One of the women confessed to be a VC's wife. They were picked up vic XS756707. They are being questioned at Bn base (Rach Kien). At 1245 hrs Bn XO picked up 2 males and one female vic XS737696, being detained and questioned at Bn base. 35 1610 At 1600 hrs B/2/14 located and destroyed 12 mud and log bunkers vic XS733715, the bunkers were dug in next to dikes. 36 1615 C/2/14 loc XS737695. The VC have broken contact and C/2/14 is in route to base at this time. 37 1620 4/9 reports that a small child (age 11) tripped a VC booby-trap near B/4/9 base vic XS784774. Dustoff requested. 39 1652 C/2/14 reported sniper fire just outside of village. Southwest of bridge vic XS737696, 1 sniper has been engaged with SA fire. Results unk. No friendly casualties. 42 1815 Ref Item 34: Group #1, two men, 1 girl classified innocent civilian and released. Group #2 of 12: 3 women and 9 children, at same loc, two women are VC wives, 3rd woman doubtful, MI believe should be detained, the 9 children belong to the third woman. 48 2020 C/4/9 made contact with VC at vic XS780818, and requests a gunship. 49 2140 A/2/14 spotted a light and heavy movement to their front, vic XS735698. Keeping it under observation. 55 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX (4/9 Inf and 3/22 Inf) and LANIKAI (2/14 Inf). ASCC's remain established at Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Tan An, Rach Kien, Nha Be and Gia Dinh. 4/9 Inf conducted a CHECKMATE on Rt #4 vic XS728797. C & B conducted local sweeps around their company bases and continued construction of RF/PF outposts at XS684844 and XS696855. 2/14 Inf A Co moved from Ben Luc to Rach Kien. B Co conducted a sweep from the base at Rach Kien to vic XS738710 while C Co sent out two platoons during the morning and afternoon to vic XS754710 over different routes. 3/22 Inf conducted local ambushes around company bases.
PLANS SUMMARY: 1. 4/9 Inf: Co A & C will conduct a combined opn with one Co 3rd ARVN Airborne Bn. Co A & C will be helilifted into LZ 3 XS687824 and LZ 4 XS698828 where they will search the immediate area and block for C Co which will be lifted into LZ 1 XS689816 and LZ 2 XS699817. The Co will push south toward A Co and Co from 3rd ARVN who will be blocking at XS700815. B Co will be reaction force and initiate a BUSHMASTER opn vic XS803778. 2. 2/14 Inf: A Co will move by foot to obj 2 XS739686. Upon clearing of this obj the Co will move along stream to Rach Ba Tuau and back to base camp. B Co will remain at Rach Kien fwd base security and reaction force for the Bn. C Co will search obj 1 XS728695, obj 3 XS730685, obj 4 XS734688. Upon completion return to base camp. 3. 3/22 Inf: A Co will cordon a village vic XS856800 moving by foot to that loc. B Co will conduct Eagle flights in to AO RAT XS8677, vic XS860780 and XS867764. C Co will be reaction force for Bn and conduct limited patrolling in AO rear.
1st Brigade, S3 (Rear)
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Dec-66
Called fwd and rec'd following info: At 1115 a PRU squad made contact with a VC force of unknown size, called for reinforcements - one platoon from C 2/14, received fire from VC with small arms vic XS737696 on southern side of bridge, resulting in 1 KIA, 2 WIA. At present time a dustoff is on the way.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 26-Dec-66
Rec Cas Rept Battle KIA. HHC 2/14
Freeland, George E. SP4 E4
261100 Dec 66. XS735693. Gunshot wound head. S&D mission, enemy small arms fire.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008