Daily Staff Journal  08-Dec-66


Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.


1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ


1st Brigade,  S2-S3
Location:  Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400  8-Dec-66







Recon platoon 4/9 ORCHARD executed ambush using a claymore weapon and SA against 5 VC vic XS709784; results unk.  Area will be checked in morning.  Patrol relocated to vic XS715792.



Ref Item 2:  Recon 4/9 checked area, nothing found.

30 0855 2/14 will fire 81mm mortars in grid squares XT6616 and XT6716 at 0900.
32 0929 Two vehicles of 4/9 Inf in 4/23 convoy had an accident vic XS791896 at 0900.  3 WIA (4/9).  Dustoff completed.
33 0943 2/14 will conduct marksmanship firing on 4/9 range from 0945 to 1200.
34 0955 2nd platoon A/4/9 operating in area Y vic XS720785 closed fwd base area at 0950.  Unit picked up 11 detainees (9 male, 2 female) at above area which were turned over to local authorities.
69 2400 SUMMARY:  1st Bde continued opns FAIRFAX and LANIKAI and continued security and ambush opns in its forward and rear base areas.  4/9 Inf continued FAIRFAX with a S&D BUDDY opn in vic XS7678, XS8179, XS7278.  Co A and B returned to Bn base camp at Binh Chanh.  Co C remained vic XS762784.  2/14 Inf conducted (Co B) one S&D opn in the FILHOL Plantation vic XT6718, and conducted security and ambush opn in the Cu Chi base area.  4/23 Inf continued opn LANIKAI with Co B in AO Bear, conducting S&D BUDDY and ambush opn vic XS6574.  Development of 4/9 Inf base at Binh Chanh continues at Tan An, Ben Luc and Binh Chanh.
PLANS SUMMARY:  4/9 Inf Bn will continue FAIRFAX.  Separate company BUDDY opn will be conducted with Co A vic XS7580, and Co C vic XS7678.  2/14 Inf Bn will prepare for movement to Ben Luc.  4/23 Inf Bn will prepare for movement to Cu Chi.  B will return to Cu Chi on 9 Dec 66.



2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment:  Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 17, 2008