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Daily Staff Journal 16-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 16-Dec-66
3/22 checked village at XS912814, 2 detainees picked up.
54th ARVN Co made light contact on an Eagle Flight vic XS893739. Estimated VC platoon. An arms cache and munitions factory was located.
23 0930 C/2/14 found 2,000 lbs of rice in a deserted structure vic XS636788 and were instructed by District to bypass it, that it was not a VC rice cache. 2/14 MEDCAP opn underway vic XS625774. 28 1100 Patrol SHEEBA from C/4/9 detained 4 personnel vix XS762789, are being questioned at C Co CP by National Police. 29 1105 FAC (15) rec'd sporadic SA fire vic XS6587. 30 1110 3/22 requested EOD team to check ordnance captured and evac to Bn base. Div approved, aircraft will be dispatched from 3/22 to 2nd Bde fwd CP to pick up team. 32 1145 C/2/14 vic XS639765 picked up one detainee (male age 33) without identification, being brought to Bn base at Ben Luc for interrogation. MEDCAP Opn completed. 34 1215 Estimated 6 VC snipers firing from XS774801 into 3rd platoon C/4/9. Arty fired on VC position with 200 ft height of burst - if VC fire continues, will fire Arty on ground. 35 1242 Ref Item 30: Cache contained 60mm mortar rounds, claymore mines, facility for making grenades, 2 motors, bipod for 60mm mortar, 4 rifles, 2 pistols, all at XS893739. 36 1245 54th ARVN Airborne Bn captured 3 VCC at XS893739. 37 1245 Ref Item 34: C/4/9 checked area of suspected location of snipers, nothing was found 40 1325 5th ARVN Co discovered tunnels system vic XS897740. Tunnel and immediate area being searched. Tunnel system will be destroyed. 42 1350 At 1345 hrs Arty was fired on suspected VC platoon loc vic XS893739 and upon checking, the 54th Co, 5th ARVN Airborne found 2 VC KIA (BC). At 1347 hrs the 54th Co destroyed munitions factory vix XS893739. One 500 lb bomb destroyed in place. 44 1435 Immediate air strike requested on sampan vic XS602866 and immediate vic (1000 meter radius of coord), requested by Div G-3 Air, approved by Tan An TOC. 46 1530 Gunships took sampan loaded with boxes covered with tarp under fire vix XS902746. Results 2 VC KIA (BC), sampan sunk. 47 1545 3/22 reports that the 54th Co 5th ARVN Airborne, found 2 more VC bodies as a result of Arty fire vic 893739. 49 1620 C/4/9 detained 3 males and 1 female at XS762789, evac to C Co B/C, questioned and sent to Dist HQ. 50 1710 At 1500 hrs 54th Co, 5th ARVN Airborne, captured 3 VCC at B/C vic XS893739, VCC taken to 3/22 CIC Center for interrogation. 54 1825 C/4/9 captured 5 VCS vic XS750783 between 1430 & 1600. A/4/9 detained 9 VCS vic XS753778 between 1430 & 1600 hrs. At 1655 hrs A/4/9 found a pagoda vic XS751779. Indications were that several persons had been eating there recently. There were plates with fresh food. Pagoda was found by reinforced squad enroute to C Co's Base Camp. 59 2030 B/7/11 Arty rec'd unidentified explosion in front of bunker line, believed to be rifle grenade or 81mm mortar round. Neg casualties. 65 2137 C/4/9 with assistance of radar, spotted 2 persons vic coord XS756781. Checked with District Chief and received permission to fire 81mm mortars. 2 rds fired on target. 71 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues opns FAIRFAX (4/9 Inf and 3/22 Inf) and LANIKAI (2/14 Inf) and conducts security opns at its fwd bases. ASCC remain established at Tah An, Ben Luc, Binh Chnah and Nha Be. 4/9 Inf continues opns in assigned AO. Co C continues construction of RF/PF outpost vic XS784775, and sweeps of area and population contact. One platoon A/4/9 remains in support of 3rd ARVN Airborne Bn. 2/14 conducted S&D opns. 3/22 continues joint BUDDY opns with 3rd ARVN Airborne Bn. B/3/22 remained in B/C and prepared for night ambush patrols.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf: Co A will remain at B/C Binh Chanh for local security. Co B will continue construction of RF/PF outpost. 2/14 Inf: Co A will provide security for B/C Ben Luc. Co B remains at Cu Chi. Co C will conduct Eagle Flight CHECKMATE. 3/22 Inf: Co A will conduct local opns in AO COW. Co B will conduct Eagle Flights in AO DOG. Co C will continue saturation patrolling in AO BEAR. 54th ARVN will be reaction force for Co B.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 16-Dec-66
Capt Moore S-1 2/14 called in reference to Photographer and/or Writer to cover Change of Command Ceremony at Ben Luc 17 Dec 66. Request was fulfilled.
SUMMARY: Plans for Tomorrow: Bde XO and ADJ will go to forward area to attend change of command ceremony, 2/14, LTC Gillis takes command from LTC Davis. 4/23 change of command ceremony will be at 1430. LTC Williams takes command from LTC North.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008