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Daily Staff Journal 14-Dec-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ 1st Brigade S3 (rear) Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ (Cu Chi)
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Ben Luc, Vietnam
0001-2400 14-Dec-66
A/3/22 61 patrol receiving sniper fire from est VC platoon with variety of weapons to include .50 Cal. MG. Patrol is still observing fire discipline, defensive Arty is being fired. Loc 836797.
Initial log entries contain hourly sit/rep, no change.
18 0725 C/2/14 convoy departed Cu Chi for Ben Luc. 26 1008 Convoy with C/2/14 closed Ben Luc 1005 hrs. 27 1020 At 1120 hrs C/4/9 picked up 3 detainees vic XS758775, being interrogated at this time. 31 1305 B/4/9 rec'd sniper and AW fire from unknown nbr of VC vic 784774. Presently maneuvering elements against VC locations. 33 1330 3rd platoon A/3/22 made contact with undetermined nbr of VC vic XS869767. Further info to follow. 1340 hrs rec'd SA and AW fire from 5 positions. 34 1400 3rd platoon A/3/22 brought Arty on VC positions vic XS869767, element maneuvering in under Arty fire. 36 1450 Ref Item 31: B/4/9 rec'd 3 slight WIA's as a result of SA and AW fire vic B/4/9 base coord XS784774. WIA's were evac to Bn fwd base then to Saigon by dustoff at 1450 hrs. 38 1520 Ref Item 33/34: At 1509 hrs a secondary explosion was observed as a result of Arty fire, type of explosion unk. Yellow smoke was seen as a result of encounter, 2 VC KIA (BC), 1 submachine bun and 1 M-1 rifle captured. One US slight WIA, did not require evac. Unit still searching area but are not engaged at this time. 41 1745 Resupply aircraft at 1610 observed 3 VC with weapons, took them under fire with Arty. Possible 1 VC KIA. One platoon from B/4/9 was dispatched to area but did not find anything. Coord XS795767. 65 2300 B/3/22 patrol 59 sprung ambush on sampan XS888772, 2 VC KIA (Poss). Will attempt to recover sampan. 70 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI and conducts security opns at its fwd and rear bases. Co C and B 4/9 are constructing RF/PF compounds, engaging in population control and assistance and securing route 231 from Binh Chanh to the two bases while 65th Engr repair the road. C/2/14 arrived Ben Luc to operate in AO LANIKAI. 3/22 conducting wide-ranging BUDDY opns in assigned AO's. Co A/3/22 came under fire near LZ XS869767 from unk number of VC and fired Arty on two suspected VC locations, resulting in 2 VC KIA (BC), captured 1 M-1 rifle and one SMG. Co C 3/22 is in support of 5th ARVN Airborne Bn.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 continue opn FAIRFAX. Co A will conduct Eagle Flights. Co B & C continue construction of RF/PF company bases. 2/14 continue base camp development at Ben Luc. Co A to conduct S&D opns in Obj BAMBOO. Co C provides security for fwd base camp, 3/22 Inf continues opn FAIRFAX. A Co continue with Eagle Flights of opportunity in AO RAT. Co C will remain OPCON to 5th ARVN Airborne Bn.
1st Brigade, S3 (Rear)
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 14-Dec-66
2/14 convoy departed Base Camp for Ben Luc at 0715 hrs. B/2/14 patrol departed ambush position vic XT690170 at 0700, coming to base camp.
12 0952 2/14 patrol closed B/C from ambush site. 14 1010 2/14 convoy closed Ben Luc from Cu Chi at 1005.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 14-Dec-66
Bde Adj called Maj Whitener, 2/14 Fwd to inform him that they are getting a new Captain, and also for the 2/14 to give Division 1 Captain to command Div HQs Co. Adj also informed Maj Whitener that Col Compton would like Capt Patton to work in G-3.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008