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Daily Staff Journal 22-Nov-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 22-Nov-66
S3 4/9 informed this HQs that EOD team would blow duds at Ann Margaret vic XT662170. There will be (2) shots of 1000 lbs each.
B/4/9 destroyed 4 foxholes at XT700112.
15 0910 B/4/9 located extensive tunnel complex at XT694115. Company is continuing search of area, tunnel complex will be destroyed. 23 1050 B/4/9 found 1 can of rice and 1 can of documents at 1005 hrs, vic XT696121. Items will be evacuated. Numerous tunnels in area, being searched, when search is complete tunnels will be destroyed. 25 1105 B/4/9 located and destroyed (1) booby-trap at XT692123. 29 1250 Ref Item 23: Rice was in a .50 cal. ammo can and weighed approx 5 lbs. The documents were in a .30 cal. ammo can. Rice was destroyed. At the same time 3 empty 30 cal. ammo cans and several pots and pans and one article of clothing (jacket) was found. The empty ammo cans and pots and pans were destroyed. The documents and the piece of clothing will be evac. 31 1305 B/4/9 located tunnel approx 15 feet in length running in a northwest direction vic XT691121, destroyed. 35 1440 B/4/9 located 10 ft tunnel running northwest vic XT680133. Will be destroyed. 38 1505 B/4/9 located old tunnel approx 5 meters long running southwest vic XT675131. Destroyed. 41 1545 Summary of A/4/9 operation: A/4/9 departed Cu Chi at 0815 and arrived Binh Chanh at 1025. Began search at 1050 and was at weapon cache site XS733815 at 1115. No weapons found. At 1130 unit picked up 2 detainees vic XS733815 who were turned over to District Chief. At 1145 hours unit observed a cap floating down river vic XS732813. Investigation found a VN walking in creek with his nose up in the cap. This individual was also turned over to the District Chief. Informant also stated that there was a command detonated 105mm dud vic XS7380 and a VC mortar position vic XS728802. Local CIC are checking these locations. Unit closed Cu Chi base camp at 1430 hours. 71 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued Opn LANIKAI in Long An Province, conducted combat opn in Hau Nghia Province and conducted local security Opn in the 2nd Bde area of the Cu Chi base camp. 4/9 Inf conducted S&D Opn with Co B in objective area. No significant contact was made. The unit returned to Cu Chi base camp at 1015 hrs leaving a stay-behind ambush. Two platoon Company A conducted S&D BUDDY Opn in Gia Dinh Province and returned to Cu Chi base closing at 1430 hrs. 2/14 Inf remained attached to 2nd Bde. 4/23 Inf conducted S&D BUDDY Opn in Long An Province. Co C conducted a BUDDY Opn vic XS6578 and will leave a stay-behind ambush vic XS658791. ASCC's remain established at Tan An and Binh Chanh. Five USAF/VNAF CAS missions were flown in support of base security operations.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/23 Inf Bn will continue LANIKAI in Long An Province with a S&D BUDDY Opn. Co B and 3/50 ARVN will move out at 230600 hrs. 3/50 ARVN will occupy blocking positions with one Co vic XS649725 and one Co vic XS650730. Co B will conduct S&D Opn vic XS646715. Co A will be provided OPCON 3/4 Cav for S&D Opn in Hau Nghia Province. 2/14 Inf remains attached to 2nd Bde. 4/9 Inf will conduct base security and ambush patrols.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 15, 2008