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Daily Staff Journal 18-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 1st Brigade S3 (rear) Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ (Cu Chi)
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 18-Dec-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
2d platoon C/2/14 established Checkmate Green vic XS645775 at 0750 hrs. B/2/14 started moving from vic XS743715 at 0755 hrs. 3rd platoon A/2/14 picked up one detainee vic Checkmate Red XS683767 at 0800 hrs.
25 0845 B/3/22 encountered booby-traps on LZ 3 vic XS830802. 27 0910 B/3/22 located recent VC base vic XS827804. 29 0940 A/2/14 picked up 2 detainees vic Checkmate Red coord XS635766 at 0810 hrs. Returned to 2/14 Bn base at 0925 hrs to be interrogated by 2/14 S-2. 31 0950 Ref Item 27: Est VC base was used by platoon size element. (1) 5 gal. can, 2 steel helmets and documents were found. 32 1005 Element from C/2/14 at Checkmate Green terminated the Opn by orders of this HQ. The Checkmate was being conducted on Highway 4 and no Checkmates are to be conducted on that route. The element is in route to 2/14 fwd base 1000 hrs. 34 1100 A/2/14 vic XS638767 picked up 2 detainees. 37 1150 C/4/9 patrol VENUS activity vic XS786803, 3 VC were taken under fire at 25 meters distance. No claymores were detonated. Fire was received from what looked like a school building vic XS788802 from an unk nbr of VC resulting in 8 friendly WIA's. The patrol reports 1 VC KIA (BC), 1 Poss. 40 1220 Report from 3/22: The 54th ARVN Co located a small VC base camp vic XS826794. Indications are that the VC fled the area in haste. Booby-traps were encountered in the base and hand grenades were found. The unit is receiving sporadic ineffective SA fire at this time. 42 1220 FAC observed 15 bunkers at XS626850 50 1500 FAC received fire (2 rds) at XS5681 from estimated 2 VC. No action taken. 51 1515 Platoon Sgt 2nd platoon C/2/14 was informed by ARVN that a VC minefield is located at XS636758 extending east-northeast to XS643763. 53 1600 3/22 made contact with unknown size VC force dug-in in bunkers vic XS823807. US WIA's dustoff standing by for pickup when PZ is secured. Arty being used, FAC overhead, firefight continuing. 54 1630 B/3/22 dustoff complete. Arty to continue to fire. 1 VC KIA (BC). Bn Commander 3/22 repositioning forces. Air request is in for immediate strike. 58 1707 B/3/22 requested dustoff for 1 WIA. Pickup Zone XS823808. Air strike being emplaced, XS823807. 60 1735 Ref Item 58: Dustoff completed for 1 WIA. Air strike complete. FAC reports many foxholes and list trenches in area. Cannot assume that all have been neutralized. 62 1830 Flare ships, light gun team and Fire Fly requested from Division on standby basis for Falcon this evening. 63 1830 Delayed Entry: Entered Div Cmd net 1800 hrs. left Div cmd net temporarily to monitor 3/22 Cmd net. 66 1905 Results of action Ref Items 53,54 and 60: 1st dustoff evac 5 WIA. One of these died enroute. 2nd dustoff was first reported to be evacuating 6 WIA, later corrected to 2 WIA. Totals now 1 KIA, 6 WIA, 1 VC KIA (BC). 54th ARVN Co is in flag locaton XS897902. A Co at B/C at XS870805. B Co is in obj area XS824807. 72 2030 At 1823 hrs B/3/22 brought in to S-2 1 VCC. VC said there were from 20 to 30 in his party. Captured at XS824807. Dustoff which picked up 2 WIA, one man was brought to 3/22 base camp with gunshot wounds. The other was at base camp suffering from severe stomach pains. 1900 hrs B/3/22 found extensive VC tunnel complex at XS825806. Unit will remain in this location overnight because of darkness. Results of air strikes FAC reported 100% on target area. 25 KBA (Poss). 76 2215 B/4/9 patrol FRANCE stopped 400 meters short of ambush position because Starlite revealed est 20-30 VC. Arty, mortars, reaction force ready. Fire team and gunships requested on standby at Cu Chi. 77 2225 S-3 4/9 reports patrol says they have VC on three sides of them. 78 2235 C/3/22 60-1 patrol at XS842846 ambushed and captured one sampan. 