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Daily Staff Journal 17-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 1st Brigade S3 (rear) Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ (Cu Chi)
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 17-Dec-66
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
4/9 Inf reports B/4/9 patrol BARBARA loc vic XS799758 is receiving sporadic fire from unk nbr of VC. VC appear to be reconnoitering by fire in an attempt to draw out the patrol.
16 0805 C/4/9 patrol MARS loc vic XS772802 returning to base at 0800 hrs. One individual tripped booby-trap. 1 serious WIA, dustoff requested. XS772803. 17 0820 Ref Item 15: Request disapproved by Div, aircraft is inoperative. 18 0850 Ref Item 16: Casualty was an ARVN that has been working with C/4/9. Booby-trap was rigged to a gate and when the gate was closed the booby-trap went off and almost severed the casualty's leg. Dustoff was completed at 0825. Patrol was advised by 4/9 HQ to search tie immediate area and at 0845 the patrol rec'd 2 rds sniper fire. Attempting to locate the source of fire to call in Arty. 19 0855 Patrol BARBARA B/4/9 moved loc, the sporadic fire has subsided and patrol relocated vic XS801760. 24 0950 C/2/14 CHECKMATE opn changed from 171500 to 171630 hrs. 25 1000 Received report from 3/22 that an agent reported to District HQ at Nha Be indicating that 16 sampans loaded with VC rifles and AW moving from XS895757 south to XS903726. 26 1015 Patrol BARBARA B/4/9 rec'd SA fire. Fired mortars on suspect loc. Patrol will check area. XS802757. 27 1017 Rec'd report that prisoner picked up by 46th ARVN states that two additional munitions factories loc vic XS8973. 31 1130 B/4/9 patrol BARBARA brought 4 detainees back to B/4/9 base that were picked up vic XS801760. 33 1200 A/3/22 found 2 booby-traps vic XS895736, destroyed in place. 38 1250 B/3/22 vic XS835795 rec'd SA fire from north bank of river. Called Arty on VC loc. SA fire ceased at 1245 hrs. At 1305 hrs 1st platoon 3/22 reports 1 VC KIA (BC), 1 Chicom cal. unknown, vic XS835795. 39 1345 A/3/22 vic XS895739 at pagoda vic stream junction. Neg contact. Continuing search. At 1321 hrs B/3/22 captured a loudspeaker. At 1328 hrs 1st Plat B/3/22 reported 2 more VC KIA (BC) vic XS845797. 40 1400 A/3/22 found a concrete-lined hole 18 ft long x 10 ft wide with 60 blocks of explosives, 18 land mines, 1 box .30 Cal. ammo, 2 claymore mines with fuses vic XS896739. 45 1450 C/2/14 element vic XS672755 rec'd 4 rds SA fire, element trying to locate VC position. 46 1505 4/9 reported that a security element securing an Engr element rec'd several rds SA fire vic XS747813. 48 1530 FAC rec'd fire from vic 613883 while directing strike in that area. Strike made on that location and resulted in secondary explosion from 20mm. 50 1610 C/2/14 departed CHECKMATE ORANGE vic 672753 for fwd base. They have 4 children with them who have 4 bottles of streptomycin in their possession. They will be turned over to District. 51 1645 A/3/22 extraction, 1st lift completed 1626 hrs. 2nd lift completed 1635 hrs. 2nd lift rec'd SA fire from hut vic XS892743, gunship destroyed hut.` 54 1755 3/22 states EM was injured by falling down on board near mess hall. Investigation underway, EM evacuated by dustoff. 57 1915 C/2/14 patrol DRAGON P-2 departed for ambush vicXS634780 at 1630 hrs.
A/2/14 patrol DRAGON P-1 departed for ambush pos XS646765 at 1905 hrs.
A/4/9 patrol EAGLE departed for ambush vic XS717800 at 1805 hrs.
A/4/9 patrol HAWK departed for ambush vic XS726800 at 1730 hrs.
B/4/9 patrol SCOTCH departed for ambush vic XS780778 at 1915 hrs.
B/4/9 patrol BOURBON departed for ambush vic XS785778 at 1853 hrs.
C/4/9 patrol VENUS departed for ambush vic XS786804 at 1845 hrs.
C/4/9 patrol PLUTO departed for ambush vic XS784801 at 1900 hrs.65 2140 4/9 patrol VENUS executed ambush vic XS786804 on unk nbr of VC. Patrol rec'd rifle grenades and SA fire from 3 sides. 8 WIA (1 serious). Dustoff requested. Dustoff arrived 2158 yhrs, C/4/9 is securing LZ. Reaction force on way to location. 68 2218 Ref Item 65: Patrol initially saw 3 persons. Reaction force within 100 meters of patrol. G-3 duty officer informed unless Firefly can arrive on location NLT 2230 hrs to cancel the request. 71 2240 C/4/9 quick check of area reveals 1 VC KIA (BC). Further check to follow. 72 2250 4/9 dustoff complete. 2 litter, 4 ambulatory. 74 2315 Ref Item 65: C/4/9 further check of area found 1 Chicom carbine. Patrol VENUS relocated. 75 2325 Ref Item 65: C/4/9 reports 4 US and 2 PF/RF wounded in action. 77 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opn FAIRFAX (4/9 Inf and 3/22 Inf) and LANIKAI (2/14 Inf) and conducts security opn at its fwd and rear bases. ASCC's remain established at Tan An, Ben Luc, Binh Chanh and Nha Be. 4/9 continued construction of RF/PF outposts with Co B & C. 2/14 conducted base security opn and one assault vic XS673753. 4 suspects detained. B Co remains at Cu Chi and conducted ambush opn in the FILHOL Plantation. 3/22 Inf continued BUDDY opn with 5th ARVN Airborne Bn. Two Eagle flights were conducted. B/3/22 (1) and one platoon 54th ARVN Airborne Bn encountered sniper fire vic XS835795. Arty was called resulting in 3 VC KIA (BC) and capture of one Chicom carbine.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 will conduct no opn tomorrow. 2/14 Co A will dispatch one platoon along Route 1 to CHECKMATE red (XS638767). 3/22 Co A will conduct Eagle flights and S&D opn. Co C will continue saturation patrolling in AO LANIKAI.
1st Brigade, S3 (Rear)
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 17-Dec-66
2/14 assumed control of a platoon from 4/23.
15 1345 2/14 patrol (4/23) in position XT681166.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008