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Daily Staff Journal 01-Nov-66 |
Daily Staff Journals maintained by 1st Brigade
Thanks to Matt Vuolo for obtaining and sharing this report.
1st Brigade S-1 Casualty Reports, Officer Transfers 1st Brigade S2-S3 Daily Action reported to Brigade HQ
1st Brigade, S2-S3
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 1-Nov-66
4/9 plat fwd picked up 3 personnel (2 male, 1 female) vic XS625764. Female stated she was a midwife and that the 2 males were escorting her. None had identification, turned over to MI for interrogation. G3 interrogated and turned them loose.`
2/14 was notified 3/4 Cav will fire tanks from 4/23 bunker line at 0900.
23 0920 A/2/14 operations for 01 Nov 66: At 0830 patrols out (1) XT693170 (2) XT694165 (3) XT693161 (4) XT690167. At 1315 patrols will move to (1) 686170 (2) 690171 (3) 690163 (4) 690162. At 0900 Recon and Attached 3/4 Cav element conduct sweep to NW 1500m and return. In afternoon Recon and 3/4 Cav sweep 1000m due north and return. 24 0920 0825 1st lift B/4/9 on LZ neg contact, 0838 lift into LZ #2 neg contact. Searched 7 small sampans, 2 med sized sampans, and 1 barge. Have 9 detainees (males) for clearing by National Police. 26 0935 B/4/9 searched 13 small sampans, 4 med sampans and 3 barges. No VC equip found. 16 males to be cleared by National Police. 30 1100 B/4/9 fwd found medium-size cache XS637793, will evacuate. 31 1120 A/2/14 Recon destroyed (1) 105mm dud at XT681172. 35 1345 Letter from 2/14 requesting construction of perimeter tower dated 30 Oct 66. 39 1420 B/4/9 found in a house bottles of penicillin and streptomycin, 100 ampoules of sterile water, 2 bags of pills, 4 syringes, 3 small boxes of pills. Total of 6 individuals, detained, and are currently being interrogated at Ben Luc. 42 1526 Msg from G3 (Maj Ching) warning order, be prepared to move 1 company on 30 min notice to Tay Ninh and Bn HQ's and 1 company on 2 hours notice. (Maintain perimeter defense). 45 1535 Asst S-2 A/B requested FAC be dispatched to vic 7516 & 7517 to observe sampans which fled from the canals and streams leading into mainstream after fire mission was called in that general area. 46 1600 A/2/14 loc 691163 will remain in that location for night defense. 47 1620 2/14 has been given mission Ref Item 42. 48 1625 Ref 4 squad-sized ambush patrols from A/2/14 fwd. They pulled in at 1520 hrs, and Co CP relocated (691163), ambush patrols will be sent out from this loc coord not known at this time. 49 1630 C/4/9 is at obj, 15 detainees have been picked up, 3 questioned and released. 12 still being questioned. 70 2345 2/14 reports radar picked up (5) persons XT659171. A few minutes later picked up (2) more same vic. (2) moved to link up with (5). (7) moved to XT661171. Firing M-79's. 73 2400 SUMMARY: 1st Bde continued Opns LANIKAI (4/9 Inf) and KALIHI (2/14 & 4/23 INf). $/9 Inf conducted CHEDKMATE BUDDY Opn with B/4/9 elements of 3/50 RVN vic XS631790 & XS649801. C/4/9 initiated BUSHMASTER Opn vic XS650780. 2/14 conducted S&D & ambush opns vic XT6816 & XT6817. 4/23 conducted ambush patrols & preparation for movement to Long An Province.
PLANS SUMMARY: 4/9 Inf Bn will continue BUSHMASTER Opns vic XS641779. 2/14 Inf Bn will continue saturation ambush and S&D Opns in FILHOL Plantation. 4/23 Inf will commence movement to Long An Province.
1st Brigade, S-1
Location: Cu Chi, Vietnam
0001-2400 1-Nov-66
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. B 2/14
Bryant, Arthur R. PFC E3
300930 Oct 66. XT696174. Fragment wound right ear. S&D mission, enemy grenade.4
Rec Cas Rept Battle WIA. B 2/14
Davis, Thomas SGT E5
310910 Oct 66. XT696174. Fragment wound right buttocks. S&D mission, hit by enemy rifle grenade frags.
2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment: Daily Staff Journals
Copyright © 2008 Kirk S. Ramsey
Last modified: March 13, 2008