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Daily Staff Journal 23-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 1st Brigade S3 (rear) Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ (Cu Chi)
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 23-Dec-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
Lift aircraft taking off from B/4/9 LZ 3 received heavy ground fire vic XS684855.
15 0820 C/2/14 found 2 Chicom hand grenades rigged as booby-traps vic LP CANNIBAL vic XS729697, they are being brought in. 16 0825 Request clearance for immediate air strike vic XS662847 in support of 4/9 opns. Request approved. 17 0840 At 0830 element from 3rd ARVN Bn has one WIA (VC) vic XS697856. VC stated that 2 VC took his weapon and are hiding in the immediate vic. The element is receiving fire from a bunker vic XS700855. 18 0900 Delayed Entry: Choppers in support of 4/9 air assault received heavy ground fire from vic XS662847. Request immediate air strikes through Tan An, approved. 19 0901 3rd Airborne Bn element (ARVN) had one WIA (serious) in action vic XS700855 (Ref Item 17). Dustoff requested. 20 0905 C/3/22 airlift off at 0828 hrs. Lift complete on LZ vic XS893752. Ref the assault boat that overturned and 4 persons missing from B/3/22 night of 21 Dec: 2 bodies have been recovered (230815 hrs). 21 0930 3rd Airborne Bn element received 1 WIA vic XS702852. (Litter) dustoff requested. Element still in contact. Arty being used 0915. 25 1000 C/2/14 found some expended MG and Carbine rounds and a pair of wet shoes at XS895755. 26 1020 C/3/22 found 2 old mortar positions well constructed vic XS895752, also found fresh footprints in vic. 28 1038 3/22 reports that another off the 4 bodies (Ref Item 21) was recovered by the Engr element at 1030 hrs. (3 have been recovered, 1 still missing). 30 1100 CO of the 3rd Airborne Bn (ARVN) found 1 VC body and two Russian SMG's vic XS702853. Weapons evacuated. Continuing search of area. 31 1110 Ref Item 21: The last of the bodies has been recovered. 33 1130 Report from 4/9, the CO of 3rd Bn (ARVN) reports a total of 7 VC KIA (BC), 5 weapons captured, 2 VC captured, 1 of which was WIA. 34 1135 2/14 reports one woman at Rach Kien hemorrhaging badly, needs evacuation. Bde contacted Tan An on procedure. Woman will be evac to Tan An by chopper. 36 1210 4/9 reports B/4/9 picked up one individual vic XS694855 at 1145 hrs. Individual admits he is VC. Being evac to Bn base at Binh Chanh. B/4/9 also reports 27 bunkers destroyed in opn area vic XS688850. 41 1305 At 1128 C/3/22 located and destroyed a 6 ft well and 40 ft x 2 ft tunnel at XS896752. 45 1420 B/4/9 destroyed a total of 36 2-man bunkers and one large bunker. The ARVN element had a total of 7 VC KIA (BC), 3 POW's captured, 2 were WIA, 5 weapons captured. The ARVN sustained 3 WIA's, one of which was DOA at Saigon. 47 1600 At 1530 hrs C/3/22 found 6 Vietnamese people hiding under a hut vic XS894746. These people were questioned and stated that 40 VC had moved out of the area just prior to C/3/22 arrival. The CO C/3/22 believes the VC are presently loc XS897742. At 1535 light fire team was requested and CO will check area when fire team arrives. 48 1620 Ref Item 47: Gunships arrived loc, rec'd SA fire from vic 897742, went in to make pass and was short of target. Results 1 US WIA, 1 ARVN (PF) WIA and one ARVN (PF) KIA. 49 1650 3/22 36 element in contact with VC platoon which they have been trailing for some time. Arty has been called XS887745. 51 1725 C/4/9 dustoff called and completed at 1717. 1 US WIA, 1 ARVN WIA. Unit was making sweep of B/C area. Casualties caused by a booby-trapped grenade XS768795. 53 1820 From Lightning 6: #1: Lightning 6 expresses concern about multiple casualties from single booby-traps. #2: Extra measures should be taken over holiday period re. convoy control and safety on convoys and patrols. 54 1845 C/3/22 rec'd SA fire at 1810 hrs resulting in 1 US WIA. Dustoff called and man was DOA. 57 2030 Ref Item 48: C/3/22 had marked friendly lines with smoke. Gunships fired on friendly elements on 3rd pass. 61 2335 4/9 has Lightning Bug vic XS658849 which observed lights at that location. Permission has been given to take lights under fire. 62 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI. ASCC's are established at Ben Luc, Binh Chanh, Tan An, Rach Kien, Nha Be and Gia Dinh. 4/9 conducted multi-company opn with A & B 4/9 and 31st Co 3rd ARVN Bn. The 33rd Co, 3rd ARVN Bn assumed blocking position. B & C Co 4/9 continued construction of RF/PF Outposts. 2/14 Inf continued local security of its base camp at Binh Chanh. 3/22 Inf continued detailed ambushing in AO COW and HORSE. 4 CAS missions were flown in support of today's opns.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf will conduct local security opns during the day. Each company will dispatch night ambushes. 2/14: Co A will remain at Ben Luc as security of Bde fwd CP. B & C will conduct local security in Bn base during the day and will dispatch ambush patrols at night. 3/22 Inf: Bn will conduct local security about each Co base during the day and will dispatch ambush patrols at night.
1st Brigade, S3 (Rear)
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 23-Dec-66
2/14 TOC reports that they were hit by lightning. No light. Good commo. 1st Bde TOC also hit at this time. No light. Good commo. 4/9 TOC hit also. Good commo. Lights good. Hot line to G-3 out.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008