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Daily Staff Journal 02-Nov-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 2-Nov-66
2/14 reports 6 VC KIA (Poss) Ref Log 70 01-Nov-66. Also reports (3) VC moved to the west into 4/23 area vic 658176. Notified 4/23, they are searching with their radar.
2/14 patrols closed fwd base.
23 0910 A/2/14 destroyed (1) 105mm Arty round XT683173. 29 1128 2/14 reports Cav platoon and Recon platoon closed Ann Margaret. 34 1310 A/2/14 located tunnel at XT650168, tunnel is double layer and has wooden doors. 37 1415 Delayed Entry: B/4/9 captured 1 VCC from 312th Co vic XS636791, still under investigation. 38 1505 Ref Entry 34: Found 3 rifle grenades, 15 rds S/A ammo, 1 entrenching tool, 1 AT mine and a tunnel 90 ft long. 42 1615 2/14 informed that one company 1/5 Mech and one troop 3/4 Cav will pass through Ann Margaret beginning 030615. 2/14 relieved of Tay Ninh continuing mission 030600. 43 1616 4/9 informed to assume Tay Ninh contingency mission 030600. 57 2100 C/4/9 fwd BUSHMASTER Opn picked up one VCS vic 642769 CP #1 A.T. plat was sent out to bring VCS back to base. Being interrogated. BUSHMASTER in position. 58 2105 A/4/9 patrol spotted lights which reflect possible VC activity vic 666135 in 3/4 Cav area, coordinating with 3/4 Cav to fire Arty at location of activity. Results unk. 63 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continues Opns LANIKAI & KALIHI. 4/9 Inf continued LANIKAI with a BUSHMASTER Opn with plat from C Co vic XS650780. 2/14 Inf continued KALIHI with S&D and ambush vic 6817 (Co A) and established overnight base XT685170. C/4/23 moved to Ben Luc closing at 1020 hrs for introduction to LANIKAI under OPCON of 4/9 Inf. B (-) continues to prepare for movement to Ben Luc. Two USAF CAS missions were flown in support of opn KALIHI resulting in 3 VC KIA (Poss), 1 sampan, 10 structures, 1 barge destroyed and a secondary fire.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 2-Nov-66
Rec delayed Cas Rept Battle WIA. B 2/14
Jones, Robert W. SP4 E4
310930 Oct 66. XT696174. Fragment wound left elbow, right and left knee. S&D mission, hit by fragment from enemy rifle grenade.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 13, 2008