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Daily Staff Journal 15-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 1st Brigade S3 (rear) Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ (Cu Chi)
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 15-Dec-66
B/3/22 plans for today (15 Dec) will be to circle off this village at XS895776. "B" will depart 0010 hrs and have village sealed off by 0400 hrs. S2 National Police will check at 0600 hrs.
Delayed Entry: C/2/14 got held up by scout dog at XS633765, and patrol will stay at that position at 2210 hrs.
7 0225 Ref Item 2: B/3/22 has village sealed off at this time. 10 0410 B/3/22 patrol 59 sprung ambush against another sampan. Sunk same. 2 VC KIA Hit with 2 rds M-79 and 2 burst of M-60 at XS888772. 14 0710 At 0640 patrol SUE at XS814762 sprung ambush. 3 VC KIA (BC), 1 captured. At 0640 patrol TERRY sprung ambush, 1 VC KIA (BC). Both patrols from B/4/9 Inf. 17 0800 Ref Item 14: Patrol TERRY from B/4/9 captured web equipment and ammo, but no weapons. 18 0810 Ref Item 14: Patrol SUE from B/4/9, captured VC stated that another VC was killed during the ambush, making a total of 3 VC KIA (BC). 20 0825 A/4/9 upon attempting air assault into vic XS775765 rec'd heavy AW and SA fire. Air assault was moved to west of objective. Co B/4/9 moving from base XS784775 to vic 778764 to flank VC element. Co A will go into LZ west of VC loc. Air strike approved for area north of 773764 and that vic. 30 1025 1 platoon C/4/9 accompanied by ARVN intel personnel moving to vic XS770765 to check on weapons cache and ammo. Info from Chieu Hoi questioned 14 Dec. 33 1050 The VC that was captured by patrol SUE from B/4/9 at 150640 hrs vic XS814762 states that he is a member of a VC company operating in the area vic B/4/9 base. Exact location and identify of VC company not known. VCC is being interrogated further at 4/9 fwd base. 34 1100 FAC reported air strike at vic XS643903 on south bank of canal was on 10 bunkers, 1 bunker destroyed, 1 damaged, 1 structure destroyed. Fighters rec'd moderate to heavy ground fire from AW's on first 3 passes. 1 fighter rec'd one hit by AW fire. There are still 20 bunkers and structures in this area. More strikes planned for this area. 35 1115 B/4/9 rec'd 2 serious WIA's, 1 slight WIA from booby-trap vic XS775764. Dustoff requested, LZ secure. 38 1200 C/4/9 reported the following equipment captured: 2 WP grenades, 45 Cal ammo (amount unk), one carbine clip and documents vic XS760780. 42 1345 C/4/9 with Chieu Hoi located medical supplies, a VC flag and unit flag vic XS760780, equipment being evacuated. 47 1515 B/3/22 picked up 6 draft dodgers vic village loc at XS895776. They were turned over to ARVN at Nha Be. 49 1555 A/4/9 picked up 3 detainees vic XS775764. Returned to Bn base at Binh Chanh and turned over to District Chief. 1 structure was destroyed with connecting tunnels at same loc. 69 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opn FAIRFAX (4/9 Inf and 3/22 Inf) and LANIKAI (2/14 Inf) and conducted security at its fwd and rear bases. Co B & C 4/9 Inf continued construction of RF/PF compounds vic XS762784 and XS784775. Population control and assistance and security of route 231 from Binh Chanh to the two baes. while elements of the 65th Engr Bn repair the road. B/4/9 Inf sprung two ambushes during the night resulting in 4 VC KIA (BC), 4 VC KIA (Poss) and one captured. A/4/9 Inf with one platoon B/4/9 conducted an Eagle Flight in an area vic XS7776. Aircraft drew heavy ground fire from vic XS775765 and aborted landing. One platoon from B/4/9 moved by foot to the west of the obj area wile one platoon landed just east of the objective. Units linked up and swept the obj area, XS774760. For a distance of approx 500 meters to the north. One platoon C/4/9 Inf moved from its base to vic XS760780 to check on reported VC arms cache. No weapons, but some equipment found. 2/14 Inf Bn and C Co continued to secure the base at Ben Luc. Co A conducted S&D opn vic XS643769. 3/22 Inf Bn continued opn in assigned AO. B Co with National Police and interrogation personnel from 5th ARVN Airborne Bn conducted a detailed search of the village vic XS885776. Draft dodgers were detained.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf: Co A will remain at Binh Chanh dispatching local patrols around base camp. Co B will continue company base construction and dispatch one patrol for local security during the day. Co C will conduct Eagle Flights to separate obj located XS790755 and XS837795. 2/14 Inf Bn continues base camp Development at Ben Luc. Co A will remain at Ben Luc as base security and reaction force for Co C. Co B remains at Cu Chi securing 1st Bde bunker line. Co C conducts S&D to obj COBRA XS635782 where a Company base will be established. Company will return to Ben Luc base by 1600 hrs. 3/22 Inf Bn: Co A will conduct Eagle Flights of opportunity in AO RAT vic XS8975. Co B will continue to seal off village at XS895776 and search it. Co C will conduct night ambushes.
1st Brigade, S3 (Rear)
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 15-Dec-66
2/14 patrol in position.
12 0820 2/14 patrol closed Cu Chi B/C at 0810. 14 0940 2/14 requested clearance to fire 106 recoilless rifle and 60mm mortars in grid square 6618 at 1500 hrs 15 Dec 66. Coordinated with 4/23. Request disapproved by 3/4 Cav who has operation in FILHOL. Sgt Whitman notified 2/14 TOC. 15 1130 Rec'd call from Cpt Steinig (G-3 Plans) giving us an allocation for orientation on new mines to be conducted at II FFORCEV on 16 Dec 66. Lt Crafton 2/14 was selected to attend. Transportation provided by Div Avn. Will depart Div Helipad at 0930 16 Dec 66. 17 1800 2/14 given mission to leave ambush patrol in Plantation during the day tomorrow to be picked up by 3/4 Cav.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008