2 VC KIA (BC), captured with sampan 4 Chinese grenades, a map of area, 1 bag of rice, 1 VC flag, and some documents. 79 2340 Ref Item 72: VC continued to talk, said that a main force unit of 30 or more was in the area in which A-2 is now located. At 171700 Dec 66 and believes that force is still in the vicinity of hamlet 6 or 7 at Bat Phuoc (west of A-2). VC says force is armed with 2 60mm mortars, 1 Japanese 7.72 MG, 2 Chicom 7.52 MG and a variety of individual weapons. Rally point for all VC is Da Phouc, hamlet 6. CO of C48 receives his orders from Da Thong who lives in hamlet 6. Believed to be 40 years old. CO of C48 is Bau Dau. Instructions received regarding XMas Truce, to do no fighting during the truce. Soldiers would be given opportunity to visit families. 80 2350 Latest report on casualties: 8 WIA, 6 of those were evacuated, 2 were not serious. 2 KIA. The second of these was DOW. 82 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opn FAIRFAX (4/9 Inf) and LANIKAI (2/14 Inf) and conducts security opns at its fwd and rear bases. ASCC's remain established at Tan An, Ben Luc, Binh Chanh and Nha Be. 4/9 Inf continued construction of RF/PF outpost with Co B and C vic XS784775 and XS762784. Companies conducted platoon sweeps of assigned AO's with neg contact. 2/14 Inf conducted three platoon size CHECKMATES resulting in 2 suspects being screened and turned over to district at Ben Luc. Co B was lifted from Cu Chi into area XS743718 and made a sweep of the road north to Binh Chanh, neg contact. 3/22 Inf conducted two Eagle Flights into AO DOG. B/3/22 Inf went into LZ vic XS830803 conducted S&D vic of LZ and destroyed a platoon size VC base camp. At 1528 hrs company was engaged by an estimated VD Company. B Co remained in the operational area with light contact. 54th ARVN Airborne Co conducted Eagle Flights into XS830747 and XS825795 with neg contact.
PLANS SUMMARY: 1. 4/9 Inf Co A will conduct Eagle Flight to XS791805 where they will conduct a search of the obj. B Co will conduct a search of village XS800766. Co C will remain at their base dispatching one platoon around the base camp on local security opns. 3rd ARVN Airborne Bn will conduct S&D opns at Tan Nhut XS7083. 2. 2/14 Inf Co A will conduct a combined S&D opn with 1st Co. 1/50 Regt. Co A will move along an eastern axis to obj JUDY where both units will link up and conduct a search of the obj. Co B will remain at Cu Chi and ocntinue base camp defense. Co C provides security for forward base camp and reaction force for Co A. 3. 3/22 Inf Co A and B will cordon and seal off the hamlet of Phouc Loc XS8583. Co C remains OPCON of the 5th ARVN Bn and continue saturation patrolling in AO BEAR. 54th ARVN Airborne Bn will be a reaction force for Co's A & B. 4. 4/23 Inf remains attached to 2nd Bde.
1st Brigade, S3 (Rear)
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 18-Dec-66
2350 hrs C/4/9 ambush continued: Vic XT774804. 6 US WIA (2 serious) 2 ARVN WIA. 4 US dustoff, 2 ARVN. 1 VC KIA (BC), 1 Chicom carbine captured.
2/14 patrol (4/23) closed base camp.
12 0811 2/14 requested clearance to fire 106 recoilless rifle north of OP Ann Margaret. They are to make final coord with 4/23. 13 0830 2/14 will be firing 106 north of OP Ann Margaret from 0800 to 1000. 15 1251 B/2/14 closed base camp Cu Chi from Ben Luc. 24 2100 2/14 apprehended a civilian American in front of bunker line. He was fishing and slightly intoxicated. He works for 725th Maint Bn as a civilian. He was turned over to the MP. Location where individual was picked up XT664171. 25 2145 2/14 Rear reported movement, picked up by radar at XT665165. Will fire 81mm mortar and M-79 grenade round at location. From radar movement appears to be VC squad.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008